January 28, 2025
USAID’s Implementation of the Funding Pause for Foreign Assistance Programs
Dear USAID Implementing Partners,
In accordance with the President’s Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, OMB Memorandum M-25-13 (“Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs”), direction from the Department of State, and the previously issued Notice on Implementation of Executive Order on Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid, USAID is working to immediately implement the funding pause for foreign assistance programs, and all Federal financial assistance programs. We recognize that this pause will impact programming, our implementing partners at every tier, and the communities served by foreign assistance-funded activities. To that end, our focus is on ensuring that the funding pause and subsequent reviews are implemented efficiently to ensure full compliance with Presidential direction and policy, and so approved programming can resume as appropriate.
To facilitate this process, USAID has issued additional instructions to all Contracting Officers and Agreement Officers (COs/AOs) on appropriate next steps, timelines, and considerations for implementing the funding pause. This includes guidance on addressing existing awards, pausing or canceling new solicitations and notices of funding opportunity (NOFOs), and refraining from issuing new awards.
Immediate Actions
To implement the funding pause, this communication from the M/OAA Director in his capacity as the Senior Procurement Executive and Assistance Executive serves as official notice to all implementing partners to:
Take immediate action to pause implementation of USAID program-funded activities and otherwise refrain from further commitments or expenditures of USAID funding, until further notice.
- Confirm receipt and acknowledge the requirements of this notice with the cognizant CO/AO for your award, as soon as possible.
Subject to individual award terms, this notice applies to all awards (e.g., contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and other funding mechanisms) and funding at every tier, unless an implementing partner has received formal notification from their cognizant CO/AO that their award is covered, in whole or in part, by a current waiver. Prime contractors and recipients are responsible for ensuring subcontractors, subrecipients, and all other sub-tier contractors and awardees similarly comply with this notice.
What to Expect Moving Forward
Current implementing partners should expect to receive formal notifications and instructions from their COs/AOs imminently, if they have not already. Depending on award type, this may be a stop-work order (contracts) or a suspension or request for bilateral amendment (grants and cooperative agreements). These formal notifications will require implementing partners to pause or mitigate further obligations or cost incurrence, consistent with the terms and conditions of their awards.
As directed by the Executive Order and Department of State, a government-wide comprehensive review of all foreign assistance shall be completed within eighty-five days of January 24, 2025. Once reviews are completed, COs/AOs will promptly communicate award decisions and take appropriate next steps to resume, modify/amend, or terminate awards. Because the funding pause will have schedule and cost implications for implementing partners, COs/AOs will negotiate equitable adjustments as a result of stop work orders, suspension notices, or termination settlements, as appropriate. Implementing partners are encouraged to review their specific award terms and conditions.
Prospective implementing partners should expect all solicitations/NOFOs and any pre-award discussions or negotiations to stop immediately. COs/AOs may issue formal amendments to solicitations/NOFOs (publicly available on SAM.gov or Grants.gov) or otherwise communicate this pause to implementing partners that have already submitted a proposal or application in response to a funding opportunity.
Once proposed activities are reviewed, COs/AOs will issue subsequent amendments or communications to announce whether or not the solicitation/NOFO or pre-award process will continue, be modified, or canceled.
Who to Contact
A copy of this notice has been posted to USAID’s Implementing Partner Notices portals. Any questions related to this notice or to actions required for specific awards should be directed to your cognizant CO/AO.
Jami J. Rodgers USAID Senior Procurement Executive and Director, Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition & Assistance