FAA Office of Hazardous Materials Safety Hazmat Highlights - August 2023

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“Hazmat Highlights” is the FAA’s Office of Hazardous Materials Safety monthly newsletter with public updates from government sources related to the safe transportation of hazardous materials by air.

August 2023

Does Your Report Card Show You as an A+ PackSafe Student?

AXH Back To School PackSafe


Click here for "Flying to College"   Click Here for "Quiz Time"

AXH PHMSA Hazardous Matt Hiding Outdoors

Hazmat and Outdoor Recreation

Although Summer may almost be over, you may still be spending time outdoors!  Remember, some camping, hiking, or hunting supplies are considered hazardous materials.

Always be aware of the risks associated with these items and consider how to handle them safely. When choosing to ship or sell them, they must be properly classified, packaged, labeled, handled, and stowed for transportation, per the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR, 49 CFR Parts 171-180). To help, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has prepared the "Is Hazardous Matt Hiding Outdoors?" brochure, with shipping and air travel information for common outdoors-related hazmat, and links to additional compliance aid documents.

While this brochure is focused on strike-anywhere matchesDOT-39 single-use propane cylinders, and small arms supplies, these are just a few outdoors-related items that are considered hazmat. Others include:


Visit the Check the Box homepage to determine if your items are considered hazmat. Adventure safely and remember to always Check the Box before shipping hazardous materials!

AXH PHMSA Hazardous Matt Activity Book

Fun Activities for Kids of All Ages

Is Hazardous Matt Hiding in Your Activity Book?

It’s never too early to start teaching your children about household hazmat! In this coloring and activity book, Hazardous Matt and Friends are here to help kids learn about household hazardous materials. The book contains coloring pages, a word find, a maze, and more—and best of all, it's free to print and share!

Choose from one of two format options, to best suit your printer. 

Click here for 8.5" x 11” (page-by-page)

Click here for 11 x 17” (centerfold)


School is Back in Full Swing

The FAA conducts outreach through the Science Technology, Engineering, and Math Aviation and Space Education Program (STEM AVSED) to inspire youth from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in the aerospace industry. Click here FAA STEM AVSED to find out about more educational opportunities and activities.

Commercial aircraft in flight

Aviation Scholarships Available

There are many organizations across the country that offer aviation-related scholarships. Browse our list of resources to learn more.

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PackSafe - PackingBlog

End of Summer Travel Plans

Have end of summer travel plans? 

Are you unknowingly carrying items in your luggage that pose a danger to the aircraft, to you and your fellow passengers?

We get it, you want to carry everything that you may need on your trip, but just because it fits in your checked or carry-on bag doesn’t mean that it’s allowed or safe...

To learn more click here


In Case You Missed It: Tips for Traveling Safely with Lithium Battery Powered Devices

Watts all this talk about lithium batteries and why are they such a hot topic when it comes to flying? You might be shocked to learn that everyday items you pack in your travel bags contain lithium batteries that can cause cabin fires. Your cell phone, laptop, tablet, and smart watch all have lithium batteries and can be potential fire hazards. On the positive side, you have the power to reduce these risks. 

Now that we’ve sparked your interest, listen to our latest podcast episode, “Fly Safe with Lithium Batteries” to learn more about these hazards and steps you can take to protect yourself, fellow passengers, and the aircraft. 

SafeCargo Banner

AC 120-119

*New * Advisory Circular 120-119 Voluntary Safety Management System for Other Regulated Entities Transporting Dangerous Goods by Air

Advisory Circular (AC) 120-119, Voluntary Safety Management System for Other Regulated Entities Transporting Dangerous Goods by Air (dated August 4, 2023) provides information for other regulated entities (e.g., entities storing, packaging, handling, shipping, or performing other functions in support of transporting dangerous goods by air in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) parts 171-180) choosing to voluntarily implement a Safety Management System (SMS). Accordingly, compliance with the recommendations in this document or with the guidance material discussed in this document does not relieve regulated entities from complying with applicable requirements outlined in the Hazardous Materials Regulations.

Website Update: SafeCargo for Shippers & E-Commerce 

Click below to view the August 15, 2023 SafeCargo website update to the "Lithium Batteries Chart."

ICAO Chart Link

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AXH Fact Sheet Operate Safe

FAA Fact SheetsFAA Fact Sheets

Did you know there are over 80 Fact Sheets on the FAA website?  FAA Fact Sheets contain various information about aeronautics on numerous topics. Fact Sheets are frequently used to provide information to industry or the public in concise, straightforward language. They generally contain key safety points, operating instructions, or basic information about a topic depending on the purpose of the fact sheet.  To peruse the list, click on Fact Sheets.

Dynamic Regulatory System (DRS)

Preferences for Notifications and Displaying Recently Added Documents on the DRS Homepage

The The Dynamic Regulatory System (DRS) is a comprehensive knowledge center that includes all regulatory guidance material from the Office of Aviation Safety.

