Ysgol Panteg opening ceremony / Seremoni agor Ysgol Panteg


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Ysgol Panteg opening ceremony / Seremoni agor Ysgol Panteg


Kirsty Williams AM, the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Secretary for Education will officially open Ysgol Panteg in Griffithstown, Pontypool this week. (Thursday 25 May at 1pm) 

The newly constructed primary school has been built as part of the council’s and Welsh Government’s 21st Century Schools and Education Programme.

The school, built on a new location, opened to pupils at the end of February and is part of a £20.5 million investment in three new primary schools opened since November 2016.

The council’s cost to build the new schools was match funded by Welsh Government through its 21st Century Schools and Education Programme, a collaboration between the Welsh Government, the Welsh Local Government Association and councils. The programme, which launched in 2011, has seen a mix of new schools built, school closures and refurbished buildings all with the aim of creating schools of the right size, in the right place and of the right quality.

All three primary schools opened this year have been designed and constructed by Willmott Dixon Construction Limited and are based on the same design. Blenheim Road Community Primary and Llantarnam Community Primary have 315 pupil places and Ysgol Panteg has 3 additional classrooms and can accommodate 420 pupil places.

Dermot McChrystal, Torfaen’s Chief Education Officer, said: “‘Torfaen council is committing significant long-term investment to provide children with safe, inspiring schools which meet the needs of every pupil and gives them the best opportunity to reach their full potential.”

“By 2019, Torfaen will have been invested around £87 million to improve the school environment for pupils and reduce the numbers of surplus places in line with Welsh Government targets.

“This magnificent new school replaces outdated, ageing and inefficient school buildings and it’s clear it is already inspiring pupils and staff.”

For more information on 21st Century Schools in Torfaen visit www.torfaen.gov.uk


Yr wythnos hon (dydd Iau, 25ain Mai am 1pm) bydd Kirsty Williams AC, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer Addysg yn agor yn swyddogol Ysgol Panteg yn Griffithstown, Pont-y-pŵl.

Mae’r ysgol gynradd newydd wedi ei hadeiladu fel rhan o raglen Ysgolion ac Addysg yr 21ain Ganrif y cyngor a Llywodraeth Cymru.

Agorodd yr ysgol, ar leoliad newydd, i ddisgyblion ar ddiwedd mis Chwefror ac mae’n rhan o fuddsoddiad £20.5 miliwn mewn tair ysgol gynradd newydd sydd wedi agor er mis Tachwedd 2016.

Rhoddodd Llywodraeth Cymru arian cyfatebol i gost y cyngor i adeiladu’r ysgolion newydd trwy ei Rhaglen Ysgolion ac Addysg yr 21ain Ganrif, sy’n gynllun cydweithredol rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru, Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru a chynghorau. Mae’r rhaglen, a lansiwyd yn 2011, wedi gweld nifer o ysgolion newydd yn cael eu hadeiladu, ysgolion yn cau ac adeiladau’n cael eu hailwampio, oll gyda’r nod o greu ysgolion o’r maint priodol, yn y lle priodol ac o’r ansawdd priodol.

Mae’r tair ysgol gynradd sydd wedi agor eleni wedi eu dylunio a’u hadeiladu gan Willmott Dixon Construction Limited ac yn seiliedig ar yr un dyluniad. Mae gan Ysgol Gynradd 

Gymunedol Blenheim Road ac Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Llantarnam 315 lle i ddisgyblion ac mae gan Ysgol Panteg 3 dosbarth ychwanegol a gall dderbyn 420 o ddisgyblion.

Meddai Dermot McChrystal, Prif Swyddog Addysg Torfaen: “Mae cyngor Torfaen yn ymrwymo buddsoddiad arwyddocaol hirdymor i ddarparu ysgolion diogel, ysbrydoledig i blant, sy’n diwallu anghenion pob disgybl ac yn rhoi’r cyfle gorau iddynt gyflawni eu potensial llawn.

“Erbyn 2019, bydd Torfaen wedi buddsoddi rhyw £87 miliwn i wella’r amgylchedd ysgol i ddisgyblion a lleihau’r nifer o leoedd dros ben yn unol â thargedau Llywodraeth Cymru.

“Mae’r ysgol newydd wych hon yn disodli hen adeiladau ysgol aneffeithiol ac mae’n amlwg ei bod eisoes yn ysbrydoli disgyblion a staff.”

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ar Ysgolion yr 21ain Ganrif yn Nhorfaen, ewch i www.torfaen.gov.uk <http://www.torfaen.gov.uk>

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