Effective January 28, 2025, and until further notice, please note the following list of leadership for USAID Bureaus and Independent Offices. Those named in acting positions will continue to ensure administrative and operational functions of their offices will continue uninterrupted. There are no changes to time and attendance processes within your offices.
Bureau for Africa (AFR)
- Brian Frantz, Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Asia (ASIA)
- Peter Young, Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization (CPS)
- Mark Kevin Lloyd, Assistant to the Administrator
Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG)
- Sheryl Stumbras, Acting Assistant to the Administrator
Bureau for Europe and Eurasia (E&E)
- James Hope, Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Global Health (GH)
- Nicholas Enrich, Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA)
- Timothy Meisburger, Assistant to the Administrator
Bureau for Inclusive Growth, Partnerships, and Innovation (IPI)
- Linda Leary, Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
- Martin McLaughlin, Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA)
- Sharon Sadler-Gray, Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Management (M)
- Lynn Winston, Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for the Middle East (ME)
- Andrew Plitt, Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Planning, Learning, and Resource Management (PLR)
- Christophe Tocco, Acting Assistant to the Administrator
Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security (REFS)
- Greg Swarin, Acting Assistant to the Administrator
Office of Acquisition and Assistance (M/OAA)
- Jami Rogers, Acting Director
Office of the Chief Economist (OCE)
- Paul Pleva, Acting Chief Economist
Office of the Chief Financial Officer (M/CFO)
- David Bogran, Acting Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Information Officer (M/CIO)
- Steven Hernandez, Acting Chief Information Officer
Office of Digital Technology (ODT)
- Christopher Burns, Acting Director
Office of the Executive Secretariat (ES) and Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
- Erica Carr, Active Executive Secretary and Acting Director of OCR
Office of the General Counsel (GC)
- Rebecca Hammel, Acting General Counsel
Office of Human Capital and Talent Management (HCTM)
- William Malyska, Chief Human Capital Officer
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)
- Rochelle Sales, Acting Director
Power Africa
- Richard Nelson, Coordinator
Prosper Africa
- Daniel Swift, Coordinator