CSMS# 16-000167 - ACE CERTIFICATION deployment, Sat. March 5,2016 @1300ET, impact ACE CargoRel & EntrySumm

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03/04/2016 01:28 PM EST

Automated Broker Interface

Please be advised that there will be an ACE CERTIFICATION deployment on Saturday afternoon, March 5, 2016, starting at 1300 ET.

The deployment is expected to take approximately 30 minutes, and will impact ACE Cargo Release and ACE Entry Summary processing.

To be deployed:

PGA (ACE Entry Summary)


• PGAD-9829 BUG- Entries that did not successfully process review events from FDA

In the scenarios identified, trade submitted AE to SE and then an AE to ACS and then another AE to SE. This caused an issue with the review event processing from FDA.

• PGAD-9828 BUG- UC messages do not all say MAY PROCEED as they should and UC messages are going out for disclaimed PGA lines

In the scenarios identified:

(1) All SO70 messages should have entry level status of MAY PROCEED when the PGA lines are NOT disclaimed

(2) UC message should NOT go out for Disclaimed PGA lines

• PGAD-9827 BUG- PO messages not going out

In the scenarios identified Trade received a PX response, but no PO's

• PGAD-9386 BUG- SO70 Message results are not ordered by Agency & PGA line number

The SO70 line numbers were presented out of order in the initial Bucket 2 generated SO70 message