CSMS# 18-000203 - Validation of AES X12 Commodity Filing Response Message 007

You are subscribed to Export for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

03/08/2018 10:28 AM EST


ACE Electronic Export Information (AES) is now correctly validating for AESTIR commodity filing error message ā€œ007 HEADER FILER ID TYPE MUST BE E OR Dā€ in the X12 messages. Software vendors should update their software to send the correct value of the FilerID type: X.12 Segment ID/Data Elements: ISA05 : 01 (D), 24 (E).

For additional format details please refer to the ANSI X-12: 601 Export Shipment Information or CBP Proprietary Format. You may test your Electronic Export Information (EEI) in the certification environment.


NOTE: AESTIR Commodity Filing response message 007 is not a new validation rule. EEI messages transmitted in CBP Proprietary Format (Proprietary Record ID/Data Elements: Input A Record/ Filer ID Type) were and continue to be validated against the business rule ā€˜007 HEADER FILER ID TYPE MUST BE E OR Dā€™.

Please contact your assigned Client Representative if you have any questions.