CSMS# 19-000203 - Reminders: Reconciliation Policy and Processing

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04/18/2019 01:27 PM EDT

Trade Policy Updates

CBP is issuing the following reminders regarding Reconciliation processing based on recent questions received.

No Change Reconciliation filing

The Entry-by-Entry method will not be allowed if there are no changes to any of the flagged entries.

Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Recon filing

Per Federal Register Notice (FRN) 89486 dated December 12, 2016, reconciliation entries claiming preferential tariff treatment pursuant to a FTA post importation claim must include electronic certifications of the statements and declarations required by regulation.

If an entry is flagged for a FTA reconciliation, no individual 520(d) claim on the underlying entry will be allowed. The filing of a reconciliation entry will be the only option to make a claim under 1520(d) after flagging the underlying entry.

Double Flagging

If an underlying entry is flagged for both FTA and “OTHER” CBP recommends that the FTA Reconciliation be filed before the “OTHER” Reconciliation so the Special Program Indicator (SPI) can be established.


It is recommended that filers use ACE reports to ensure underlying entries intended to be flagged were in fact flagged.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an email to OT-RECONFOLDER@CBP.DHS.GOV, Commercial Operations, Revenue and Entry Division, Office of Trade.