Registrar services resume in Torfaen
Following a change in legislation by the Welsh Government on the 22nd June 2020, birth registrations and appointments for notices of marriage can now recommence in Torfaen.
Registering a birth will require a face to face appointment in the registry office at the Civic Centre, Pontypool. Access will only be granted if you have a pre-arranged appointment and social distancing measures must be adhered to at all times.
The Welsh Government has also updated its guidance in relation to marriages and civil partnerships. The coronavirus regulations now allow for the solemnization of marriages in a place of worship registered for marriage and civil partnership formations where the place of worship is also an approved premises, subject to physical distancing requirements being in place.
The council are awaiting further clarification from the Welsh Government in relation to marriages and civil partnerships in registry offices and on secular approved premises and will provide an update as soon as we can.
If you wish to book an appointment to register a birth or a notice of marriage call 01495 742132. Read more about registrar service changes
Gwasanaethau cofrestryddion yn ailddechrau yn Nhorfaen
Ar ôl newid mewn deddfwriaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar 22ain Mehefin 2020, gall cofrestriadau geni ac apwyntiadau ar gyfer hysbysiadau o briodas ailddechrau nawr yn Nhorfaen.
Bydd cofrestru genedigaeth angen apwyntiad wyneb yn wyneb yn y swyddfa gofrestru yn y Ganolfan Ddinesig, Pont-y-pŵl. Cewch ddod i mewn dim ond os ydych wedi trefnu apwyntiad o flaen llaw a rhaid cadw at fesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol ar bob adeg.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd wedi diweddaru eu canllawiau mewn perthynas â phriodasau a phartneriaethau sifil. Mae’r rheoliadau coronafeirws nawr yn caniatáu gweinyddu priodasau mewn addoldy a gofrestrir ar gyfer ffurfio priodasau a phartneriaethau sifil ble mae’r addoldy hefyd yn fan a gymeradwyir, yn amodol ar fod mesurau cadw pellter corfforol ar waith.
Mae’r cyngor yn aros am eglurder pellach gan Lywodraeth Cymru mewn perthynas â phriodasau a phartneriaethau sifil mewn swyddfeydd cofrestru ac mewn mannau seciwlar a gymeradwyir a bydd yn rhoi’r diweddaraf cyn gynted â phosibl.
Os hoffech chi drefnu apwyntiad i gofrestru marwolaeth neu hysbysiad o briodas, ffoniwch 01495 742132. Darllenwch fwy am newidiadau i wasanaeth cofrestryddion
Armed Forces Week 2020
This week we raised the Armed Forces Flag outside the Civic Centre to honour the whole Armed Forces Community
We remember the huge sacrifices and courageous actions taken by veterans that served both home and away and by the men and women who are currently serving.
Although this year we were unable to hold our usual service beneath the flag, we are proud to be armed forces champions and will continue to support our veterans wherever we can.
For support and further information please visit our Armed Forces pages on the website -
Wythnos y Lluoedd Arfog 2020
Yr wythnos yma fe godon ni Faner y Lluoedd Arfog y tu allan i’r Ganolfan Ddinesig i anrhydeddu holl Gymuned y Lluoedd Arfog Rydym yn cofio’r aberth mawr a’r camau dewr a gymerodd ein cyn-filwyr a fu’n gwasanaethu gartref a thramor a hefyd y dynion a’r menywod sy’n gwasanaethu ar hyn o bryd.
Er nad oeddem yn gallu cynnal ein gwasanaeth arferol o dan y faner eleni, rydym yn falch o fod yn un o hyrwyddwyr y lluoedd arfog a byddwn yn parhau i gefnogi’n cyn-filwyr ble bynnag y gallwn.
Am gefnogaeth a rhagor o wybodaeth, ewch i’n tudalennau am y Lluoedd Arfog ar ein gwefan.
Covid19 - Wellbeing Survey
The 7 Health Boards across Wales have been working with Swansea and Cardiff Universities to help understand the impact of coronavirus on the emotional well-being and mental health of the Welsh population.
If you’re over the age of 16 years and living in Wales, they’d really appreciate it if you can find 10 minutes to complete the survey.
Visit or for further information.
If anyone would like to complete the survey on a paper copy it can be downloaded from the website or you can phone 07737558980 and leave your name and address to request a copy.
Covid19 – Arolwg Lles
Mae’r 7 Bwrdd Iechyd ar draws Cymru wedi bob yn gweithio gyda phrifysgolion Abertawe a Chaerdydd i helpu i ddeall effaith coronafeirws ar les emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl poblogaeth Cymru.
Os ydych chi dros 16 oed ac yn byw yng Nghymru, bydden nhw’n gwerthfawrogi’n fawr pe baech chi’n gallu treulio rhyw 10 munud i gwblhau’r arolwg.
Ewch i neu am ragor o wybodaeth.
Os hoffai unrhyw un gwblhau’r arolwg ar bapur, gellir ei lawrlwytho o’r wefan neu gallwch ffonio 07737558980 a gadael eich enw a chyfeiriad i gael copi.
Create your own face covering
The evidence remains clear that the most effective way to protect yourself and others from infection is to follow social distancing rules, avoid touching surfaces and your face, and wash your hands regularly.
Face coverings are not a substitute for these measures, but in some circumstances where it might be difficult to stay 2m away from others, Welsh Government are advising the use of three-layer, non-medical face coverings.
