Monday 11 September 2023
We are pleased to share with you the first edition of our termly Early Years Funding newsletter. This newsletter will be sent out to settings that offer Free Entitlement (FE) funding at the beginning of each new term.
It will contain useful information specifically related to FE and any changes relating to early years funding. We will still be sharing some articles in the weekly Early Years and Childcare newsletter so they reach you in a timely manner, so we ask that you do continue to read the weekly newsletters also. We welcome feedback and article suggestions for this new termly newsletter, as we want it to be a useful and supportive tool for all early years providers.
This newsletter will only be sent to the email linked to your setting's registration. If you would like other colleagues within your setting to receive this termly newsletter, please email
Autumn Term 2023 Actuals claims - now open
The Online Provider Portal is now open for you to submit your Free Entitlement claims for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Please refer to the Actuals help guide and YouTube video available at
- Headcount day: Thursday 21 September 2023.
- Deadline for submissions: Friday 29 September 2023.
Eligible children whose dates of birth fall within the following dates are eligible to claim for Free Entitlement this term:
- 2 year olds - Born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021
- 3 and 4 year olds - Born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2020
Please be reminded, that the maximum number of weeks available to be funded each term are set out in the Provider Declaration. Sections 4.28 and 4.29 outline the term dates and number of weeks.
Settings claiming 38 weeks or fewer a year:
Settings claiming more than 38 weeks a year:
However you claim FE for your setting, it is not possible to reduce the number of weeks in a term and then increase the number of weeks claimed in another term.
It is important that you only claim what you can deliver. Please remember that if you are closed over Christmas, you will need to reduce the number of weeks claimed for each child.
Ensuring submissions are accurate:
- When submitting children's details, please ensure that you submit full addresses (including house names/numbers) and use their full legal names. For example, a child may be known as Ted in the setting but the name on their birth certificate is Edward. This will help ensure there are no issues with your claim which could delay payments whilst we try to resolve any queries.
30 hours eligibility dates
We understand some 30 hours codes appear to be valid on the Online Provider Portal, but cannot be used when submitting a child's actuals due to not being valid for the current term. Below are some tips on how to ensure the code is valid before proceeding with attempting to claim.
When checking validity, you will receive a green tick and the above message if the parent has successfully applied for 30 hours extended funding. Please note this message does not mean the code is currently usable, only that an application was received and approved.
To work out whether the code can be used for the current term, you need to look at the dates and ensure they meet the following criteria:
- Code Start Date: must be before the first day of the first month of the term. For Autumn 2023, the start date needs to be 31 August 2023 or earlier.
- Code End Date: must be after the first day of the first month of the term. For Autumn 2023, the start date needs to be 1 September 2023 or later. If it is earlier, you must look at the Grace Period End Date.
- Grace Period End Date: this will indicate what date the code can be used up to, but only at a provider they have already accessed Extended Hours within the previous term.
Example 1:
- Code Start Date: 28 August 2023
- Code End Date: 26 September 2023
- Grace Period End Date: 31 December 2023
This code can be used for Autumn 2023 term.
Example 2:
- Code Start Date: 4 September 2023
- Code End Date: 3 November 2023
- Grace Period End Date: 31 March 2024
This code cannot be used for Autumn 2023. It can be used for Spring 2024, if the code is renewed and the Code End Date is within the Spring 2024 term.
Example 3:
- Code Start Date: 31 March 2023
- Code End Date 31 June 2023
- Grace Period End Date: 31 December 2023
This code can only be used in Autumn 2023 term if the child accessed Extended Hours at your setting in Summer 2023.
Please note:
- If the parent applied or reconfirmed with HMRC in time, but the code start date is after the start of term, please take a screenshot of the Eligibility Checker outcome and email for support. Please include the child's details and parent's NI number in your email.
- If a parent has forgotten to reconfirm, and/or no longer meets the eligibility criteria, the child can continue to access their Extended FE place up to the grace period end date.
- A child cannot start at a new provider if the code has fallen into the grace period.
For more information, please see our guidance page.
Claiming Disability Access Fund (DAF)
If you wish to claim a Disability Access Fund (DAF) payment for a child this term, please ensure that you email us the following evidence:
- A copy of the letter confirming the child's current Disability Living Allowance award.
- A copy of the child's Parent Declaration Form (using the current April 2023 version and signed by both parents and provider no later than Headcount Day, which is 21 September for this Autumn term).
Having the relevant evidence sent to us will ensure we are able to process your claim and provide settings, with eligible children, a DAF payment without delay. If an out of date or incomplete version of the Parent Declaration Form is sent as part of claim, the claim will be declined but you will be able to submit the correct paperwork the following term. We therefore ask providers to please ensure that the Parent Declaration Form is completed fully and correctly to avoid any delay in receiving the DAF funding.
