ORE Research Grantee Spotlight – Drew University
ORE Community Conversations Participatory Action Research (PAR) awardees at Drew University and Associate Professors of Sociology, Dr. Kesha Moore and Dr. Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom assembled a community action taskforce (CAT). This team of students, community residents, organizations, and government representatives addressed what can be done to aid the chronically homeless in Morris County, New Jersey. In the first year of the Neighbors-in-Need (NIN) initiative, the CAT used digital storytelling to understand and identify the barriers the chronically homeless faced, while also interviewing locals for a video highlighting the larger policy issues.
While facing obstacles due to the coronavirus pandemic, Drs. Art Pressley and Karen Caruso have put a pause on some of their efforts but the CAT continues to reach out to local authorities. During the summer of 2020, eight CAT members presented research to members of the Morris county's social service providers and the general public about legal updates, social service resources, and guidance on navigating the Morris County housing system during the coronavirus pandemic. The flexibility of PAR allowed CAT to respond to immediate needs of the community emerging from the pandemic. Drs. Pressley and Caruso, Ms. Pryor-Ramirez (Director of the NIN project), and the CAT have also received a $25,000 grant from Morristown Medical Center to support programs connecting homelessness and wellness that are specifically monitoring the health care of children of homeless parents.
Visit the grantee profiles to learn more about Drew University's AmeriCorps funded research and other 2018 AmeriCorps Community Conversations grantees.