CSMS# 14-000492 - Scheduled Weekly ACE Certification Outage for September 10, 2014
U.S. Customs and Border Protection sent this bulletin at 09/09/2014 10:24 AM EDTYou are subscribed to ACE Portal Accounts for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
09/09/2014 11:10 AM EDT
ACE Portal Accounts
REMINDER: On Wednesday, September 10, 2014, CBP will have the scheduled weekly outage to ACE CERTIFICATION from 0600 EST – 1930 EST. A CSMS message will be sent once ACE CERTIFICATION is available.
Please Note: ACE CERTIFICATION is the testing environment used by trade software developers. If you are not developing or testing software, this outage does not apply to you.
ACE Production will not be impacted.
The following fixes will impact filers and carriers:
ACE_CR_4198 - A change to allow a user/broker the ability to specify a foreign address (Mailing and Physical) via both EDI and Portal when creating an Importer profile (not just a US address).
ACE_CR_4205 - A change to return the CBP Team Number assigned to an ACE entry summary in the outbound AX transaction.
ACE_IR_1927 - Fixes a problem where a 'CENWRN' 'sign-post' E0-Record is not returned in an AX Entry Summary Create/Update response transaction when a problem is encountered on an input CW02-Record.
ACE_PR_44873 - Fixes the text of output condition X04 to read 'TRANSACTION DETAIL MISSING'.
ACE_PR_48737 - Fixes a problem where a Batch Sequence Number is not consistently generated and returned in a sea/rail outbound manifest message.
REMINDER: On Wednesday, September 10, 2014, CBP will have the scheduled weekly outage to ACE CERTIFICATION from 0600 EST – 1930 EST. A CSMS message will be sent once ACE CERTIFICATION is available.
Please Note: ACE CERTIFICATION is the testing environment used by trade software developers. If you are not developing or testing software, this outage does not apply to you.
ACE Production will not be impacted.
The following fixes will impact filers and carriers:
ACE_CR_4198 - A change to allow a user/broker the ability to specify a foreign address (Mailing and Physical) via both EDI and Portal when creating an Importer profile (not just a US address).
ACE_CR_4205 - A change to return the CBP Team Number assigned to an ACE entry summary in the outbound AX transaction.
ACE_IR_1927 - Fixes a problem where a 'CENWRN' 'sign-post' E0-Record is not returned in an AX Entry Summary Create/Update response transaction when a problem is encountered on an input CW02-Record.
ACE_PR_44873 - Fixes the text of output condition X04 to read 'TRANSACTION DETAIL MISSING'.
ACE_PR_48737 - Fixes a problem where a Batch Sequence Number is not consistently generated and returned in a sea/rail outbound manifest message.