Preferences for notifications and display for recently added documents on the DRS homepage can be selected here. Selections can be made for preferred document types, job categories and specialties in each section.

AXH DRS Update Sign-In Email Sign-Up Preferences Image

To sign-up, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign in on the right
  2. Click on My Profile
  3. Click on Preferences
  4. Select your items from the list.
  5. Then, click Submit.

Users will receive email notifications when new documents are added, matching their preferences. Recently added documents are displayed on the DRS homepage matching the selected choices and from the chosen time frame.

AXH Lithium Battery Incident Website Image

AXH Lithium Battery Chart 08182023 Image

Lithium Battery Air Incidents Involving Smoke, Fire or Extreme Heat

Note: These are lithium battery related events involving smoke, fire, or extreme heat that the FAA is aware of and should not be considered a complete listing of all such incidents. The methods of collecting and recording these incidents and the data involved has changed over the life span of this chart as the FAA’s Office of Hazardous Materials Safety has evolved.  The incident summaries included here are intended to be brief and objective. They do not represent all information the FAA has collected, nor do they include all investigative or enforcement action taken. This chart was last updated on August 15, 2023.

FAA Advisory Circulars / Orders and Notices / SAFOs / InFOs, etc.

Safety Alert for Operators 23006Review and/or Revision of Aircraft Towing/Ground Handling Procedures for the Safety of the Wing and or Tail Walkers,August, 23, 2023

Advisory Circulars (AC) 120-119 - Voluntary Safety Management System for Other Regulated Entities Transporting Dangerous Goods by Air, August 4, 2023

Order 8000.82A - Amended Designation of Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) Information As Protected From Public Disclosure Under 14 CFR Part 193, July 06, 2023.

Advisory and Rulemaking Committees - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Detection and Mitigation Systems ARC Charter, March 30, 2023.

Advisory and Rulemaking Committees - Human Space Flight Occupant Safety Aerospace Rulemaking Committee Charter, April 21, 2023.

FAA Interpretation - Request for Legal Interpretation of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations
(14 CFR) Sections 145.59 and 145.61 for Repair Stations, July 17, 2023

Federal Register







NPRM: Incorporation by Reference; North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria; Hazardous Materials Safety Permits



Update to Air Carrier Definitions



Department Regulatory and Deregulatory Agenda; Semiannual Summary



Opening of Opportunity for Shippers to Register as Certified Cargo Screening Facilities 



Hazardous Materials: Notice of Actions on Special Permits



Hazardous Materials: Notice of Applications for Modification to Special Permits



Hazardous Materials: Notice of Applications for New Special Permits



ANPRM: Used Drum Management and Reconditioning Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking



Hazardous Materials: FAST Act Requirements for Real-Time Train Consist Information



Interior Parts and Components Fire Protection for Transport Category Airplanes



NPRM: U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act Incorporation



Maximum Per Diem Reimbursement Rates for the Continental United States (CONUS)



Hazardous Materials: Frequently Asked Questions—Incident Reporting 


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PHMSA Interpretations

Issue Date

Reference #


Subject Title



Nick Wright

Hazardous Material Description on Shipping Papers



Total Technic - Ataturk International Airport

Training Update to Special Permit Revisions



PHMSA Emergency Waiver Order #26: Transporting Hazmat in Hawaii

On August 16, 2023, PHMSA posted Emergency Waiver order #26 "Transporting Hazmat in Hawaii".  The order states the following, in part:

"In accordance with the provisions of 49 U.S.C. § 5103(c), the Associate Administrator for the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety within the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) hereby declares that an emergency exists that warrants issuance of a Waiver of the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 171-180) to persons conducting operations under the direction of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 9 (75 Hawthorne St. San Francisco, CA, 94105) and United States Coast Guard (USCG), District 14 (300 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 9-204, Honolulu, HI, 96850-4982) within the emergency areas of the Hawaii Wildfires in the State of Hawaii. The Waiver is granted to support EPA Region 9 and USCG District 14 in taking appropriate actions to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a threat to public health, welfare, or the environment caused by actual or potential oil and hazardous materials incidents resulting from the Hawaii Wildfires..."

Click here to read the entire emergency  waiver order

Hazardous Matters

PHMSA's "Hazardous Matters" Newsletter - July 2023

Introducing “Hazardous Matters”—the quarterly newsletter for PHMSA's Office of Hazardous Materials Safety. As always, it is packed with the latest news, expert tips, and essential insights for the safe handling and shipment of hazardous materials. Stay informed, stay safe!

To read the "Hazardous Matters" Newsletter, click here.

PHMSA's Newsroom

Read the latest from PHMSA's newsroom by clicking here


AXH ASRS Helicopter Operations

Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) 'CALLBACK' Newsletter Highlights

A Casual Look at Helicopter Operations 

This month, CALLBACK shares reports revealing threats, hazards, and lessons learned from helicopter operations. Enjoy the narratives, but also notice their many similarities and occasional subtle differences from fixed wing wisdom.

Read the full newsletter from ASRS here.