New Graduated Response toolkits
Join us to take a look at our new Graduated Response toolkits.
Graduated Response is method used to support a concern about a child or young person’s possible special educational needs or identified needs.
In these virtual events parents and carers will have a chance to view the new toolkits for each type of need. We would then like parents and carers to feedback on the toolkits and help us coproduce the final toolkits which will be launched later in the year.
Please sign up for one or more events in the area of need with which you have an interest.
 Torbay SEND Graduated Response - Cognition & Learning needs
Thursday 23 February, 6-7pm
Click here to register for this event
Torbay SEND Graduated Response - Physical & Sensory needs
Wednesday 1 March, 6-7pm
Click here to register for this event
Torbay SEND Graduated Response - Social, Emotional & Mental Health needs
Tuesday 7 March, 6-7pm
Click here to register for this event
Torbay SEND Graduated Response - Neurodiversity needs
Thursday 16 March, 6-7pm
Click here to register for this event
Torbay SEND Graduated Response – Speech, Language & Communication needs
Wednesday 22 March, 6-7pm
Click here to register for this event
Torbay SEND Events
Monthly, virtual drop-in sessions with the Torbay SEND Team
We will be sharing with you the ways we are continuing to improve how we deliver as a partnership, services for children and young people with SEND, and their families.
These sessions are also a place to share your views with us. We welcome you to share information about this event with any parents or carers who you feel might find these informal drop-in sessions useful to know about.
These sessions will take place on the first Tuesday of each month between 6– 7pm.
Please be mindful that as this is a group event, we will be unable to discuss individual children/young people.
Due to our request for parents/carers to attend our Graduated Response events, there will be no March drop in next month,
EHCP - A moment in time
An Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) is an assessment of a moment in time, its is not static and reflects just part of a young person's journey. As children and young people grow and develop, their needs and goals may change, so it's crucial that the EHCP changes with time to and celebrates children and young people as they move towards their outcomes.
Once children and young people are given the provision to thrive and achieve their outcomes, it's important to reflect on whether they still need provision in line with a plan through the Annual Review process. As parents/carers, you know your child/young person best, so ask yourself if they are still receiving what was identified in the plan or if they have moved towards independence and met their outcomes.
As a partnership we should celebrate the achievements of our children and young people. Helping them to reach their goals and become more independent is a huge accomplishment and it may result in cessation of their EHCP. Let's take a moment to celebrate the hard work that our children and young people have put in and the progress they have made towards achieving their aspirations.
Family Hubs lead the way in Torbay
Torbay Council has been chosen by the government as one of 14 trailblazer local authorities to lead the way in delivering ambitious service improvements for families.
As one of the next steps on Torbay’s Children’s Services improvement journey, the Council will be a national leader for the Family Hubs and Start for Life programme and will help establish best practice.
With a Family Hub based in each of Torbay’s three towns, they will support families by bringing together services into one place.
The Hubs will provide support to families from conception through to age 19 or up to 25 for those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), with a great Start for Life offer at their core.
Click here to read more
Torbay Hearing Support Service
The Hearing Support Team organise a variety of opportunities for deaf/hearing impaired children, young people and their families throughout the year.
The team has recently organised an after-school Forest School club for younger primary aged children and their parents. The next groups on offer are:
For families with children aged 0-5, this group provides support for both the children and parents.
Where? - Paignton Baptist Church, Winner Street.
When? - Tuesday 10-11.30am 7 March. Further dates to be announced.
Contact for further information.
Youth Club
For deaf/hearing impaired young people who use English or BSL, aged 14-21. Join us for skittles, pool, table tennis and socialising.
Where? - Torbay Deaf Club, Torquay.
When? – 4:00 – 5:30 pm on 6th March and 24th April
Contact for further information.
The Spires Club
For deaf/hearing impaired young people who use English or BSL, aged 9 - 14. Join us for a games night (social games such as UNO, draughts and many more!)
Where? – The Spires College, Torquay.
When? – 3:30 – 5:00 on 21st March and 2nd May
SENDIASS Torbay provides information and support on matters relating to children and young people with SEND between 0-25 years.
If you feel you need more in-depth support, if things are complicated, or if you feel like you need to talk things through with someone, you can talk to a SENDIASS officer.
Trained staff can give you legally-based information, advice and support on education, health and social care matters relating to SEND.
SENDIASS offers a ‘self-referral’ process, however, on occasions it may be considered appropriate for a professional to make contact with the service on behalf of the parents/carers or young person. The service will act upon such requests only when consent is given.
The SENDIASS telephone helpline is available Monday-Friday 10am-2pm. Outside these hours and answer phone is available to leave a message for a call back.
Call 01803 210 371
Upcoming Torbay Family Events
Brand-new four-day food and music event coming to Torquay this May
The English Riviera Food & Music Festival is a brand-new four-day food and music event taking place on Friday 26 to Monday 29 May 2023, in the heart of Torbay at Torre Abbey Meadows.
Over four days guests will be able to enjoy an eclectic mix of the region’s finest food, restaurants, and chefs, alongside an amazing line-up of the UK’s best music acts.
Click here to read more
 The English Riviera Airshow is back!
The English Riviera Airshow will take flight from Saturday 3 to Sunday 4 June with breath-taking displays over the stunning South Devon Bay. World class aerial action, classic seaside fun and a packed events village make for a fantastic weekend for aviation enthusiasts of all ages.
Click here to read more Soaring into 2023: the English Riviera Airshow to take flight this June - Torbay Council