Pandemic Response Accountability Committee |
Join us for an event with the Congressional Transparency Caucus
Transparency Into $5 Trillion: How the PRAC Protects Pandemic Relief Funds
Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 10:00am ET - 11:00am ET
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We'll be joining Congressman Quigley, Congressman Walberg, and the Transparency Caucus for a conversation about pandemic spending and oversight.
The panel will include:
- PRAC Chairman and Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz
Liz Hempowicz of the Project on Government Oversight
- Chicago Inspector General Joseph Ferguson
Deputy Inspector General at the U.S. Department of the Interior Caryl N. Brzymialkiewicz, Ph.D.
The panel will discuss the importance of oversight and transparency of pandemic relief funds and how our work will help the administration, state and local government, and Congress to make sure these funds aren't lost to fraud or waste and that they get where they're supposed to go.
You don't want to miss this.