The West Sussex Continuum of Need is a tool to assist practitioners working with children and young people. The aim of this tool is to help practitioners identify a child’s level of need and consider whether additional support may be necessary to help them achieve their potential and keep them safe. It is used by all agencies and teams, including the Integrated Front Door (IFD), and provides a common language and approach that will enable all practitioners to work together effectively and consistently.
The latest Continuum of Need and Threshold Guidance was updated in February 2024 and can be viewed by clicking on the link below. These documents are an interim refresh and will be reviewed again shortly in light of Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
Continuum of Need and Threshold Guidance (February 2024)
From Monday 1st April 2024 the Charging and Cancellation Policy will be reintroduced for West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSSCP) training. (The WSSCP paused charging for its training due to technical issues with a new booking platform). Communications have been going out over the past four weeks letting organisations know of this update.
Booking charges Agencies who contribute to the WSSCP budget are not charged for attending training. Contributing agencies are: West Sussex County Council employees (including Fire and Rescue Service, Schools and Pupil Referral Units, Maintained Early Years Settings), Sussex Police, NHS Sussex commissioned ‘Health’ Providers and District and Borough Councils
All other organisations are charged to attend WSSCP training and payment is taken at the time of booking via the Learning Pool platform. Charges to attend a course apply to all other organisations.
If you are a small not-for-profit organisation, based solely in West Sussex, you may be eligible for a discretionary reduction of 50%. Please email wsscp@westsussex.gov.uk prior to booking a place if the reduction applies to you and to be given a special access code.
Cancellation charges Cancellation charges apply to all agencies and organisations, including those who contribute to the WSSCP. Delegates will be charged 100% of the course fee in the following circumstances:
• Less than 5 working days’ notice of cancellation is given prior to the course date.
• For non-attendance on the day. Line managers will also be notified of the non-attendance.
These charges apply when a place has been confirmed. Cancellation charges as above will be recouped via an advance payment at time of booking, or as an invoice to line managers. Please note the substitution of a colleague at late notice is acceptable; it is the responsibility of the worker attending to inform the Learning Pool team so that attendance records are accurate.
Why have these charges being reinstated? The WSSCP Training Programme is available to a wide range of professionals across West Sussex and courses are often fully booked with some holding waiting lists. Subject experts are sourced for our training at a cost, which we must fully optimise with 100% training course attendance whenever possible. If a place is booked but is not cancelled in time or the individual fails to attend training, planned training activities may also be impacted (breakout rooms, group discussions, etc). Not cancelling in time or not coming to a booked course will mean that a charge is made to your line manager. The WSSCP has adopted a user-friendly approach so that the process is easier to understand and follow and we welcome your feedback on revisions to the booking process. Please email wsscp@westsussex.gov.uk
The Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) online learning module is for everyone in West Sussex who has contact with adults who work or volunteer with children and / or young people in the county. It will help you to know what to do when you have concerns about an adult's behaviour towards children and young people. Adults are people aged 16 and over.
To complete this training visit the The Learning Pool and search the course title in the eLearning section.
The WSSCP Training Programme provides a wide range of training to all those working with children and young people across West Sussex (including volunteers). Whether you are starting your career with children and looking for an introductory level safeguarding training course, or you are experienced and looking to enhance your knowledge around a specific safeguarding topic such as exploitation, adultification or neglect, we have the course for you. We offer a hybrid of delivery options, so whether you prefer training online or in the classroom, we have plenty to choose from. Explore out training offer by clicking the links below -
WSSCP Training Calendar
Additional Resources to Support Practice
The WSSCP will be holding a face to face conference on Wednesday 27th November 2024. The theme will be child sexual abuse (CSA) and we are pleased to confirm that our keynote speaker will be from the Centre of Expertise on CSA . More details, including how to request your place will be available in due course. If you are keen to attend, please add this to your diary to hold the date and watch this space for more details to be published.
