July 2023 School Safety Community Bulletin: Events, Opportunities, and Resources

School Safety Events and Opportunities

July 2023

Latest News

SchoolSafety.gov Offers ‘Tools to Get Started’ to Create a Comprehensive School Safety Program
K-12 leaders, school staff, and safety and security professionals can utilize a variety of tools on SchoolSafety.gov to help prepare for the upcoming school year and create a comprehensive school safety program that fits the needs of their community. Through the site, school and district personnel can connect with specific resources and guidance, locate state and regional school safety programs, and prioritize school safety actions. School staff can also learn about and access federal school safety funding opportunities and grant programs through the SchoolSafety.gov Grants Finder Tool, which includes an option to sign up for email alerts and notifications on newly released school safety funding opportunities throughout the year.

HHS Awards $31.5 Million in Behavioral Health Grants for Children, Youth, and Young Adults
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, recently announced the award of $31.5 million in behavioral health grants for children, youth, and young adults. Funds will help to address social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral aspects of youth development; interventions for youth and young adults at high risk of psychosis; and treatment, early intervention, and recovery support services for adolescents and young adults with substance use disorders.

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Solicitations Released
The U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) released the FY23 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program state and local solicitations. These grants provide critical funding to state and local governments to support a range of programs including law enforcement, crime prevention and education, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, planning, evaluation and technology improvement, mental health programs, and related law enforcement and corrections programs. Learn more about the state solicitation here, and the local solicitation here.

ED, HHS Take Additional Actions to Address Mental Health Needs of Students and Make Communities Safer
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) and HHS sent a joint letter to governors highlighting resources to help states, communities, and schools support students’ mental health and well-being, particularly students impacted by gun violence. The letter highlights ED’s and HHS’s investments and efforts to expand and improve school-based mental health services and supports, prepare and train school personnel and others to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health impacts, and promote a safe and supportive school climate.

DOE Announces $178 Million to Improve Health and Safety and Lower Energy Costs at K-12 Schools
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the first round of selectees for the Renew America's Schools grant program, a competitive award that will support the implementation of energy improvements in K-12 schools. Selectees will share in approximately $178 million of funding, enabling them to pursue diverse projects to lower energy costs and emissions and create healthier, safer, and more supportive learning environments in their schools. DOE anticipates releasing a second round of funding in Spring 2024.

Upcoming Events and Opportunities

Grants and Funding Opportunities

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program – Local Solicitation (Deadline: August 24)

Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program – State Solicitation (Deadline: August 29)

Project SERV (Ongoing)

Visit the SchoolSafety.gov Grants Finder Tool for additional school safety-related funding opportunities.

Events, Webinars, and Conferences

STOP School Violence National Conference (August 8-10)This in-person conference, hosted by the National Center for School Safety and BJA in Richmond, Virginia, will provide sessions, panel discussions, and networking opportunities for attendees to gain practical knowledge, share successes, and learn innovative ways to improve school safety. The event is geared toward BJA STOP grantees but is open to all K-12 school safety teams, community partners, and collaborators. Registration closes on July 30.

School Mental Health Virtual Learning Series (August 8 & September 12) – This webinar series, hosted by the Central East Mental Health Technology Transfer Center in collaboration with the National Center for School Mental Health, focuses on advancing high quality, sustainable school mental health from a multitiered system of support, trauma sensitive, and culturally responsive and equitable lens. Upcoming events in the series include:

National Student Privacy and Data Security Summer Webinar Series: Data Security and Data Breach Incident Response (August 23) – These sessions, part of a Summer Webinar Series hosted by ED’s Student Privacy Policy Office, will provide training on current data security best practices for education data systems, including user privacy and security awareness, privacy and security program development. The event will also lead participants through a simulated data breach.

Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment (August 24) – This virtual training, hosted by the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center, will highlight key findings and implications from decades of research on school violence. Presenters will discuss the backgrounds, thinking, and behaviors of school attackers and how some schools have discovered and stopped plots before violence occurred.

Visit the SchoolSafety.gov Events Page for additional school safety-related webinars, conferences, and more.

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School Safety Resources

Emergency Planning Resources

Emergency Exercises: An Effective Way to Practice and Validate Emergency Operations Plans
This fact sheet provides information on the types and benefits of emergency exercises, developing an effective emergency exercise program, post-exercise evaluations, obtaining stakeholder buy-in, and resources for emergency exercises. It also includes a case study on emergency exercises.

School Safety Communications Planning Guide
This guide is intended to help school leaders strategize sharing school safety-related initiatives and news with their networks. It includes quick tips, resources, and actionable steps to help school personnel develop, implement, and assess comprehensive school safety communications plans.

Additional School Safety Resources

Safe Storage Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides information on the safe storage of firearms at home.

School Health Index
This online self-evaluation and planning tool enables schools to identify strengths and weaknesses of health and safety policies and programs, develop an action plan for improving student health, and engage teachers, parents, students, and the community in promoting health-enhancing behaviors and better health.

White House Toolkit: Federal Resources for Addressing School Infrastructure Needs
This toolkit reviews the federal resources and funds related to school infrastructure that can support state educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools. It offers sources of live technical support from federal agencies, key technical guides, and financial resources, including those for indoor air quality, lead removal, and energy efficiency.

Visit SchoolSafety.gov for additional resources to support school safety and security efforts.

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If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future newsletters, please contact us at SchoolSafety@hq.dhs.gov. Follow @SchoolSafetyGov on Twitter for additional school safety updates.

SchoolSafety.gov Disclaimer
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of Education (ED), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) do not endorse any individual, enterprise, product, or service. DHS, ED, DOJ, and HHS do not mandate or prescribe practices, models, or other activities described in this communication. DHS, ED, DOJ, and HHS do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any information outside of those respective Departments, and the opinions expressed in any of these materials do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of DHS, ED, DOJ, and HHS.