Every year, the day after Fathers' day globally, International Fathers' Mental Health Day (IFMHD) takes place. The event was founded in June 2016 by Mark Williams (UK) and Dr Daniel Singley (USA). Since then, it has grown into a multi-national event, raising awareness about fathers’ mental health.
A range of resources, including a series of blogs, stories, information and resources are shared by charities, support groups, health professionals, and families who have experienced the impact of poor mental health in fathers. The events are shared across social media platforms in addition to print and broadcast media. While the aim is to raise awareness, it is also important that these events contribute to real change. In recent years, evidence-based campaigning has influenced policy changes within NHS England for identifying fathers at risk.
To read the information in full and to view the links to the wide range of resources click on the link below -
International Fathers' Mental Health Day
You can also support the Dads and male carers you work with by sharing the Dadpad app.
DadPad can help by sharing knowledge and practical skills that Dads and male carers need, and is a guide for new dads, developed in partnership with the NHS. The resource will help to support parents and carers to give their baby the best possible start in life. Dadpad is a free app (for those living in West Sussex) and includes information on:-
- The Midwifery Service and Health Visiting team
- Feeding your baby
- Safer sleeping
- Holding your baby
- Cleaning your baby
- Getting to know your baby
- Home safety
- Support available
- Child development
- Parenting advice and support
- First Aid
To find out more and to access the Dadpad app, click on the link below -
Full information on how to access Dadpad and how to share with families