New eLearning is available to extend your knowledge around ICON and the importance of sharing key messages with families. These important messages include coping with crying and preventing non accidental injury to babies. To access the eLearning you need to register with a username and password. The training takes approximately 1 hour and really helps to consolidate the key messages around ICON. To access this eLearning and also view the ICON resources, click on the links below -
ICON eLearning
ICON information / resources
The Brighton and Hove Children’s Safeguarding Partnership have asked that you circulate this to all staff within your agencies to remind everyone of the protocol when dealing with unexplained marks or bruising on children. Please remember that:
Non-mobile babies with unexplained marks, bruises & injuries require an immediate referral to children’s social care (CSC) -
Brighton & Hove - via Front Door for Families (FDFF) - Refer a child or family to Front Door for Families
East Sussex - Single Point of Advice ( SPOA) - Report a concern about a child or a teenager
West Sussex – Integrated Front Door (IFD) - Request support or raise a concern about a child
Remember -
Non-accidental injuries do not always present with typical bruises
CSC/Police should be arranging an urgent (same day) strategy discussion with a hospital paediatrician
Non-mobile babies with unexplained skin marks require an urgent/same day/night medical examination by a paediatrician
Infancy is the riskiest time of life for a child, with the risk of death or serious injury from Non-Accidental Injury (NAI) , Sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI) and infectious diseases being common causes.
For reference the guidance and protocols for bruising/marks on children can be found on the Pan Sussex Polices and Procedures Website - Sussex Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures Manual - Unexplained injuries to young children.
Controlling and Coercive Behaviour (CCB) training is available to book onto via the Learning Pool and is delivered by the Domestic Abuse service team. See below for more details on what to expect from the training -
Event Description
This 3 ½ hour teacher led webinar is aimed at front line practitioners, working with children and young people, adults and or families who may have or may be experiencing domestic abuse within their relationships.
Training Objectives
The aim of this webinar is to support you in raising your awareness of the impact that controlling and coercive behaviour (CCB) has on individuals and families. You will learn about how to respond to and better identify where there is controlling and coercive behaviour in a relationship or household. You will understand how to support evidencing CCB and the risks associated with this crime.
Learning Outcomes
If you apply what you have learnt in this webinar, you will be able to:
- Better identify controlling and coercive behaviour (CCB)
- Understand the legal framework and complexities of recognising and evidencing CCB
- Understand the stages of CCB and link between CCB and the Domestic Homicide Timeline
- Understand the impact of CCB on children and parenting
- Provide support and safety plan in relation to CCB
- Know where to access additional support and advice
Mental Health First Aid England has a selection of free mental health resources for your workplace, school or community, including toolkits, guidance, posters, and more.
To check on your own and others' mental health, take a look at our My Whole Self MOT.
For mental health tips and resources for those working remotely, check out our Remote Working resources.
If you want to find out more about how to manage stress, head to the Address Your Stress toolkit.
The launch of Responding to an unexpected death for Schools, Academies and Colleges toolkit training, has taken place and is facilitated by Grassroots across West Sussex.
Although unexpected deaths in children and young people are uncommon, it is helpful to be prepared. A sensitive and considerate response, tailored to the person who has died and taking their family’s wishes into account, can improve the long-term outcomes for those impacted.
The toolkit itself has been created to provide all Schools, Academies and Colleges in West Sussex with information, support and guidance following the unexpected death of a student or teacher. It can be found on the West Sussex Services for Schools page Responding To An Unexpected Death Toolkit | West Sussex Services for Schools
The training has been commissioned to provide a programme of training to equip all Schools, Academies and Colleges across West Sussex with the knowledge and skills needed to be able to implement the West Sussex 'Responding to an Unexpected Death' Toolkit and be able to respond effectively to support the school community in dealing with the aftermath of a bereavement.
The FREE sessions include:
- 90 minute heads briefings online for Heads, Principals, School Leaders
- Full day ‘implementing the toolkit’ face to face for Senior leaders in schools, pastoral staff, Educational Psychologists, DSLs, Primary Mental Health Workers, SENCos, School Nurses, School Counsellors these are separated into Primary, Secondary, SEND and FE
- 90 minute ‘awareness for all’ online for Anyone working in schools, academies and colleges
This is free training, bookable via the responding to an unexpected death toolkit training page Schools Suicide Awareness and Postvention Training: West Sussex - Grassroots Suicide Prevention (prevent-suicide.org.uk)