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Following on from their successful conference last year, the Child Death Review team are planning to hold a further event this year. This event is open to professionals and students. Local Sussex bereavement charities, supported by the NHS, will be delivering talks about their service and there will be stalls with information for you to browse. The event will also have a keynote speaker….more details to follow soon.
If you wish to pre-book your ticket on Eventbrite please click here to book your ticket. Places are limited!!
Please be aware that the WSSCP Charging and Cancellation will be going live shortly. We do not currently have a start date for this reintroduction, but a notification will be sent out to all partner agencies as soon as the date is confirmed.
Information about charges -
Member agencies who contribute to the WSSCP budget are not charged for attending training. Contributing agencies are:
West Sussex County Council (including Fire & Rescue Service, Maintained Schools & Pupil Referral Units, Maintained Early Years Settings)Sussex Police Health Probation District and Borough Councils CAFCASS
There will be a charge for non-maintained schools, independent and private sectors, voluntary community groups, and private, voluntary or independent organisations.
If you are a small not-for-profit organisation, based solely in West Sussex, you may be eligible for a discretionary reduction of 50%. Please email us at wsscp@westsussex.gov.uk to find out if this applies to you.
This framework identifies key WSSCP quality improvement methods that the Partnership will use to drive continuous improvement and includes the principles and processes for quality assurance and scrutiny. It also outlines the governance and accountability arrangements for the Framework. Under the West Sussex Collaborative Working Agreement we have undertaken to work closely and share our collective learning with colleagues across Safeguarding Adults Board, Community Safety and Wellbeing.
To read the WSSCP Learning and Improvement Framework, click on the link below -
WSSCP Learning and Improvement framework
We are aware of the issues that some practitioners have been having, when trying to book onto WSSCP training through the Learning Pool. These issues have been causing some courses to be cancelled due to low booking numbers. We are aware that attending formal training is a key part of ensuring practitioners stay up to date with their safeguarding knowledge and we are working on this issue, to try and find a solution so that it is easy to book a place. We apologies for this inconvenience. If you would like to attend training, but are having difficulty please do not hesitate to email us at wsscp@westsussex.gov.uk and we will support you with booking your place. You can also contact learninganddevelopment@westsussex.gov.uk.
There are still places available on the following upcoming courses -
Working together to Safeguard Children - 20th June 2023 – (face to face)
Addressing barriers to safeguarding children effectively and appropriately - 20th June 2023 (virtual)
Working together to safeguard children refresher - 3rd July 2023 – (virtual)
Professional curiosity - 5th July 2023 – (virtual)
Supporting LGBT+ children and young people (in a safeguarding context)- 12th July 2021 (virtual)
A basic awareness to trauma informed practice - 13th July 2023 (virtual)
Neglect - 13th July 2023 – (face to face)
The role of the LADO in keeping children safe - 18th July 2023 – (face to face)
You can see all training courses and dates by clicking on the link below -
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 recognised the risk to young people of becoming involved in cybercrime – it is a safeguarding issue. 1 in 4 teenagers have tried some form of cybercrime – many without realising their activities are illegal. At South Eastm Regional Organised Crime Unit (SEROCU), they deliver the Cyber Choices programme (signposted in KCSiE) which educates young people about the legal boundaries, so they can make informed decisions about their online activity. ROCU are a policing unit that seeks to reduce criminal computer use in young people and to avoid criminalising them where possible. This session introduces you to SEROCU and Cyber Choices, including when and how to make a referral to the programme.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand what cyber activity falls under the Computer Misuse Act 1990;
- Understand the risk to young people of committing cyber-dependent crimes;
- Knowledge of some risk indicators of involvement in cyber-dependent crime;
- Awareness of the Cyber Choices programme, how SEROCU can support you and young people;
- Understand why, when and how to refer young people to SEROCU Cyber Choices.
Find out more by visiting: