IPEH Stakeholder and Partner Newsletter - 08/01/19

IPEH Partners

Keeping our Stakeholders and Partners informed

Happy New Year

Headline News


Please give your views on a new public consultation for the draft West Sussex Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy: Start Well, Live Well, Age Well.

Launched by the West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board, the strategy sets out the Board's vision, key priorities and how it will work to achieve these for West Sussex residents.

We are inviting professionals, partners, communities, residents and other stakeholders to give their views on the draft strategy to help shape the final version. Please take part in the consultation on our Have Your Say Hub website before 27 January 2018.

Voice and Engagement

Help continue to improve the Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS)

People’s views are being sought to continue to shape a service for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers.  

The West Sussex SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS) is calling on families and professionals to help it decide what else may be needed from the service. The comments will help SENDIAS produce its next two-year service plan. SENDIAS staff provide impartial and confidential information, advice and support to parent carers and young people with SEND, to help them understand and access the provision available to them.

The online survey is now live until 13 January 2019 and can be found here

News from your Local Hubs

All Sorts

NEW LGBTU Youth Support service in Worthing

Allsorts Youth Project is delighted to announce a new LGBTU Youth Support service in Worthing, funded by the West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups in partnership with WSCC.

Having successfully launched LGBT-specific support in Horsham and Chichester in 2017, Allsorts is pleased to announce that the project will also deliver in Worthing from Monday 25 February 2019. Allsorts West Sussex provide Talk It Out (one-to-one) support work and the facilitation of regular young people’s groups for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Unsure young people between the ages of 11 -19 years old.

If anyone is interested in more information about the West Sussex project, please contact JP Schofield, West Sussex Team Leader at Allsorts Youth Project on 01273 721211, email youth@allsortswest.org.uk or visit their website.

Reaching Families Training Roadshow 

Reaching Families hold workshops for Parents and Carers of Children and Young People with additional needs and/or disabilities. Please click here for their 2019 dates

Local NHS supports school children to learn about careers in the Health Service

Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust (SCFT), working in partnership with Health Education England and Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, held a series of Skills Clubs, designed to engage Year 9 students in identifying and exploring the different careers that are available in the NHS.

The clubs have helped to develop students’ awareness of how a career in the NHS supports people. They have provided students with an insight in to the key issues that affect the health and social care needs of our population, and how working in the NHS can benefit local communities and help people maintain good health and wellbeing. Read more


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This bulletin is sent to you as our stakeholders and partners with a warm welcome, keeping you up-to-date with all our service news.

Feel free to send any short articles (with an optional image) by 11am Friday, for inclusion in the fortnightly Tuesday newsletter.

If you have any questions, or know that someone has not received this, please email sarah.dimmock@westsussex.gov.uk.