Community Safety News: November 2023

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vawg event

Image shows Cllr Khevyn Limbajee, Cabinet Member for Community Safety, attending a kintsugi workshop run by Kiran Support Services as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

Community Safety News November 2023

Cllr Khevyn Limbajee

As Christmas approaches and the nights get longer we can all appreciate a little extra peace of mind, so we've worked with the police to publish some tips on keeping your property safe. These include having lighting outside your home if possible, keeping fences to the right height and keeping thorny plants under your windows. Small changes can make a big difference to your personal safety.

Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicked off on Saturday 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until Sunday 10 December: Human Rights Day.

Throughout the 16 days, there will be several training and information sessions which focus on different aspects of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). Sessions will be delivered in person or online. Find more information further down this newsletter.

Time is running out to fill in our survey on your experiences with and priorities for our local police service, which closes today (Friday 1 December). The results from this will be used to inform the upcoming Citizens' Assembly on the Future of Neighbourhood Policing which we're holding in partnership with the Met, so it's important we collect as many views as possible to get a more accurate representation of residents. If you haven't already or if you know anyone who might want to have their say, the survey can be found at: 

Take care.


Cllr Khevyn Limbajee, Cabinet Member for Community Safety

Spotlight on Leyton (E10)


The Council, Police and other partners including addiction support services and the local housing association are working together to drive drugs out of Leyton, focusing on four key strands:

  • Enforcement against perpetrators
  • Engagement with residents
  • Targeting hotspots
  • Support for the vulnerable

In November, Anti-Social Behaviour Officers have served Closure Orders on four premises thought to be linked to drugs, and a number of people have been identified as engaging in crime and anti-social behaviour. The Council and Police continue to take appropriate action in the form of ASB warnings and Community Protection Warnings or arrests where appropriate.

From 22 October until 6 November, there have been 40 arrests made in Leyton so far on charges including possession of Class A Cocaine, possession of a knife, possession of Class B cannabis, criminal damage, and breach of Community Protection Notices.

As part of our work to address crime hotspots, the owners of Leyton Mills have agreed to work alongside the Council and Police to address concerns. Agreed improvements include paving replacement, improved seating, new litter bins and proactive removal of graffiti.

The Council's addiction support service Change, Grow, Live are continuing proactive outreach work and have also now opened all-day walk-in surgeries at the below locations:

  • Monday - Leyton Library High Rd, London E10 5QH.
  • Friday - Leyton Health Care 75 Oliver Rd, London E10 5LG.

You can refer yourself or someone you know by calling 0203 826 9600 or emailing

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Taking action to end violence against women and girls

From Saturday 25 November – Sunday 10 December, Waltham Forest is taking part in an annual international campaign to raise awareness and mobilise action to combat gender-based violence. The following events are available for all residents: 

Stand by Her – This online training is a comprehensive guide to allyship, with attendees learning about how to effectively address and intervene when witnessing misogyny. Available to book here

Creative Hour – a creative session available to any women and non-binary people living, working, or studying in the borough, taking place at Walthamstow Family Hub from 10am until 12 on Wednesday 6 December. No booking required. 

Making Change Happen – an event for anyone wanting to learn more about how we're tackling violence against women and girls. This event will take place at Leyton Great Hall from 6pm – 8pm on Wednesday 6 December. Book here

Meet the VAWG team - the VAWG team invites you to join us for coffee and cake at Walthamstow Family Hub, 12.30pm – 3pm on Friday 8 December. 

For more information on any of the above, please contact

Police update


Operation Sceptre is a national anti-knife crime campaign by the UK's police services, supported by the Council. An intensification week took place from 13-19 November, with increased weapons sweeps, youth engagement sessions and more taking place across Waltham Forest.

Even the lads of Leyton Orient FC got involved, filming a short video to raise awareness of the support available to young people, with club captain Omar Beckles reflecting on his own experiences growing up in the borough.

Chingford & Higham's Park (E4)

Following a critical incident, Heathcote School requested support for students around knife crime awareness. The Violence Reduction Coordinator for the area developed a programme to provide education and personal safety tools to all year groups, supported by the London Ambulance Service, Met Police, StreetBase, CGL, Kooth and the Council's Community Safety team.  

A new CCTV camera has been installed on Beresford Road E4, overlooking the alleyway leading to a footbridge over the train tracks. This is to monitor the area and deter criminals following some reports of muggings.

Council officers have engaged with businesses along Station Road E4 to share knowledge of the services available and how to contact the Council and police.

Leytonstone (E11)

A colourful new mural has been installed on Lynn Road, designed by Ansley Randall and painted by Wood Street Walls. Lynn Road has attracted a fair amount of flytipping incidents over the years. Because it is isolated from the main high street, the corner has attracted a number of illegal activities including drug dealing, urination and fly tipping. The area appeared neglected. But the new mural has brightened up the area and we hope to see a reduction in criminal activities in the area. 

mural lynn road small

Walthamstow (E17)

Following reports of mobile phones being snatched in the area, the Council's CCTV operations team are working with the police to help identify the thieves and a new CCTV camera has also been installed on Coppermill Lane. To help keep yourself safe from theft when out and about, check out these personal safety tips provided by the police.

thief sign

Work also continues on a multi partnership approach with the police and college to stop youths on Forest Road entering Fellowship Square and nearby residential blocks to causing ASB.  Various joint patrols have taken place assisting in identifying a number of youths who will now receive warnings and/or support.

A Community Protection Warning has been served against a man targeting people in Walthamstow, thanks to the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour and Trading Standards teams acting on numerous reports from local residents.

The man had been reported as an aggressive door knocker who would ask people answering the door to him for money, claiming to work for an ex-offenders charity and offering painting and decorating services. When refused money it was reported he became verbally aggressive to the occupiers before moving to the next property.

The man has now been served with a Community Protection Warning and if he persists further action will be taken. His activities have also been flagged to the Council’s Trading Standards team due to concerns over the validity of qualifications listed on the painting and decorating leaflets handed to residents.

Reporting crime and anti-social behaviour

To report crime, please call 101 or report online. You should call 999 if you are reporting a crime that is in progress or if someone is in immediate danger.

Alternatively, you can make a report anonymously to Crimestoppers online or by calling 0800 555 111.

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