June 2024
Summer Fun and news
Heath Week 27th July to 4th August 2024
The heathland we have on Cannock Chase is the most extensive in the Midlands, and recognised internationally as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) because it is internationally important. The SAC and partners have put together a selection of events and activities to encourage visitors to find out more about this precious habitat on our doorstep and what we can do to help it thrive. Visit the SAC website for dates, times and booking details. There are a range of activities and events for all ages, some have a charge and some are free (booking is required). From a British Horse Society ride on the Sunday, to family fun at the Museum, getting arty at Cannock Chase Visitor Centre, a guided walk across Brindley Heath to an insect walk with expert Phil Playford who will tell you more about the wonderful world of insects. See the link below for the full list and details.
Vintage Village Fete Sunday 21st July
Head to the Museum of Cannock Chase on Sunday 21st July and be transported back to yesteryear at a traditional village fete. There will be traditional dance, funny fortune telling, cream teas, craft making for children, stalls, Punch and Judy shows, retro sports day and much more.
Cut to the Chase
Cut to the Chase is an exhibition of drawings, paintings and collage by professional artists David Gleeson, Lisa Henderson and Mark Lippett. The exhibition runs from 24th August to 12th October and is inspired by Cannock Chase National Landscape. Each of the artists has visited Cannock Chase for many years and have now come together to bring a collection of their work featuring scenes and landscapes from the area, and to share the beauty of this very special landscape.
Welcome to new team member & SAC wardens
New FiPL Officer
Claire Geoghegan has joined the National Landscape team as Farming in Protected Landscape Officer, to replace Colin Manning. Claire's role will be out and about meeting landowners and farmers who would like funding for their projects.
Claire has over 20 years’ experience working with farmers and landowners around protected areas, delivering multi-disciplinary environmental, conservation, public health and community development projects in nine countries and four continents. Most recently, Claire has co-ordinated the Staffordshire CPRE Hedgerow Heroes project, where over 2.7km of newly created hedgerow was planted at 6 sites across Staffordshire, working with 25 partners, schools and local organisations, and involving more than 150 volunteers at events throughout the planting season.
More information on the FiPL project can be found here.
Engagement Wardens on the Chase
The Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation Partnership has appointed two Engagement Wardens for the summer. You will see Claire & Sasha out on the Chase and at events raising awareness on how special the heathland is and what visitors can do to enjoy their visit whist allowing the precious landscape to thrive. Please do stop and say hello when you see them out and about. |
Each year volunteers donate their time and skills to help conserve and enhance the special landscape. It’s a great way to make friends, learn new skills, get fit and make a real difference. There are lots of ways you can volunteer on Cannock Chase, either through the National Landscape team or with our partners. There are roles to suit a range of interests including: helping at events, surveys, practical conservation tasks, welcoming visitors, photography and litter picking.
We are currently recruiting for volunteers to join our teams at the Milford Information Hut and at the Great War Hut on Marquis Drive near the Cannock Chase Visitor Centre. If you are a bit of a history buff or you just like meeting new people and have good customer service skills then send an email with your details and telling us what role you are interested in and we will get back to you with more information.
June Jukes
Sadly we have to report that our good friend and colleague June Jukes has recently passed away. Anyone who ever met June would agree what a kind, friendly and generous person she was. Her passion, knowledge and enthusiasm for the Chase and her work with the Friends of Cannock Chase was quite extraordinary and we will all miss her dearly. She had served for many years on the Cannock Chase National Landscape Committee providing valuable insights and sharing her knowledge to improve the place she loved most.
National Landscapes Association Conference
Later on today the team are heading to Harper Adams University for the National Landscapes Association Annual Conference, this year titled Changing Landscapes: Changing Minds. The conference will explore what role there is for natural beauty and landscape designation and the different types of working and resilience required for the future. As a neighbouring National Landscape we will be hosting a field trip to the Chase which examines the visitor welcome and experience in a backdrop of urban expansion, increasing recreational demands and a changing climate. In partnership with Direct Access we will also be hosting a workshop for delegates to attend, "A conversation on how we make National Landscapes more inclusive".
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Find out more about Cannock Chase National Landscape by following us on facebook and twitter @CannockChaseNL.
Be a Cannock Chase Champion
Find out more about Cannock Chase National Landscape by following us on facebook and twitter @CannockChaseNL.
Email: cannockchase@staffordshire.gov.uk
Images provided by Sam Carpenter, Lisa Henderson and Steve Welch