Diwedd y trefniadau dros dro mewn perthynas â llacio’r Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed: 17 Ionawr – 1 Ebrill 2022 / End of temporary relaxations to the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years: 17 January – 1 April 2022


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Diwedd y trefniadau dros dro mewn perthynas â llacio’r Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed: 17 Ionawr – 1 Ebrill 2022

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Annwyl ddarparwr cofrestredig,

Yn ein Cylchlythyr 002/2022, a gyhoeddwyd ar 17 Ionawr 2022, ailgyflwynodd Llywodraeth Cymru drefniadau llacio dros dro ar gyfer rhai o ofynion y Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir tan 1 Ebrill 2022.  Roedd hyn mewn ymateb i ymddangosiad a lledaeniad yr amrywolyn Omicron a’r effaith yr oedd yn ei gael ar leoliadau gofal plant.

Diben yr e-bost hwn yw eich atgoffa y bydd disgwyl i ddarparwyr gofal plant, o 1 Ebrill 2022, roi sylw dyledus i’r Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Gofal Plant a Reoleiddir i blant hyd at 12 oed yn y ffordd arferol.

Rydym yn gwybod i rai lleoliadau allu defnyddio’r trefniadau llacio dros dro yn ystod y pandemig. Yn ystod yr haf, rydym yn gobeithio cynnal proses ymgynghori a fydd yn edrych ar nifer o newidiadau posibl o ran y Safonau Gofynnol Cenedlaethol. Byddwn yn sicrhau eich bod yn cael gwybod pan fydd yr ymgynghoriad hwnnw yn cael ei lansio.


Am wybodaeth bellach cysylltwch â: Gofalplantchawarae@llyw.cymru

End of temporary relaxations to the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years: 17 January – 1 April 2022

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Dear registered provider,

In our Welsh Government Circular 002/2022 issued on 17 January 2022, the Welsh Government re-introduced the temporary relaxation of some of the requirements in its National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare until 1 April 2022.  This was in response to the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 and the impact it was having on childcare settings. 

This email is to remind you that from 1 April 2022, childcare providers will be expected to have due regard to the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare for children up to the age of 12 years, in the usual way.

We know that many childcare settings have found these temporary relaxations useful during the pandemic.  This summer we plan on running a consultation exercise which will look at a number of proposed changes in a refreshed NMS. We will ensure that you are all informed when that consultation is launched.


For further information contact: ChildcareandPlayMailbox@gov.wales 

Hawlfraint y Goron / Copyright © 2022 Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru / Care Inspectorate Wales. Cedwir pob hawl / All rights reserved.

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