Waymarking Improvements
Cannock Chase AONB in partnership with The Ramblers are producing an updated series of self-led walks to assist with visitor management at some of the busiest sites on the Chase. The walks predominantly follow Public Rights of Way (PROWS), and in preparation for the launch of the new walks, volunteers are replacing/upgrading waymarkers and posts to help navigation along the routes. The PROWs are marked with blue arrows to identify bridle paths and yellow arrows indicating footpaths – both of which are open to walkers. The new leaflets will contain a map of each route, together with a route description and features of interest to see along the way.
Toc-H Trail Improvements
We are excited that the first section of the Toc-H Trail improvement is now on the ground. An access path has been put in to connect the Marquis Drive Visitor Centre area to the Toc-H Car Park. Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles are working with a range of local community groups and schools from Hednesford to help make improvements to the trail and viewing platform to ensure it is more accessible for people. Partners involved in this project include AONB, Staffordshire County Council, Cannock Chase District Council, Hednesford Town Council, Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles and Together Active.
Cannock Chase AONB Partnership is looking at ways of improving access for disabled people across the Chase. We have commissioned Direct Access, a specialist disability consultancy, to do a public consultation for disabled people to identify where people currently go and where they would like to see access improvements. Whether you want to see more benches on site, more accessible pathways, or updated tactile/braille signage, come down for a chat and tell us what you want to see change at Cannock Chase. Your views are important.
The event will be held at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, The Wolesley Centre, Wolesley Bridge, Stafford, ST17 0WT on Wednesday 10th May from 2pm – 4pm. Sign language interpreters will be present.
If you would like to attend the event, please contact Direct Access on
07957 789401 or consultation@directaccess.group
Following the consultation, Direct Access will undertake a series of site audits to create a new accessibility guide and recommendations to improve accessibility.
Staffordshire Libraries have been working on an activity pack with the AONB and SAC Partnerships to encourage our youngsters to become our Future Guardians of tomorrow. Meet Heather and Heathcliffe, our busy bees, to see how the activity pack aims to boost awareness and appreciation amongst children and young people about the Chase, the wonderful national landscape they have on their doorstep and to encourage them to care for the environment.
The activity sheets are available in the libraries as part of Green libraries month of May and to download here for your children to enjoy.
Staffordshire libraries will also be giving away bookmarks and wildflower seeds as part of the Coronation celebrations. The bookmarks and seeds are free and can be collected from Friday 5 May, whilst stocks last.
Find a Green Libraries Month activity here
Inviting Farmers & Landowners
Farmers and Landowners in and around Cannock Chase are being invited by farmer, Richard Shropshire and Colin Manning from Cannock Chase AONB to attend an event on the morning of Thursday 8th June at Woodhall Growers, Teddesley Park Farm. The itinerary for the morning will include an informal tour to find out more about funding available and to show on site examples of what can be achieved with the funding.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided. To find out more about the Farming and Protected Landscapes funding programme and to book on the event email Colin.manning@staffordshire.gov.uk
Between 17 and 24 February CPRE asked you to count the stars you could see within the Orion constellation. This year almost 4,000 people took part, nationally, which is brilliant – one of the biggest Star Counts, yet! On behalf of CPRE we would like to say a big thanks for taking part in the event and share the results. The results show that sadly, for the majority of us, light pollution is still continuing to obscure our views of the night sky. You can see the results here.
Would you like to help with delivery of the amazing Forest Live concerts held by Forestry England at Cannock Chase Forest by volunteering to steward or litter pick from Thursday 8 June to Sunday 11 June 2023.
Get involved on Monday 8th May as part of the Coronation celebrations by volunteering with a local organisation near you. If you cannot make it on Monday, think about how you can volunteer on Cannock Chase this summer. Maybe go out for an hour near your home and do some litter picking or register to volunteer with one of the AONB partners.
Please do forward the newsletter on to family, friends and colleagues to let them know about the work going on in our really important National Landscape. Tell them to sign up to receive their own regular copy now.