Welsh Government Consultation

18 May 2017 

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Regulatory reform of registered social landlords

We want your views on proposed reforms to the regulation of registered social landlords (RSLs) in Wales.

Consultation period: 08/05/17 - 03/07/17

Regulations on sharing student information

We want your views on the Education (Student Information) (Wales) Regulations 2017 and Education (Destination Information) (Prescribed Activities) (Wales) Regulations 2017.

Consultation period: 08/05/17 - 31/07/17

Revised UK air quality plan for tackling nitrogen dioxide

We are seeking your views on a draft revised UK air quality plan for tackling nitrogen dioxide.

Consultation period: 05/05/17 - 15/06/17

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Closing soon


Transport for Wales – Design of Wales and Borders Rail Service including Metro

Transport for Wales is seeking views on the high level direction for the new Wales and Borders Rail Service including the South Wales Metro.

Consultation period: 28/02/17 - 23/05/17

Options for implementing the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill

We want your views on how best to implement the new Additional Learning Needs system.

Consultation period: 27/02/17 - 09/06/17

Draft circular for the planning of Gypsy, Traveller and showpeople sites

We want your views on updated guidance on the planning aspects of identifying sustainable sites for Gypsies and Travellers.

Consultation period: 27/02/17 - 22/05/17

View all consultations closing soon



Consultation provides you with the opportunity to have your say on new developments from the Welsh Government. Visit the consultation area on the Welsh Government website for more information.

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