CSMS# 15-000743 - Post-Summary Correction where AD/CVD Duty is Due

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10/05/2015 02:17 PM EDT

Automated Broker Interface

This is an important reminder to all importers and brokers that an importer of record must deposit estimated Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) at the time a Post-Summary Correction (PSC) or Post-Entry Amendment (PEA) is filed when the PSC/PEA is submitted to amend the following:

• An entry type 01 is changed to correctly identify the AD/CVD entry type 03;

• A change/correction is made to an entry type 03 that results in additional AD/CVD being owed.

The importer’s failure to deposit AD/CVD may result in a claim for liquidated damages.

For further information, see the Federal Register notices for PEAs and PSCs published at 76 FR 37136, June 24, 2011 (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-06-24/pdf/2011-15834.pdf).