We regularly run a Forum, where we meet in a very relaxed environment to look at one area or topic important to our families. Recent topics have included social care and health.
Please sign up to our membership list to receive up-to-date events information and if you have a topic you think we should cover please do let us know.
At SEND Family Voice we are volunteers, wanting to champion the voice of parents and carers and ensure that the voice of lived experience is heard at every level. This means your voice!
Please share your views with us and get involved if you can. We aim to work in co-production with local partners to deliver meaningful change.
It’s lovely to see the flowers starting to come through and the promise that Spring and Summer are round the corner. We wish all our families a good break over Easter.
Rebecca Box and Karen Roofe
Co-Chairs SFVT
Torbay SEND Events
Q&A sessions on Mental Capacity Act and Lasting Power of Attorney
Following a request from parents and carers, Torbay SEND and Adult Services are hosting two question-and-answer sessions on the Mental Capacity Act and the Lasting Power of Attorney. These are aimed at parents/carers and young people with SEND.
They will be hosted by Alison Kingdon, Mental Capacity/ Liberty Protection Manager, Sharon O’Reilly, Deputy Director of Adult Social Services, Nicky Hooper, Transitions Lead and Laureen Wardle, SEND Post 16 Lead.
The sessions will take place on Tuesday 25 April from 10am to 11am and Wednesday 10 May from 6pm to 7pm.
Plan agreed with Department for Education to support growing demand and costs
Over recent years and along with other local authorities, Torbay Council has had a deficit on the element of its funding for schools which meets the needs of children and young people with special education needs. This has happened as the number of children and young people with special educational needs has increased.
The council has now been allocated additional funding and has agreed a management plan with the Department for Education (DfE) to ease the increasing financial pressures.
What does this mean for families with SEND children?
As part of our work to improve our SEND services, the council will be offering and enhancing the early intervention offer and support for children with SEND.
Supported by our early help model, delivered through our Family Hubs, we will be able to meet need much earlier. Through offering support that families and their children need, we will be able to prevent issues from escalating. This will reduce the need for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs).
First Steps Project
The project is a group of parents and professionals from education, health and social care seeking to work together to support families from the moment a child’s needs are recognised.
Their goal is that no child should have to wait for a diagnosis for their needs to be recognised, described and supported both at home and at school.
In the last six months, the First Steps Project has:
- created a handbook for families for primary and pre-school children which SENDCos, family support workers and parent experts are using to start small peer support group workshops
- begun holding monthly multi-professional drop-ins for professionals working with children to access advice and discuss cases (anonymously)
- begun organising joint clinics for families of children under five, with doctors/therapists and health visitors/pre-school professionals.
The project is now working on:
- turning the handbook into an app for families
- signposting to practical needs-based workshops for families of children of all ages, regardless of diagnosis
- training for professionals at all levels to be able to recognise and support neurodiversity using child-centred language (First Steps Champion training)
- joint clinics for over fives with doctors/therapists and school or early help professionals
How can families get involved?
Join their peer support network – link up with other parents and help support each other, using the handbook as a framework. You can also share your tips so the project can build their app.
Torbay Hearing Support Service
The Hearing Support Team organise a variety of opportunities for deaf/hearing impaired children, young people and their families throughout the year. The next groups on offer are:
For families with children aged 0-5, this group provides support for both the children and parents.
Where? Paignton Baptist Church, Winner Street.
When? 10am to 11.30am on 18 April, 16 May, 13 June and 11 July
Contact katy.peverill@torbay.gov.uk for further information.
Youth Club
For deaf/hearing impaired young people who use English or BSL, aged 14-21. Join us for skittles, pool, table tennis and socialising.
Where? Torbay Deaf Club, Torquay.
When? 4pm to 5:30 pm on 24 April
Contact lee.fullwood@torbay.gov.uk for further information.
The Spires Club
For deaf/hearing impaired young people who use English or BSL, aged 9 - 14. Join us for a games night (social games such as UNO, draughts and many more!)
Where? The Spires College, Torquay.
When? 3:30pm to 5pm on 2 May
Upcoming Torbay Family Events
Torbay to host celebrations in honour of the Coronation of Kings Charles III
The special bank holiday weekend (6-8 May) will see family, friends and communities come alive with a range of events across the Bay to honour the new monarch.