Bi-weekly newsletter in association with our Local Offer
It has been a while!
I hope that this Local Offer newsletter finds you well. It has been a while that a Local Offer newsletter has been sent. I have been focusing on trying to build the content of the information pages. We now feel that we are ready to start the bi-weekly newsletter again... so here we are!
It is also our 'Local Offer' September promotional month so please find us on Facebook and Twitter and help us spread awareness of the Local Offer. Thank you!
Best wishes,
Charlotte Smith
(Your Local Offer Officer)
Guidance in supporting children and young people in Early Years, Schools and Post-16.
Although this information was aimed at education settings the strategies and advice could be used by parent carers and anyone working with children/young people. We would suggest it is helpful to consider the child / young person’s developmental age,
as well as their chronological age, when using this guidance document as some of
the information in other education phases may be of use.
 The document provides information on:
- The ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ steps of the Graduated Approach;
- A range of Quality First Teaching, targeted and specialist interventions that schools and education settings could use to support a child or young person;
- Examples of how schools and settings can support and engage parents and carers.
Early Years
Do you have any feedback? localoffer@westsussex.gov.uk
Please help share and cascade this information from the Graduated Approach. Here is a short URL link to the 'landing page' https://goo.gl/LSEsSN - thank you.