Torfaen Weekly News Bulletin 26.05.23


weekly news
Abersychan pupils

New floodlit pitch

A scheme to build a new floodlit all-weather community sports pitch for the north of the borough has been given the green light.

The first sight of the project plan for a new floodlit all-weather community sports pitch planned for Abersychan Comprehensive School will be unveiled to councillors next week. The scheme will also see the an upgrade to tennis and netball courts with the playing surface replaced. Full story.

Cae newydd â llifoleuadau

Mae cynllun i adeiladu cae chwarae pob tywydd cymunedol newydd gyda llifoleuadau ar gyfer gogledd y fwrdeistref wedi derbyn y golau gwyrdd.

Bydd cynllun y prosiect am gae chwarae pob tywydd cymunedol newydd gyda llifoleuadau yn Ysgol Gyfun Abersychan yn cael ei ddangos i gynghorwyr am y tro cyntaf yr wythnos nesaf. Bydd y cynllun hefyd yn gweld uwchraddio cyrtiau tenis a phêl-rwyd gydag ail wynebu’r llain chwarae. Stori lawn.


Fitness programme helps woman reverse diabetes

Jacquelin Chapman has managed to reverse onset type-2 diabetes after taking part in the #IfyougoIgo health and fitness programme for women.


Jacquelin, 40, from Cwmbran, was diagnosed as prediabetic in 2021 and was struggling with her weight and overall well-being.


She joined the 10-week programme in July 2022 and has since lost five stone in weight and seen a huge improvement in her health.


Read more about Jacquelin's Ifyougoigo story


Rhaglen ffitrwydd yn helpu menyw i wrthdroi diabetes

Mae Jacquelin Chapman wedi llwyddo i wrthdroi datblygiad diabetes math 2 ar ôl cymryd rhan yn rhaglen iechyd a ffitrwydd i fenywod #oseidiafi.


Cafodd Jacquelin, 40 oed, o Gwmbrân, ddiagnosis fel rhywun cyn-ddiabetig yn 2021 ac roedd yn cael trafferth gyda’i phwysau a’i lles cyffredinol.


Ymunodd â’r rhaglen 10 wythnos yng Ngorffennaf 2022 ac mae hi wedi colli pum stôn ers hynny ac wedi gweld gwelliant anferth yn ei hiechyd.



Foster carers celebrated

More than 170 foster carers from across Torfaen have been celebrated for their outstanding work in transforming the lives of children in their care.


It comes during Foster Care Fortnight, a nationwide campaign led by the Fostering Network, aimed at raising awareness about fostering and highlighting the remarkable impact foster families have on the lives of vulnerable children and young people.


The celebrations culminated in an awards ceremony and lunch at The Parkway Hotel, in Cwmbran, for around 80 foster carers, organised by Torfaen Council’s Foster Wales team.

Read more here


Young people who spent time in local authority foster care have also said thank you to their foster carers as part of Foster Care Fortnight. Read more here


Dathlu gofalwyr maeth

Mae dros 170 o ofalwyr maeth ar draws Torfaen wedi cael eu cydnabod am eu gwaith rhagorol wrth drawsnewid bywydau plant yn eu gofal.


Daw hyn yn ystod Pythefnos Gofal Maeth, ymgyrch cenedlaethol dan arweiniad y Rhwydwaith Faethu gyda’r bwriad o godi ymwybyddiaeth am faethu a phobl ifanc ac amlygu effaith ryfeddol teuluoedd maeth ar fywydau plant a phobl ifanc sy’n agored i niwed.


Daeth y dathliadau i ben mewn seremoni wobrwyo a chinio yng Ngwesty Parkway, Cwmbrân, i ryw 80 o ofalwyr maeth, wedi ei threfnu gan dîm Maethu Cymru Cyngor Torfaen..


Mae pobl ifanc a dreuliodd amser mewn gofal maeth gydag awdurdod lleol wedi diolch i’w gofalwyr maeth fel rhan o Bythefnos Gofal Maeth. Darllen mwy

Multiply session

Free half term fun

This May Half Term, our Torfaen Multiply Team has something special in store for parents and children. Join us for a series of engaging and fun sessions that aim to strengthen your number skills while having a blast together.


Each session is limited to one parent and one child. Spaces are limited, so be sure to book in advance to secure your spot. For more information, visit the Torfaen website.


