Wellbeing@Work - Looking after your staff

Were you part of the Wellbeing@Work Business Breakfast on 25th June?

Drawn image of W@W Breakfast 25 June

Drawn at the event by Tammy Oliver. We were hosted at the White Building and fed by City Catering.

talking in a group

Talking about wellbeing

As one group co-designed a wellbeing notice board, other groups explored -
•  What contributes to a working environment where everyone thrives and does their best work?
•  What are your employer responsibilities for looking after your staff's health & wellbeing?
•  Where does your responsibility end and individual responsibility begin?
 •  Why bother? What benefit might you expect from investing in health & wellbeing? How could you measure it?
 •  How can you make it ok to talk about mental health?

Check out the summaries for hints and tips about what you might like to do in your organisation and get in touch if you'd find a conversation or support helpful.

Writing on  a graffiti wall - wellbeing

Graffiti wall questions

  • What makes somewhere a great place to work?
  • What difference does a good manager make to your performance?

How would you respond to these questions?

Graffiti Walls made with wallpaper / flip charts / white boards or sticky notes are a great way of involving your people in testing out or collecting ideas.

Asking What's great about working here? and What would make it even better? can be a good way of gathering some general feedback, and asking at regular intervals helps you monitor how your people are feeling.

Asking questions like How do you relax? or What do you do to look look after your wellbeing? invites people share their tips on managing stress and encourages conversations about health and wellbeing

dots 2

Voting Dots are a quick and easy way of taking the temperature on an issue

Health & Wellbeing Noticeboard

Supported by Southampton Art's in Health Foundation , artist Tammy Oliver and Healthwatch's Rebecca Kinge worked with some people to design a Health & Wellbeing noticeboad that is more interesting and engaging than the norm. Tammy's designs will be downloadable from the Wellbeing@Work web pages as soon as they are ready.

In the meantime, links to all the information displayed on this (more conventional) board can be found on the Wellbeing@Work webpages.

This month's 'Print and Pin' A4 page is about growing resilience.

H&W noticeboard

My Journey Smoothie Bike

Active Travel - thoughts from Leon Girling

Using pedal-power to make a smoothie...

"I think last week’s ‘Wellbeing@Work’ Business Breakfast was very positive and encouraging. Whilst listening to Scott Giles from Saints FC and workshop facilitators it was clear there are links between healthy hearts and minds and promoting active travel in the workplace. Scott shared some great initiatives and our team can support local businesses with healthy walking and cycling activities"
The My Journey Workplaces team works with local businesses to promote sustainable travel to staff and bring a range of benefits including reduced costs, improved air quality, less congestion and fewer car parking issues, and healthier, more productive staff. The team provides travel planning services as well as a workplace grant to support the delivery of sustainable travel measures in the workplace. The service includes access to the Southampton Area Travel Plan Network, free cycle confidence sessions and Bike Doctor service, access to active travel apps. And information about the Liftshare (car sharing) scheme. Car sharing comes with a number of wellbeing benefits such as socialising, friendship building, talking through issues, combating loneliness and improving personal safety concerns.
Email the team to find out how they could help you and your business.

Wellbeing@Work Commitment to Staff Wellbeing

Public recognition for employers who look after their staff

There are 3 areas -

  • Culture - creating a safe, inclusive and healthy working environment where people flourish
  • Leadership - developing managers to support the health and wellbeing of their staff
  • Wellbeing - encouraging and supporting all staff to be fit and healthy

More details about making the commitment and joining a supportive network of Wellbeing Champions in August's newsletter

Jump Back July

'We cannot always control what happens to us in this life but we can control how we respond to it' L Lionel Kendrick

The Action for Happiness Calendar this month focuses on building personal resilience suggesting a small action to do everyday in.  For example

  • 4th - be willing to ask for help when you need it today (and always)
  • 14th - go for a walk when you're feeling overwhelmed to clear your head
  • 17th - use one of your strengths to overcome a challenge today


Cycle network

New cycleway opens

The western cycleway that runs from Totton to Southampton City Centre can make it easier for your staff to cycle to work.  Eastern and northern routes are following.

 Southampton Cycle Network Route 1 (or SCN1)

Please share this Newsletter with other managers and businesses  – Visit our webpages for more about how and why to invest in employee health & wellbeing.

Please share information and resources freely with your staff.

Want to find out how we can help you and your business? Do please get in touch wellbeingatwork@southampton.gov.uk