Evidence should be emailed to
Claiming Universal/Extended hours across settings
For children who split their funding between multiple providers, please ensure you confirm with the other providers and parents who is claiming what funding, including how universal and/or extended hours are being split between settings.
We sometimes need to investigate a 'clash of hours' with all parties where we will request you send us a copy of the child's Parent Declaration Form. These queries can sometimes require further investigation and we ask that all providers respond promptly when contacted by the Early Years Funding team. Any delays in receiving this information may impact the release of headcount payment for the providers involved.
Claiming Free Entitlement for Afghan families arriving in England
To claim funding for families that arrived in England under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Programme (ARAP) and the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS) who are still residing in bridging hotels, you must submit a Post Headcount/Exceptional payment request form (PHEP).
Please complete a new PHEP form each term you wish to claim funding. Afghan children must not be added to your Headcount claim, even if they started with you before Headcount.
Subject to our usual eligibility checks, all ARAP and ACRS PHEP requests will be approved.
If you have any queries please contact the Early Years Funding team by email or call the Family Information Service on 01243 777807 and ask for the Specialist Team.
Parent Declaration Forms
New Parent Declaration Forms for the Autumn term should be completed for all children:
- starting a new Free Entitlement claim at the setting,
- who have changed how many hours of FE is being claimed for that term,
- if there is a change to their details, and/or
- wishing to claim Disability Access Fund.
In all circumstances, the Parent Declaration Form needs to be completed fully and signed by parents and provider no later than Headcount Day, which is 21 September 2023.
We have seen some providers request that new Parent Declaration Forms are completed for all children every term, please note this is not required and may place an unnecessary administrative burden on your setting.
Early Years Pupil Premium
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is an additional payment of £1.13 per hour of Universal funding claimed for eligible children. You can read the full eligibility criteria for EYPP on the GOV.UK website.
To check eligibility for families in receipt of the relevant benefits/credits you need to obtain the Parent/Carer details and ensure you tick the consent box under the 'Parent/Carer details' section in the child's funding claim. If the consent box is not ticked, we will not be able to check eligibility.
Children are also eligible if they:
- have been in local authority care for one day or more in England or Wales,
- have been adopted from care in England or Wales, and/or
- have left care under a special guardianship order or child arrangements order in England or Wales.
To identify these children, we advise sharing information of the EYPP eligibility criteria with all families and having conversations to identify and obtain any required evidence. Once you are satisfied that they do meet the criteria, you will need to submit this information as part of a child's headcount claim. You can find guidance on how to submit this information in the Online Provider Portal help guide.
Early Years Funding Audits
As part of our statutory duties, we carry out termly early years funding audits. If you are notified that you have been selected for an audit, you will be asked to complete a self-assessment, provide us with policy documentation and encourage your parents/carers to complete a short survey about how their child accesses FE. We currently audit approximately 60 FE providers a year, which means each provider can expect to be audited once every five to six years, on average. Please read Appendix H of the Provider Declaration for more information on the audit process.
We have developed a flyer that highlights some key areas for you to consider.
Inclusion funding
Find out more information and how to apply for Inclusion Funding at A new version of the Action Plan for Inclusion document is now available on this page and we ask that you use this instead of any previous versions you may have saved.
- Autumn Term Inclusion Funding payments: week commencing 30 October 2023
- Deadline for applications for Spring 2024: 4 November 2023
The outcome of Inclusion Funding applications will be decided at the Inclusion Funding panel. This will be communicated to settings by 15 December 2023.
If a child in receipt of Inclusion Funding leaves your setting or is absent for an extended period of time, you must notify us by emailing
Post-Headcount Exceptional Payment request forms
As of April 2023 a new online Post-Headcount Exceptional Payment (PHEP) request form was developed to replace the old Microsoft Word version. If you have retained the Word version of the form for later use, please delete this and use the online form instead. The online form is now the only way to submit a request. You can access the online form via our providing free childcare for 2, 3 and 4 year olds webpage.
Any requests for the Autumn term must be submitted after a Parent Declaration has been completed, and before the last day of term, 31 December 2023.
Help us to answer your queries more efficiently
When contacting the team please ensure you give us as much information as possible, such as
- child initials and date of birth,
- details to check a child's 30 hours code, and/or
- name/address of the setting you are sharing funding with.
We know your time as early years providers is precious and this will allow us to give you tailored advice and ensures we can resolve your query as quickly and efficiently as possible.