LTSS Newsletter—March 2024

LTSS webinar, March 27 – Intergenerational Transmission of Traditional Practices and Foodways

American Indian/Alaska Native Long-Term Services and Supports

Technical assistance for culturally competent care
March 2024
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Title VI nutrition programs

March is National Nutrition Month, an ideal time to highlight the importance of Title VI nutrition programs.

Data suggest that Native elders who regularly consume traditional foods tend to be healthier.

Title VI nutrition programs provide elders in tribal communities with meals that incorporate traditional foods and promote healthy aging.

To learn more about how traditional foods and Title VI programs help Native elders stay well, watch the recently posted recording of a webinar titled Food as Medicine: Nourishing Native American and First Nations Elders for Holistic Health.


Traditional foods for tribal elders


Elders are more likely to maintain a healthy weight when they are served foods that are familiar to them and have cultural significance.


To that end, many tribal LTSS programs incorporate traditional foods into their menus.


For more information, check out the CMS LTSS TA Center’s resources on traditional foods.


The resources include an award-winning video on the incorporation of culturally focused nutrition into LTSS programs.



Gardening-related guidance for Title VI programs

In observance of National Nutrition Month, review a Title VI Gardens Quick Guide (PDF, 189 KB, 2 pp), which lists gardening activities that Title VI Part A/B funds can be used for. Those activities include:


  • Designing and building herb, fruit, and vegetable gardens for elders
  • Purchasing garden materials and equipment
  • Hiring full- or part-time gardening staff
  • Hiring a gardening consultant to provide advice
  • Paying for official gardening-related staff training and travel expenses


The guide also explains how gardening projects can enhance quality of life for elders.


Helping elders stay housed

Recently, USAging released several case studies highlighting the efforts of Area Agencies on Aging and other community-based organizations to help elders stay housed. Examples of those efforts include:



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Upcoming webinar

Intergenerational Transmission of Traditional Practices and Foodways

Wednesday, March 27

This presentation will highlight a community-led program focused on the intergenerational transmission of traditional practices and foodways in Interior Alaska. Funded by the Office of Minority Health through the Center for Indigenous Innovation and Health Equity, the Elders Mentoring Elders cultural camp began as a directive by Athabascan elders to ensure cultural continuity for future generations. The camp offers a nonjudgmental, healing space where emerging elders learn traditional activities to then share with their families and communities. Outcomes from the past two camps will be discussed and decolonizing strategies for working with communities will be described.




  • Discuss the impacts of intergenerational transmission of culture
  • Highlight the importance of healing spaces in remembering and reclaiming knowledge
  • Identify decolonizing strategies for working in partnership with communities

Please note your

location's call-in time:


8 a.m. Hawaii

10 a.m. Alaska

11 a.m. Pacific

12 p.m. Mountain

1 p.m. Central

2 p.m. Eastern


Have questions for our presenters? Let us know before the webinar by emailing

Register now.


LaVerne Demientieff

LaVerne Xilegg Demientieff, PhD, LMSW
Professor of Social Work
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Taniesha Moses

Taniesha Moses, BSW
Indigenous Wellness and Outreach
Coordinator for Rural Student Services
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Caregiver's corner

Mealtime tips for people with Alzheimer’s disease

Consistency and familiarity can help mitigate some of the mealtime-related challenges faced by people with dementia and their caregivers.


To that end, the National Institute on Aging website offers six tips to make mealtimes easier for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Some of those tips include:


  • Turning off the television and radio so the eating area is quiet
  • Serving foods the care recipient likes and is familiar with
  • Cutting food into small pieces and making sure all food is soft enough to eat
  • Eating at a leisurely pace and talking about things that both the care recipient and caregiver enjoy


Funding opportunities

Federal Transit Administration grants

Applications due: April 25
Learn more about the Federal Transit Administration grants

Tribes are encouraged to apply for grants available through two Federal Transit Administration programs.


The Buses and Bus Facilities Program provides funds to:


  • Replace, rehabilitate, purchase, or lease buses
  • Rehabilitate, purchase, construct, or lease bus-related facilities


The Low or No Emission Program supports the:


  • Purchase or lease of zero- and low-emission transit buses
  • Acquisition, construction, or lease of the facilities needed for those buses


Upcoming events

Webinar on aging in place

April 3 at 1 p.m. Eastern
Register for the webinar on aging in place

The American Society on Aging will host a webinar on the topic of home safety for elders who are aging in place. Attendees will have a better understanding of:


  • Strategies to help prevent falls
  • Tips for creating an age-friendly home


Webinar on dementia program sustainability

April 9 at 2 p.m. Eastern

Register for the webinar on dementia program sustainability


Join a National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center webinar to learn how two dementia programs stayed active after their initial Administration for Community Living grant ended. The webinar will focus on the successes of:


  • Southern Maine Agency on Aging (AAA), which expanded a Meals on Wheels assessment to help identify community residents with dementia
  • Michigan Department of Community Health, which worked with Michigan AAAs to adapt, manage, and disseminate caregiver trainings


Webinar on trauma-informed dementia care

April 17 at 11 a.m. Eastern

Register for the webinar on trauma-informed dementia care


The Alzheimer’s Federation of America will hold an interactive webinar highlighting the need for a universal trauma-informed approach to care for people living with dementia. The webinar will cover basic principles of that approach, such as:


  • Respecting personal space
  • Being patient and present


Additionally, the webinar will call attention to behaviors and emotional states that may be related to a traumatic memory.


Webinar on social isolation and dementia

April 23 at 2 p.m. Eastern

Register for the webinar on social isolation and dementia


Plan to attend a webinar on programs to address social isolation and loneliness among people with dementia and their caregivers. Hosted by the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center, the webinar will:


  • Discuss the positive impact of memory cafes
  • Share recommendations for hosting a successful memory cafe


Send us your news

Do you have news to share about LTSS in Indian Country? Send it to for possible inclusion in an upcoming newsletter. Contact us with other comments or feedback, too.


About the newsletter

American Indian/Alaska Native Long-Term Services and Supports Solutions is published monthly by the CMS Division of Tribal Affairs to share information, funding opportunities, and resources with LTSS planners, tribal leaders, and supporters.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Indian Health ServiceAdministration for Community Living