April 2024
What's new for the National Landscape
See you at the Conference on Thursday April 25th
We are now fully booked however to see the programme and further details please click here.
The theme of the conference is Nature Recovery and we want to capture what everyone is doing to support nature in our National Landscape and would be grateful if as many people as possible would complete this short survey. Your answers are anonymous and will help us to map actions for nature in the forthcoming review of our National Landscape Management Plan. Please do feel free to forward onto colleagues, friends and family.
Colin Manning our FiPL Officer for 2.5 years is now moving onto pastures new and will be leaving in June. His role with Cannock Chase National Landscape is now advertised with a closing date of midnight on 26th April. Please find more details and application form in the link below.
The National Landscape currently has funding available for projects that conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the Chase. Therefore please let us know your ideas and what you would like money for and we will send over an application form for you to complete. You need to be based in or close to Cannock Chase. Previous projects that have been given funding include installation of bird and bat boxes, creating wildlife gardens, heritage projects, wildlife surveys to name a few.
What's happening around the Chase
Canine Calendar
The Special Area of Conservation Team are raising awareness amongst dog owners on the best ways to enjoy the Chase with their furry friends at this time of year. Pick up one of the canine calendars from any of the Visitor Centres to help you enjoy the Chase whilst keeping your dog safe and allowing the special habitats and species to thrive.
Guided Butterfly and Reptile Walks
Join one of the new guided walks from Marquis Drive Visitor Centre and discover more about the wildlife and nature on Cannock Chase. 26th May is a Butterfly walk, and then there are guided walks with emphasis on the local reptiles organised for 27th and 30th June. All walks only £5 per person.
E-mail cannockchasemarquisdrive@staffordshire.gov.uk to book your place or pop into the Visitor Centre on Marquis Drive.
Booking is now available for the National Landscapes Association Annual Conference. This year it is taking place in nearby Shropshire at Harper Adams University from 3rd to 5th July 2024. Included in the programme is a field trip to Cannock Chase and we are hosting a workshop on Accessibility with Direct Access who worked with us on our Access audit and guide.
Be a Cannock Chase Champion
 Images provided by Sam Carpenter and Steve Welch