March 2024
Latest News
ED Opens Applications for K-12 Mental Health Programs to Increase Mental Health Providers in Schools The U.S. Department of Education (ED) opened applications for the School-Based Mental Health Services and Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration grant competitions to help bolster the pipeline of mental health professionals serving in K-12 schools and expand student access to school-based mental health services and supports. These two programs will help schools raise the bar for student mental health by recruiting, preparing, hiring, and retaining diverse and highly qualified school-based mental health providers, including in underserved communities where access to mental health services can be limited.
New Data on Bullying Rates at School The National Center for Education Statistics released a new report focusing on bullying victimization at school. These findings were derived from the School Crime Supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which collects data on bullying through a nationally representative sample of students ages 12-18 who were enrolled in grades 6-12 in public and private schools. According to the data, approximately 19 percent of students reported being bullied during the 2021-22 school year. Among students who reported being bullied, 14 percent of males and 28 percent of females reported being bullied online or by text.
HHS Announces $36.9 Million in Behavioral Health Funding Opportunities The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, announced $36.9 million in notices of funding opportunities for grant programs supporting behavioral health services. These grant programs, which strive to address the overdose and mental health crises in the U.S., include the Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis and the Statewide Family Network Program.
CDC Study Explores Factors Driving Teen Substance Use A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report presents data from 15,963 health assessments of 13- to 18-year-olds evaluated for substance use disorder treatment between 2014 and 2022. Among those assessed, the most commonly reported reasons for substance use included seeking to feel mellow or calm, experimentation, and other stress-related motivations. These findings suggest that interventions related to reducing stress and addressing mental health concerns might reduce these leading motivations for substance use among adolescents.
Get the Facts: Participate in National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® School communities are invited to participate in National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) from March 18-24. This annual health observance aims to inspire discussion about the science of youth drug and alcohol use. Find specific activity ideas for NDAFW, and explore substance use resources on to foster conversation in and out of the classroom about the realities of underage drinking and drug use.
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Grants and Funding Opportunities
March Deadlines
April Deadlines
May Deadlines
Informational Webinars on Funding Opportunities
Visit the Grants Finder Tool for additional school safety-related funding opportunities.
Events, Webinars, and Conferences
Bullying Prevention in Elementary and Middle School: Foundations and Student Ownership (March 20) – This online session, hosted by the Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center, will provide information on school readiness for bullying prevention, what staff and students can do to create a safe school climate, and how school members can teach and reinforce prosocial behaviors.
Suicide Prevention for Youth and Teens (March 20) – This webinar, hosted by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, will provide current information on research and trends related to suicide among youth and teenagers in the United States. It will help adults working with youth identify signs of suicidal ideation, discuss how to provide effective mental health care to at-risk youth, and provide strategies for suicide prevention and intervention.
K-12 School Safety Funding Opportunities (March 26) – This virtual training event, hosted by the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse, will provide information on federal school safety grants available to the K-12 community. Presenters will discuss open and upcoming funding opportunities from the U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Justice.
Preventing Mass Attacks in Our Communities (April 4, June 5, August 7) – These virtual training events, hosted by the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), will cover important findings from NTAC’s research on mass attacks perpetrated in public and semi-public spaces, including businesses, restaurants, bars, retail outlets, houses of worship, schools, open spaces, and more. This training will provide guidance on how communities may develop or improve existing violence prevention programs utilizing a behavioral threat assessment model.
Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment (May 8, July 11, September 12) – These virtual training events, hosted by NTAC, will highlight key findings and implications of NTAC’s research on school violence prevention. Attendees will learn about the background, thinking, and behavior of school attackers and how some schools discovered and stopped plots before violence occurred. This training will also provide guidance on how schools may develop or improve existing violence prevention programs utilizing a behavioral threat assessment model.
Visit the Events Page for additional school safety-related webinars, conferences, and more.
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School Safety Resources
Mental Health Resources
Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention This resource provides a thorough plan for school districts to implement suicide prevention policies in their community. It includes specific, actionable steps to support school personnel; sample language for student handbooks; suggestions for involving parents and guardians in suicide prevention; and guidance for addressing in-school suicide attempts.
Suite of Resources to Promote Student Mental Health This suite of resources can help state and local education agencies develop and sustain school mental health programs that improve the mental and behavioral well-being of all students. These resources include data on the prevalence of common behavioral health issues along with information and customizable tools to promote student mental health.
School Climate Resources
Guiding Principles for Creating Safe, Inclusive, Supportive, and Fair School Climates This resource provides guidance on how to maintain safe, inclusive, supportive, and fair learning environments for students and school staff and includes specific recommendations for evidence-based practices to give students what they need to learn and grow.
Introduction to Restorative Practices: An Equitable Approach This guide provides an overview of the restorative practices approach and offers recommendations and resources to help schools adopt equity-based restorative practices to build relationships and resolve conflict.
School Climate Surveys These adaptable surveys and associated web-based platform allows states, local districts, and schools to collect and act on reliable, nationally-validated school climate data in real-time.
Additional School Safety Resources
Bomb Threat Resources This webpage provides information on products, training offerings, and resources that help with preparation and response options in the event of a bomb threat.
Guiding Principles for School Resource Officer Programs This guide provides a set of guiding principles and considerations related to school resource officer (SRO) programs implementation and school-based policing. The principles in this document are offered as a guide to those jurisdictions that have opted to implement an SRO program to ensure that the presence of law enforcement in schools is as beneficial as possible and to avoid harmful impacts on students and the learning environment.
Visit for additional resources to support school safety and security efforts.
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