Hwyl am ddim dros hanner tymor

Dros Hanner Tymor Mai, mae gan Dîm Lluosi Torfaen rywbeth arbennig i rieni a phlant.  Ymunwch â ni am gyfres o sesiynau diddorol a hwyliog a fydd yn ceisio cryfhau eich sgiliau â rhifau wrth gael hwyl gyda’ch gilydd.


Mae pob sesiwn wedi ei gyfyngu i un rhiant ac un plentyn.  Mae nifer y lleoedd yn gyfyngedig felly gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn bwcio o flaen llaw i sicrhau eich lle. Am wybodaeth am sesiynau, ewch at wefan Torfaen.

flying start

Childcare Support Reaches More Families

A significant expansion of childcare provision in Torfaen is set to benefit more families, as more Flying Start areas are introduced across the borough.


The initiative, funded by the Welsh Government, will cater for two-year-olds, providing enhanced support and opportunities for early childhood development.


It’s estimated 251 families currently access Flying Start childcare in Torfaen, with around 173 more expected to benefit from the expansion.

Read more about the latest Flying Start expansion


Cymorth Gofal Plant yn Cyrraedd Mwy o Deuluoedd

Bydd ehangu sylweddol yn y ddarpariaeth gofal plant yn Nhorfaen o fudd i fwy o deuluoedd, wrth i fwy o ardaloedd Dechrau'n Deg gael eu cyflwyno ar draws y fwrdeistref.


Bydd y fenter, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn darparu ar gyfer plant dwy oed, gan ddarparu gwell cefnogaeth a chyfleoedd ar gyfer datblygiad plentyndod cynnar.


Amcangyfrifir bod 251 o deuluoedd yn manteisio ar ofal plant Dechrau'n Deg yn Nhorfaen ar hyn o bryd, a disgwylir i tua 173 yn rhagor elwa o'r ehangu.


cake decorating

Wellbeing Fayre

Join Torfaen Adult Community Learning this half term for a range of FREE activities at their Wellbeing Fayre.


Save the date: Wednesday 31 May at Croesyceiliog Community Education Centre, from 10am to 2pm. Don't miss out!


Get to experience:

  • Cookery demos & recipe ideas
  • Food tasting & refreshments
  • Pedal power smoothies
  • Cupcake decorating
  • VR experience & more!

Everyone is welcome! Get a free goodie bag, grab books, and boost your employment prospects. For more details, visit Connect Torfaen


Ffair Llesiant

Ymunwch â Dysgu Cymunedol i Oedolion Torfaen dros hanner tymor ar gyfer gweithgareddau AM DDIM yn eu Ffair Llesiant.

Cadwch y Dyddiad: Dydd Mercher 31 Mai yng Nghanolfan Addysg Gymunedol Croesyceiliog, o 10am tan 2pm. Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle!

Cewch brofi:

  • Arddangosfeydd coginio a syniadau am ryseitiau
  • Blasu bwyd a lluniaeth
  • Smwddis nerth pedal
  • Addurno cacennau
  • Profiad rhithwir a llawer mwy!

Croeso i bawb!  Bydd bag bach o bethau da i chi, llyfrau hefyd, a gallwch weld sut i roi hwb i’ch cyfleoedd am waith.  Am fwy o fanylion, ewch i wefan Cysylltu Torfaen


food waste

Food waste recycling

Recycling and waste crews will be working on bank holiday Monday, so please leave your waste and recycling out as normal.


Food waste is collected weekly, which means it doesn't have to stay in your purple-lidded bin for two weeks, especially during the warm weather.


Find out more about council services during the bank holiday


Ailgylchu gwastraff bwyd

Bydd criwiau ailgylchu a gwastraff yn gweithio ar ddydd Llun gŵyl y banc, felly gadewch eich gwastraff ac ailgylchu allan fel arfer.


Mae gwastraff bwyd yn cael ei gasglu bob wythnos, ac felly nid yw’n gorfod aros yn eich bin â chlawr porffor am bythefnos, yn enwedig yn ystod y tywydd poeth.


Dysgwch fwy am wasanaethau’r cyngor yn ystod gŵyl y banc

Garden waste

Green waste collections

If you are planning to get out into the garden this weekend, please recycle all your green waste. Find out what can be recycled here.


Please don't put any general rubbish, such as rubble or household waste, into green bins - it reduces our ability to recycle the material. #RaiseTheRate


Casgliadau gwastraff gwyrdd

Os ydych chi’n bwriadu mynd allan i’r ardd y penwythnos hwn, da chi cofiwch ailgylchu eich gwastraff gwyrdd. Cliciwch yma i weld beth sy’n gallu cael ei ailgylchu.


