Bwletin diweddaru darparwyr gofal plant a chwarae / Update bulletin - childcare and play providers

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Anfonwyd ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru / Sent on behalf of Welsh Government

Saesneg isod / English below


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Canllawiau arferion gorau – bwyd a maeth ar gyfer lleoliadau gofal plant

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Nid yw'r “Canllawiau arferion gorau – bwyd a maeth ar gyfer lleoliadau gofal plant” y cyfeirir ato yn Safon 12 y Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir (NMS) ar gael dros dro ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru tra bod y cyngor ar faeth a diogelwch bwyd yn cael ei ddiweddaru gennym yn unol â'r argymhellion cyfredol.

Dylid diystyru unrhyw fersiynau papur neu fersiynau PDF sydd wedi'u cadw o'r canllawiau yn ogystal â bwydlenni/ryseitiau cysylltiedig gan nad yw pob un ohonynt yn bodloni'r argymhellion maethol cyfredol. Mae nifer bach ohonynt hefyd yn cynnwys bwydydd y mae'r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd yn cynghori a allai achosi perygl o dagu i blant, ee popgorn.

I gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am beryglon tagu, gan gynnwys rhestr o fwydydd i'w hosgoi, edrychwch ar bosteri'r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd sydd i’w cael drwy'r ddolen hon: Cyngor diogelwch bwyd ar beryglon tagu mewn lleoliadau – Y Blynyddoedd Sylfaen


I gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ddiogelwch bwyd, defnyddiwch y ddolen hon i wefan yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd: Bwyd mwy diogel, busnes gwell | Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd (


Bydd y canllawiau diwygiedig yn cael eu cylchredeg maes o law.


Cwestiynau? Cysylltwch â:

Dysgu dilys a phwrpasol

Dyma rai adnoddau dysgu ar gyfer darparwyr gofal plant a chwarae gan Lywodraeth Cymru a allai fod o gymorth i chi ar ddysgu dilys a phwrpasol i blant. 

Dysgu proffesiynol

Dysgu proffesiynol: Dysgu dilys a phwrpasol a ffeithlun.

Astudiaethau achos - Hwb

Astudiaethau achos o arfer effeithiol: dysgu dilys a phwrpasol

Mae'r astudiaeth achos yma sydd yn dangos sut gall ddysgwyr defnyddio'r hyn y maen nhw’n ei ddysgu mewn sefyllfaoedd bywyd go iawn.

Astudiaeth achos ar gynllunio’n ymatebol a chreadigol: Grŵp Chwarae Benllech

Gwybodaeth ynghylch ysgogiad Grŵp Chwarae Benllech i ail-edrych ar eu cynlluniau ar gyfer dysgu a datblygiad plant i helpu i greu'r cyfleoedd gorau i'r plant.

Ysgol yr Hendy

Astudiaeth achos yn dangos sut y cyflwynodd Ysgol yr Hendy brofiadau dysgu dilys a alluogodd ddysgwyr i gyflawni pedwar diben Cwricwlwm i Gymru.

Meithrinfa Osbourne Lodge

Astudiaeth achos ar sut y cyflwynodd y Meithrinfa Osbourne Lodge ddysgu dilys yn eu lleoliad.



Trwy lygaid plentyn

Cyfres o ddeg poster i ysbrydoli lleoliadau blynyddoedd cynnar a’r rhai sy’n gweithio neu’n treulio amser gyda phlant ifanc.

Gwasanaeth Cyflawni Addysg (EAS) – fideos ymarfer effeithiol

Cyfres o fideos gan leoliadau ac ysgolion ar gynllunio, arsylwi ac amgylcheddau effeithiol o fewn ymarfer.


Am wybodaeth bellach cysylltwch â:

CIW Logo 2021

Digwyddiadau darparwyr AGC - 25 Ebrill, 10:00-12:00 hanner dydd

Rydym yn cynnal dau ddigwyddiad rhithwir trwy Microsoft Teams ym mis Ebrill lle bydd darparwyr yn cael cyfle i glywed gan ddarparwyr eraill sydd wedi cyflawni un radd ‘rhagorol’ neu fwy.

Nid oes angen i chi gofrestru ar gyfer y digwyddiadau hyn - ymunwch â'r ddolen cyfarfod Teams perthnasol isod.

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, anfonwch e-bost i

Best practice guidance – food and nutrition for childcare settings

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Welsh Government’s “Best practice guidance – food and nutrition for childcare settings” referred to at Standard 12 of the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare (NMS) is temporarily unavailable on the Welsh Government website while they update nutritional and food safety advice in line with current recommendations.

Please disregard any paper or saved PDF versions of the guidance and associated menus/recipes as not all of them meet current nutritional recommendations and a couple include foods such as popcorn that the Food Standards Agency (FSA) advise are choking hazards to young children.

For up-to-date information on choking hazards, including a list of foods to avoid, please see the FSA posters on this link: Food safety advice on choking hazards in settings - Foundation Years


For up-to-date information on food safety, please visit Safer food, better business (SFBB) | Food Standards Agency                        


The revised guidance will be circulated in due course.

Questions? Email

Authentic and purposeful learning

Here are some learning resources for childcare and play providers from Welsh Government which you may find helpful on authentic and purposeful learning for children. 

Professional learning

Professional learning: Authentic and purposeful learning and infographic.

Case studies - Hwb

Effective practice case studies: authentic and purposeful learning
This video case study demonstrates how children can apply what they are learning to real life situations.

Responsive and creative planning case study: Benllech Playgroup

Learn about how Benllech Playgroup were motivated to re-visit how they plan for children’s learning and development to help create the best opportunities for the children.

Ysgol Yr Hendy

Case study showing how Ysgol yr Hendy introduced authentic learning experiences that enabled learners to fulfil the four purposes of Curriculum for Wales.

Osbourne Lodge Nursery

A case study on how Osbourne Lodge Nursery nursery introduced authentic learning within their setting.



Through the eyes of a child

A series of ten posters to provide inspiration within early years settings and for those who work or spend time with young children.

Education Achievement Services (EAS) – effective practice videos

A series of videos from settings and schools on planning, observation and effective environments within practice.

Wales Outdoor Learning Week: 22 to 28 April 2024

Embrace nature as part of learning and family life with these resources on Hwb.


For further information contact:

CIW Logo 2021

CIW provider event - 25 April, 10:00-12:00 noon

We are hosting our second virtual event via Microsoft Teams next week where providers will have the opportunity to hear from other providers who have achieved one or more ‘excellent’ ratings.

You do not need to register - simply join the relevant Teams meeting link below.

If you have any questions please email

Hawlfraint y Goron / Copyright © 2024 Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru / Care Inspectorate Wales. Cedwir pob hawl / All rights reserved.

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