Welcome to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Pollution Prevention (P2) newsletter! Through this newsletter, we will provide information on upcoming events, as well as tools and resources to help implement and improve P2 initiatives. |
Upcoming Webinar
Greening Your Bottom Line: Reducing Energy Use and Costs
July 16, 2021, 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET
Register Now
This webinar, hosted by UMass Lowell, will examine strategies to reduce energy use and costs in food and beverage businesses. This event is part of a series of webinars hosted by UMass Lowell and supported by a pollution prevention (P2) grant from EPA Region 1 to help food and beverage businesses make improvements that save money and reduce their environmental impact.
- Madeline Typadis Snow, Project Manager, UMass Lowell, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
- Lauren Mattison, Research Fellow, Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the University of Massachusetts Amherst
EPA Launches Improved P2 Homepage
EPA’s P2 homepage is your new and improved hub for P2 grants, environmentally preferable purchasing, green chemistry, Safer Choice, and more. The updated page includes news about P2, resources for learning more about the topic, and links to helpful resources.
P2 Program Releases Updated Grant Results
Between 2011 and 2019, EPA’s P2 Program issued 451 assistance grants totaling $48.8 million. These grants helped American businesses identify, develop, and adopt P2 approaches resulting in the following benefits. Learn more about P2 grants.
Calculated over a 4-year rolling period to account for the reoccurring benefits the P2 actions provide.
Grantee Spotlight: Improving Sustainability of New Hampshire Breweries
Check out this video from the Sustainable Craft Beverage Program of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). Under a P2 grant from EPA, this program helped breweries in New Hampshire reduce their environmental impact and save money by implementing simple water conservation techniques such as:
- Cleaning up spills with a broom, squeegee, or a shovel instead of a hose
- If using a hose, making sure it has a shutoff nozzle or using a high-pressure, low-flow nozzle
- Creating an employee leak patrol to regularly inspect equipment for leaks
- Storing and reusing final rinse water during the pre-rinse stage
The program also recommends that breweries track their water usage because "if you aren’t measuring it, you can’t manage it!". Tracking how much water is lost at various points in an operation can show where operators can conserve water and save money.
Employee Spotlight: Melissa Payan – EPA Region 8
Melissa Payan is an environmental scientist in the Chemical Safety and Environmental Stewardship Branch of the Land, Chemicals and Redevelopment Division in EPA Region 8, which is based in Denver, Colorado. Melissa is the pollution prevention and source reduction coordinator, as well as the regional coordinator for EPA’s WaterSense and Safer Choice programs. In addition to managing the P2 and Source Reduction Assistance grant programs, Melissa works with colleagues from across EPA to develop and support pollution prevention and sustainability initiatives throughout Region 8 which serves Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and 28 tribal nations.
Melissa started working for EPA Region 8 in 1998 as the oil spill prevention and oil spill response program coordinator where she conducted oil inspections and oil response exercises for the Emergency Response and Preparedness Branch. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Metropolitan State University of Denver. Melissa is a Colorado native, a mother of 3 teenagers, and enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with friends and family.
The P2 Hub Helpline Is at Your Service!
The P2 Hub Helpline offers information and resources about pollution prevention. Please contact the Helpline at p2hub@epa.gov or (202) 566-0799.
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