Peidiwch â rhoi unrhyw sbwriel cyffredinol, fel rwbel neu wastraff y cartref, yn y biniau gwyrdd – mae’n lleihau ein gallu i ailgylchu’r defnyddiau. #CodirGyfradd

Bag your batteries

Battery recycling 

The equivalent of more than 30,000 AA batteries have been recycled since we introduced kerbside collections in April.


You can now recycle AA, AAA, B, C, D and 9V batteries in your black recycling box– just put them into any clear bag and tie. Unfortunately, we can’t take button batteries, but you can recycle them at the Household Waste Recycling Centre.


Ailgylchu batris

Mae cyfwerth â 30,000 o fatris AA wedi cael eu hailgylchu ers i ni gyflwyno casgliadau wrth ymyl y ffordd fis Ebrill.


Gallwch nawr ailgylchu batris AA, AAA, B, C, D a 9V yn eich blwch ailgylchu du – rhowch nhw mewn unrhyw fag clir a chlymwch y bag. Yn anffodus, ni allwn gymryd batris botwm, ond gallwch eu hailgylchu yng Nghanolfan Ailgylchu Gwastraff y Cartref.

Whitebrook Southville

New park plans

Council officers will be on the green at Whitebrook Way, Southville, Cwmbran next week to consult local residents about proposals for the new play area.

They will be there on Tuesday 30 May, between 12.30pm and 2.30pm. Please come and have your say on the type of play equipment you would like to see on the site.

Cynlluniau parc newydd

Bydd swyddogion Cyngor Torfaen wrth y llain yn Whitebrook Way, Pentre Isaf, wythnos nesaf i ymgynghori a thrigolion lleol am gynlluniau am ardal chwarae newydd.

Byddan nhw yno ar ddydd Mawrth, 30ain Mai rhwng 12.30pm a 2.30pm. Dewch i roi eich barn am y math o offer chwarae yr hoffech chi weld ar y safle.


Carers Week events 

This Carers Week, Torfaen Council will be hosting a series of events to thank adult and young carers for the work they do. Running from 5 June to 11 June, Carers Week is a nationwide celebration of the invaluable contributions of unpaid carers.


As part of the celebrations, the council is hosting an evening of appreciation for unpaid carers and their loved ones on Wednesday 7 June, 6:30pm, at Panteg House in Pontypool.


In addition, young carers from across the borough can look forward an action-packed week of bowling, bingo, laser tag and a disco.


Read more about Carers Week


Digwyddiadau Wythnos Gofalwyr

Yn ystod Wythnos Gofalwyr, bydd Cyngor Torfaen yn cynnal cyfres o ddigwyddiadau i ddiolch i ofalwyr – yn oedolion ac yn ifanc – am ei gwaith. O 5 Mehefin i 11 Mehefin, mae Wythnos Gofalwyr yn ddathliad cenedlaethol o gyfraniadau amhrisiadwy gofalwyr di-dâl.


Fel rhan o’r dathliadau, bydd y cyngor yn cynnal noson o werthfawrogiad i ofalwr di-dâl a’u hanwyliaid ar ddydd Mercher, 7 Mehefin, 6:30pm yn Nhŷ Panteg ym Mhont-y-pŵl.


Bydd bwyd ac adloniant gan fand Bois-Y-Bryn – band Sianti Cymreig o Gwmbrân,

Hefyd, gall gofalwyr ifanc ar draws y fwrdeistref edrych ymlaen at wythnos lawn o fowlio, bingo, laser tag a disgo.


Cwmbran library

Voter Authority certificate

Torfaen Council's library service has launched a new service to help anyone who needs to apply online for a voter authority certificate.  


From this month, voters will need to show photo identification to vote in some elections - namely future Police Crime and Commissioner elections, UK General Elections, UK Parliamentary By Elections and recall petitions.


Staff from Torfaen Libraries and Adult Community Learning service will be on hand each week at the libraries to offer IT support to residents who need to apply. 


Learn more about this provision


Dystysgrif Awdurdod Pleidleisiwr

Mae gwasanaeth llyfrgelloedd Cyngor Torfaen wedi lansio gwasanaeth newydd i helpu unrhyw un sydd angen gwneud cais ar-lein am dystysgrif awdurdod pleidleisiwr.


