Covering Indian Country – December 2020

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Covering Indian Country

December 2020

Spotlight: Promoting flu vaccination

This graphic shows a flu virus image with the words, "Stop flu. Get your shot. Covered by Medicare."

Getting a seasonal flu shot each year helps prevent flu-related hospitalizations for pneumonia and other complications.

And this year, preventing hospitalizations is especially important given COVID-19’s strain on our health care system and the medical professionals who staff it.

CMS is committed to using outreach and education to promote flu vaccination, with a focus on Medicare beneficiaries and vulnerable populations. To that end, the agency has released a Fight Flu toolkit (PDF, 1.7 MB, 24 pp) for advocacy and grassroots partners.

Now, more than ever, everyone needs to do their part to prevent the spread of flu.

CMS has also launched a Flu Vaccine Partner Toolkit, which contains a variety of resources—including videos, postcards, printable sticker sheets, and sample social media messages and graphics—for several target audiences.

Additionally, the CMS Division of Tribal Affairs has developed materials to educate people about the importance of flu vaccination. These materials serve as useful reminders that flu shots are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and Marketplace plans. For more information on coverage of flu shots for adults enrolled in Medicaid, please check with your state Medicaid agency.

December: Sharing holiday traditions and medical history

The December PSA features a smiling young woman and a male adolescent at a family get-together. As you share holiday traditions, ask your family members about their medical history. Knowing your family's medical history can help you make the best decisions for your medical care. Contact your local Indian health care provider for more information, visit, or call 1–800–318–2596.

Share this ad in your newsletter or on your website. For more information, please visit CMS’s Outreach and Education Resources page.

Public service announcements

Share these brief audio clips and videos, available in 10 Native languages and English, on your local radio station, website, and Facebook page.

SoundcloudAudio clips


TwitterTweet it

Make time this holiday season to ask family members about their medical history.


Flyers and other resources

A collage of 3 resources: 
(1) Flu Shots Covered by Medicare fillable flyer
(2) Flu Shots Covered by Medicaid and CHIP print ad
(3) Email signature block promoting flu shots

Download the following resources from CMS’s Outreach and Education Resources page.


Additional resources

Help families stay safe from COVID-19 this holiday season

A recent article in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report highlights the importance of mask-wearing, physical distancing, and contact tracing to limit transmission of COVID-19.

The article details findings from a COVID-19 outbreak investigation conducted by the Hopi Health Care Center’s Community Health Department in June 2020. Contact tracing showed that inconsistent mask-wearing and in-person gatherings of family members from different households helped spread COVID-19 among Hopi community members.

Meeting up with people from more than one household increases everyone’s risk for COVID-19. That’s because COVID-19 often spreads through contact with people who are infected but show no symptoms.

Image of an elder holding hands with two younger women. Flyer reads, "Staying at home protects the health of all. Stay home to save a life."

Share the following tips to help families stay healthy and minimize COVID-19 transmission, especially during the holiday season:

  • Limit in-person gatherings to members of your own household unit
  • Stay at least 6 feet away from people who do not live with you
  • Avoid any non-essential trips away from home
  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth to protect yourself and others in your community
  • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol

NIHB releases report on public health capacity

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is committed to strengthening tribal public health systems and advancing health equity. To that end, the organization recently released its Public Health in Indian Country Capacity Scan Report (PDF, 30 MB, 96 pp).

Front cover of NIHB's Public Health in Indian Country Capacity Scan Report

Conducted in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the capacity scan is intended to help tribal health organizations:

  • Identify needs and strengths
  • Determine how to allocate resources effectively
  • Establish a baseline to measure progress over time

SDPI 2020 report to Congress highlights successes

Front cover of IHS‘s Special Diabetes Program for Indians 2020 Report to Congress shows an image of 3 Native women holding bouquets of flowers and balancing decorative pottery on their heads. The report's title is “Changing the Course of Diabetes: Charting Remarkable Progress.”

IHS’s sixth interim Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) report to Congress is now available.

Titled Changing the Course of Diabetes: Charting Remarkable Progress (PDF, 5 MB, 12 pp), the report highlights SDPI’s pivotal role in improving access to diabetes treatment and prevention services for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs).

Such services helped significantly decrease the number of AI/AN adults with diabetes. Rates of diabetes-related deaths and hospitalizations for uncontrolled diabetes also declined.

Funding opportunities

CHART Model – Community Transformation Track

General letter of intent due: January 12, 2021

Applications due: February 16, 2021

View the CHART Model – Community Transformation Track funding opportunity

The Community Health Access and Rural Transformation (CHART) Model is a voluntary payment model designed to address health disparities in rural communities. The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation is offering funds to build systems of care through the CHART Model’s Community Transformation Track. Up to 15 award recipients will be selected.

Gather Food Sovereignty Grants

Applications due: January 14, 2021

View the Gather Food Sovereignty funding opportunity

First Nations Development Institute is offering funds for Native American-led projects that promote tribal food sovereignty. Up to 13 awards of approximately $32,000 each will be issued.

National Environmental Public Health Internship Program

Applications due: January 22, 2021

View the National Environmental Public Health Internship Program funding opportunity

Tribal health departments are encouraged to apply to host graduate and undergraduate student interns for 10 weeks during summer 2021. Each host health department will be required to assign a mentor to their intern and offer experience with multiple environmental health activities.

FEMA hazard mitigation grant programs

Applications due: January 29, 2021, 3 pm Eastern time

View the FEMA hazard mitigation funding opportunities

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is offering hazard mitigation funds through its Flood Mitigation Assistance and Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grant programs. Federally recognized tribes are encouraged to apply.

Calendar of events

Some events may be cancelled, postponed, or held virtually as public health officials monitor COVID-19 safety measures during this time. Please check the events’ pages for updates on event status.

IHS Suicide Prevention Webinar Series

Sponsored by the IHS Tele-Behavioral Health Center of Excellence, this webinar series is intended for all health care team members.

Dates/titles of upcoming webinars (all held at 12 pm Eastern time)
December 15, 2020: Responding to Suicide Clusters: Lessons Learned
January 5, 2021: Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss
January 12, 2021: Survivors of Suicide Loss: Group Treatment
January 19, 2021: Interventions for Suicidal Patients: Dialectical Behavior Therapy Coping Skills
January 26, 2021: Interventions for Suicidal Patients: Interpersonal Psychotherapy Skills
February 2, 2021: Interventions for Suicidal Patients: Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Suicide Prevention Skills
February 9, 2021: Interventions for Suicidal Patients: Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality Skills
February 16, 2021: School-Based Suicide Prevention

NNHRTI Webinar Series

The National Native Health Research Training Initiative (NNHRTI) webinars are opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native scientists and health professionals to share knowledge that addresses the health needs of Native communities.

Please check NNHRTI’s webinar information page periodically for more information about upcoming webinars.

Date of upcoming webinar (held at 2 pm Eastern time)
January 13, 2021

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Covering Indian Country is published by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Division of Tribal Affairs to share resources, success stories, and best practices with the people who connect tribal communities to health care coverage.

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