Click the image above to watch how you can make your own face covering at home.
You can find FAQs about the use of face coverings here -
Creu gorchudd wyneb eich hun
Mae'r dystiolaeth yn parhau i fod yn glir mai'r ffordd fwyaf effeithiol i amddiffyn eich hun ac eraill rhag haint yw dilyn rheolau pellhau cymdeithasol, osgoi cyffwrdd ag arwynebau a'ch wyneb, a golchi'ch dwylo'n rheolaidd.
Nid yw gorchuddion wyneb yn cymryd lle’r mesurau hyn, ond mewn rhai amgylchiadau lle gallai fod yn anodd aros 2m i ffwrdd oddi wrth eraill, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynghori defnyddio gorchuddion wyneb anfeddygol tair haen.
Cliciwch y ddelwedd uchod i wylio sut y gallwch chi wneud eich wyneb eich hun yn gorchuddio gartref.
Gallwch ddod o hyd i Gwestiynau Cyffredin am ddefnyddio gorchuddion wyneb yma -
Fostering is a life changing experience, with amazing rewards and exciting challenges.
Now, more than ever, during these difficult times, children in Torfaen need a stable, caring and loving home.
Could you offer a loving home?
If yes, call 01495 766669 to speak with a member of our Family Placement Team or register your interest here:
#Thisisfostering #FosterTorfaen #FCF20
Mae maethu yn brofiad sy’n newid bywyd, gyda gwobrau hynod a heriau cyffrous.
Nawr, fwy nag erioed, yn y cyfnod anodd hwn, mae plant yn Nhorfaen angen cartref sefydlog, gofalgar a chariadus.
Allech chi gynnig cartref cariadus?
Os gallech, ffoniwch 01495 766669 i siarad ag aelod o’n Tîm Lleoli Teuluoedd neu
cofrestrwch eich diddordeb yma:
#DymaYwMaethu #MaethuTorfaen #FCF20
Welsh Government Business Rates Grant (COVID-19)
Act now, the closing date for new applications is 30 June. Apply here
- Retail, leisure and hospitality businesses with a rateable value of £12,001 and £51,000 are entitled to receive £25,000.
- Businesses and charities with a rateable value of £12,000 or less are eligible for Small Business Rates Relief grant of £10,000.
- Charites and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) operating in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors are also entitled to receive a £10,000 grant.
For further information and other business related support, please visit:
dderbyn Grant Ardrethi Busnes Llywodraeth Cymru (COVID-19)
- Mae gan fusnesau manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch gyda gwerth trethiannol rhwng £12,001 a £51,000 hawl i dderbyn £25,000.
- Mae busnesau ac elusennau gyda gwerth trethiannol o £12,000 neu lai yn gymwys i dderbyn grant Gostyngiad Ardrethi Busnesau Bach o £10,000.
- Mae gan elusennau a Chlybiau Chwaraeon Amatur Cymunedol (CASC) sy’n gweithredu yn y sectorau manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch hefyd hawl i dderbyn £10,000.
Covid19.aspx’ I gael rhagor o wybodaeth a chymorth arall cysylltiedig â busnes, ewch i:
Coronavirus Test
We all have a part to play in keeping Wales Safe. If you have a cough, a fever, or a loss of taste or smell, remember, you must book a Coronavirus test.
Book online at or phone 119. People with hearing or speech difficulties can call 18001 119.
Tests are most effective when taken in the first 5 days of symptoms, book a test as soon as you have symptoms, and if you are getting a test posted to you, take it as soon as you receive it.
Profion Coronafeirws
Mae gan bawb ran i chwarae mewn Cadw Cymru’n Ddiogel. Os oes gennych chi beswch, twymyn neu golli blas neu arogl, cofiwch, mae’n rhaid i chi drefnu prawf Coronafeirws.
Bwciwch ar-lein trwy neu ffoniwch 119. Gall pobl ag anawsterau clywed neu siarad ffonio 18001 119
Mae profion ar eu mwyaf effeithiol pan fyddant yn cael eu cymryd yn ystod 5 diwrnod cyntaf symptomau, trefnwch brawf cyn gynted ag y bo gennych symptomau, ac os ydych chi’n cael prawf trwy’r post, cymerwch y prawf cyn gynted ag y byddwch wedi ei dderbyn.
Join Torfaen libraries for Rhyme Time
If you are missing taking your little one to baby and toddlers sessions take a look at the Torfaen Library and Information Services YouTube channel.
Rhyme Time, which was loved by many has gone digital, so give it a try and let us know what you think.
Head on over to the Torfaen Library and Information Services YouTube channel by clicking here.
Ymunwch â Llyfrgelloedd Torfaen ar gyfer Amser Rhigymau
Os ydych yn colli mynd â’ch plentyn i’r sesiynau babanod a phlantos, cymerwch gip ar sianel YouTube Gwasanaethau Llyfrgell a Gwybodaeth Torfaen.
Mae Amser Rhigymau, a oedd yn boblogaidd iawn, wedi mynd yn ddigidol, felly rhowch gynnig arni a gadewch i ni wybod eich barn.
Ewch draw i sianel YouTune Gwasanaethau Llyfrgell a Gwybodaeth Torfaen drwy glicio yma.