Please disregard our previous instruction re. the new Census questions that are now included on the Actual headcount form. Please can all providers (term time only and all year round) simply enter '38' in the box/boxes provided.
The questions are as follows…
- Funded Entitlement Weeks
- Extended Entitlement Weeks
Please see screenshot below.
 Please note: The questions are mandatory, so the Portal won’t allow you to save the child’s record without entering the data required.
The Spring term Actual Headcount is now open and closes on the 19th of January 2025. If you experience any issues when completing your headcount, please contact .
The first two Early Years SEND Solution Circle events are now live on Eventbrite. Remember this offers a chance for practitioners to bring cases to share and discuss in a solution focused way. This is a collaborative process, and each event cannot be run without at least three people. The number of practitioners at each solution circle will be capped at six to allow enough time. Those attending will need to be prepared to share a case synopsis and discuss what they have already tried as well as support others with ideas and suggestions. Each practitioner will be asked to buddy another for a check in at a later date.
The first EY SEND Solution circle is on Tuesday 10th December between 9.30am and 11.30am.
The second EY SEND Solution circle is on Tuesday 7th January between 9.30am and 11.30am.
SEND Snack - Makaton Sign of the Week
Within many of our Early years settings we have children who are still learning how to communicate their feelings, wishes and wants. A fabulously inclusive way to support this is to sign up to The Makaton Charity's Sign of the Week. Once signed up, the charity will email the setting a new sign each week with a link to a video. There is also a library with the visual for each sign which can be downloaded and printed to display in your setting, add to a visuals lanyard or keyring and share with parents. The signs are often themed around the time of the year so wholly relevant to the topic settings will be covering.
A great idea is to teach the new sign to all children in the setting, before you know it a year will have past, and you will all have learnt 52 new signs.
On the run up to Christmas the charity release a new sign or song each day as part of a Christmas countdown. It would be amazing for our Shropshire children in Early Years settings to learn some of these.
The Sign of the Week email can be signed up for here: Sign In
A back catalogue of signs can be found here: Sign of the Week - New Tab
And the Countdown to Christmas can be found here: Countdown to Christmas - New Tab
Thank you
Heidi White
Education Quality Adviser (SEND and AP)
Learning and Skills
We are still running the blended learning option for the Paediatric First Aid Training (6 hours theory online (learners do not need to complete the online in one sitting they can go in and out of it until completed) then a 6 hour practical session).
All of our courses are Ofsted + CIW approved and run through our awarding body FAIB.
Open course places are £90.00 + VAT per learner (£108.00 inclusive of VAT)
Click on the green link below to take you to our website where you can choose your date for the practical session(s) and book in directly (Or just email or call if you prefer)
If you have a group of learners…….
Our Private blended learning courses (We send the trainer to you on site) are £645.00 + VAT (£774.00 inclusive of VAT) for up to 12 learners.
We can run the practical session on site with you any day or afternoons/evenings of the week.
If you have less than 12 learners for a private course please let me know how many you do have, we can then quote you a competitive price J
Either register your interest through the link above or email us directly (or call).
We are still offering Elearning courses (please email us or call if you wish to book):
(Prices below are per learner)
Level 2 Food Safety – £20.00 + VAT (£24.00 inclusive of VAT)
Basic Fire Safety Awareness - £20.00 + VAT (£24.00 inclusive of VAT)
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) - £25.00 + VAT (£30.00 inclusive of VAT)
Fire Extinguisher - £20.00 + VAT (£24.00 inclusive of VAT)
Fire Marshal - £25.00 + VAT (£30.00 inclusive of VAT)
Infection Control - £20.00 + VAT (£24.00 inclusive of VAT)
Safeguarding Children - £25.00 + VAT (£30.00 inclusive of VAT)
Workplace Health and Safety - £25.00 + VAT (£30.00 inclusive of VAT)
Either email us or call us on 01905 745 457 for more info and to book.
Or if you have any other training needs please get in touch.
Take care and stay safe
Warm regards
Craig Ratcliffe
This course is intended for schools, nurseries and private childcare organisations
This course will support staff with a range of resources and ideas including
- KCSIE 2024 update including details linked to providing ‘early help’
- Advice for parents based on what children in the early years are doing online
- The impact of device use on children’s development in the early years (ideas and advice)
- 4 important pieces of advice for early years practitioners
- The 4 C’s of online safety for staff. The four areas of risk to focus policies and planning around (includes NEW poster to display)
- Internet Matters: Why this website is so important to staff and parents.
- Project Evolve: Updates to this key resource for staff (FREE to professionals)
Charlotte Percival
Early Years bite-size CPD | Shropshire Learning Gateway
The Child Accident Prevention Trust has published advice on toy safety, highlighting the risk of buying toys online through unknown sellers.
These toys may not be made to UK safety standards and would not be suitable for children.
For more information, please review CAPT’s toy safety fact sheet - CAPT_ToySafety_factsheet.pdf

Early Years Funding Code of Practice
Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework for Childminders
Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework for Group and School-Based Providers
Early Years Funding for Foster Children
CPD Early Years and Schools | Shropshire Learning Gateway
Early Years CPD
Early Years Information Pages on the SLG
Early Years Resource Library
Funding Diary Dates (headcount windows and payments)
Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF)
Parent Declaration Form (Summer 2024 to Summer 2025)
SEND and Inclusion Newsletter
Shropshire SEND Local Offer
Support Request Form (SEND)
Funding Claims, Free Entitlements, Eligibility Codes, Provider Portal etc.:
Admin Team:
Job Vacancies:
Admin Team:
Buildings, Premises, Accommodation, and any related issues including schools looking to adopt their local pre-school:
Andy Nicholls:
Wraparound Childcare Programme:
Dan Steele:
School Sustainability Funding:
Jo Morris:
Qualifications, Ratios, Staffing etc.:
Beverley Jones:
Safeguarding and Child Protection:
Charlotte Percival:
Early Intervention Grant - applications and admin:
Admin Team:
Applications for EYPP and 30-Hour Entitlements for Children who are Looked After:
Admin Team:
Applications for Disability Access Fund:
Admin Team:
Information, advice and guidance in relation to SEND children:
Any other queries that don’t fall into the above:
Remember – we also have the MS Teams site:
If you are not already a member of this group, then please email and we will get you access.
Alison Rae
School’s Improvement Commissioner Adviser Early Years Foundation Stage
Education Improvement Service
Tel: 01743 254467
Beverley Jones
Education Improvement Service
Early Years Consultant
Tel: 01743 254454
Charlotte Percival
Safeguarding Officer
Tel: 01743 254147
Admin Team (funding queries):
Beth Parry-Jones, Brydie Porter & Sarah Jones