Staffordshire's Family Strategic Partnership Newsletter


Across Staffordshire, we aspire to ensure that more children, families and communities can feel happy, be safe and enjoy their life.

As part of Staffordshire’s investment in partnership working and multiagency collaboration, the Family Strategic Partnership was formed to create a platform for partners in Staffordshire to work closely together to a set of shared priorities.

This Newsletter aims to highlight the partnership work that we do across Staffordshire and the new way that we are working together to improve the lives of families and communities in Staffordshire.


In Staffordshire, we know that early intervention and prevention work are better than trying to cure complex family problems that have developed over time.

Across Staffordshire we have trained over 200 members of our partnership workforce including, police officers, firefighters, teachers, school nurses, doctors, teachers and volunteers (to name only a few) how to spot signs of concern in children and families and how they can offer support at the earliest opportunity to stop problems getting worse.

If you work with children and families, there are probably a number of ways that you can help them either by informal Earliest Help, or through more formal Early Help.

Help us to understand how many people across Staffordshire understand the principles of 'Earliest Help and Early Help' by taking our quick survey.

Take The Survey

Earliest Help Support

Earliest Help is an informal way of working with children and families within local communities to provide them with help at the earliest point. It’s about spotting the earliest signs that a family may be starting  to wobble and helping them deal with their issues before they get worse.


Earliest Help can be a simple gesture like, taking the time to speak to your elderly neighbour and check they are OK or it could be seeing a mother struggling at the park with her child and inviting her to your local toddler group.

Providing Earliest Help and intervention may prevent families issues escalating to a point where they need to enter into the formal statutory system. 

Early Help Support

Early Help is a formal approach to improving the lives of children and families that need support the most. Early Help is delivered through multiple agencies across Staffordshire through formal support systems that provide support to families with multiple complex needs.


All agencies work together using the principles and tools developed by Staffordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board to work with families to improve their lives and deliver multi-agency support where needed. 

We know that a little support, at the right time from a number of agencies enables most families to address their problems and move forward in a positive way. 

The below videos demonstrate a number of ways that we can help vulnerable people within our community. These videos all show examples of community based Earliest Help. If any of the people within these scenarios needed more formal support they could be referred for Early Help from the local authorities First Response team.


These videos demonstrate a number of ways that we can help vulnerable people within our community. 

These videos all show examples of community based Earliest Help. 

If any of the people within these scenarios had a number of complex needs and required more formal support,they could be referred for Early Help from the local authorities First Response team.

Find out below how you can make a referral...

Josh's Story

Josh - Video

Toyin's Story

Toyin - Video

Joanne's Story


Emily's Story

Joanne - Video