O’r mis hwn ymlaen, bydd angen i bleidleiswyr ddangos dogfennaeth adnabod â llun i bleidleisio mewn rhai etholiadau – sef etholiadau yn y dyfodol ar gyfer Comisiynwyr Heddlu a Throsedd, etholiadau Senedd y DU, Is-etholiadau i Senedd y DU a deisebau ad-alw.


Bydd staff o Lyfrgelloedd Torfaen a’r gwasanaeth Dysgu Cymunedol i Oedolion wrth law pob wythnos yn y llyfrgelloedd i gynnig cefnogaeth TG i drigolion sydd angen gwneud cais. 


Rhod Gilbert

World Blood Cancer Day

Comedian and television presenter Rhod Gilbert is urging young people to join the Welsh Blood Service's Chilled Out Lifesaver campaign to increase the number of bone marrow donors.


Speaking ahead of World Blood Cancer Day on Sunday, the Velindre patron, who is also recovering from cancer, said: "Joining the Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry is giving someone, somewhere in the world who has blood cancer a chance to make a full recovery and to spend more precious time with their friends and loved ones."


For information about how to join the Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry, click here


Diwrnod Canser Gwaed y Byd

Mae’r comedïwr a’r cyflwynydd teledu Rhod Gilbert yn annog pobl i ymuno ag ymgyrch ‘Achubwr Bywyd Cŵl’ Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru er mwyn cynyddu nifer y rhoddwyr mêr esgyrn.


Roedd Rhod, sy’n noddwr Felindre ac sydd hefyd yn gwella ar ôl cael canser ei hun, yn siarad cyn Diwrnod Canser Gwaed y Byd ddydd Sul. Meddai: "Mae bod ar Gofrestr Rhoddwyr Mêr Esgyrn Cymru yn rhoi cyfle i rywun, yn rhywle yn y byd, sydd â chanser y gwaed, i wella’n llwyr ac i dreulio mwy o amser gwerthfawr gyda’u ffrindiau a’u hanwyliaid."


Am ragor o wybodaeth ynghylch sut i gofrestru ar gyfer Cofrestr Rhoddwyr Mêr Esgyrn Cymru, cliciwch yma.

Nature isn't Neat with logos

Nature Isn't Neat survey

The project is expanding the successful grassland management pilots in Gwent to cover more areas this year.


This alternative approach to managing grasslands in green spaces benefits nature by creating meadow areas that tackle climate and biodiversity challenges.


By changing grassland management it promotes the growth of wildflowers and creates improved habitats for important pollinators like bees and butterflies.


Take the survey to share your opinions and attitudes about the changes made in your local area as part of the Nature isn't Neat project.


Arolwg diweddaraf Natur Wyllt

Mae’r prosiect yn ehangu’r cynlluniau peilot rheolaeth glaswelltiroedd llwyddiannus yng Ngwent i gynnwys mwy o ardaloedd eleni.


Mae’r dull amgen yma o reoli glaswelltiroedd mewn mannau gwyrdd o fudd i natur trwy greu dolydd sy’n mynd i’r afael â heriau’r hinsawdd a bioamrywiaeth.


Trwy newid rheolaeth glaswelltiroedd, mae’n hyrwyddo twf blodau gwyllt ac yn creu cynefinoedd gwell i beillwyr pwysig fel gwenyn a gloÿnnod byw.


Cwblhewch yr arolwg er mwyn rhoi eich barn a’ch agwedd tuag at y newidiadau yn eich ardal leol fel rhan o brosiect Natur Wyllt.

Mic Morris 10k

World's "fastest 10k race" 

Hundreds of runners have already signed up for this year's Mic Morris race, which the organisers say is “the fastest race of its kind on the planet".


The downhill race on Sunday 16 July starts at 9am in Blaenavon, with all runners expected to cross the finish line in Pontypool Park by 11am.


Read more about this years Mic Morris Torfaen 10k run


“Ras 10k gyflymaf” y byd 

Mae cannoedd o redwyr eisoes wedi cofrestru ar gyfer ras Mic Morris eleni, sef yn ôl y trefnwyr "y ras gyflymaf o'i bath ar y blaned".


Mae'r ras ar i lawr, ddydd Sul 16 Gorffennaf yn dechrau am 9am ym Mlaenafon, ac mae disgwyl i'r holl redwyr groesi'r llinell derfyn ym Mharc Pont-y-pŵl erbyn 11am.


Read the latest Torfaen Council news