Welcome to the latest edition of Shropshire's SEND newsletter, co-produced by Shropshire Council's SEND Local Offer and PACC (Parent Carer Council).
The newsletter aims to provide easy access to key information for SEND families, as well as an opportunity for parent carers to hear from each other about their experiences.
Please do continue to provide feedback on this newsletter, we want this to work for you and we are keen to hear what you think of it, and what articles you'd like to see in future editions. You can email us your thoughts at Local.Offer@Shropshire.gov.uk
It can be an anxious time for a child changing class or moving up to primary, secondary school or college and preparation is key to helping them manage the change. Think about what your child will find most difficult – will it be the change of routine, the new environment, getting to know new people, understanding how the day will run, is there a uniform or a new way of getting to school. Careful planning and preparation can help to ease some of these anxieties. Here are some tips that might help:-
- Talk to your child about any worries or anxieties they have and think about what has helped them in the past.
- Communicate with the school or college as early as possible – let them know any anxieties your child has and how these can be supported.
- Find out who your child’s support worker will be and make contact
- Try and visit the school when it is empty and quiet
- Walk or drive passed the school, so your child can become familiar with it.
- Take photos of the school to help your child prepare and become familiar with the surroundings
- Ask key staff if they will share a photo so your child can become familiar with names and faces
- Have a practice ‘getting ready for school’ morning – from waking up to having breakfast to getting dressed and getting all they need ready for school
- A ‘scrapbook’ or ‘journal’ around changing schools can be very reassuring. This can include leaflets, maps, times of the school day, timetable if available, checklists and also photos of entrance, classrooms, lunch hall and key staff/’who to go to when…’
- Help them to understanding the way in which school is organised, for example, the different subjects (such as physics, chemistry and biology rather than just science), the timetable, layout of the school, tutor groups and homework (in different subjects and due to be completed on different days).
- Make it visual and practical - simple colour coding of subjects and picture symbols for halls, toilets and the canteen can be introduced to help understand
- Ask the school for a checklist of all the equipment your child will need. You can laminate this and stick it on your child’s wall, so they can tick off what they need each day.
- If your child will be getting to and from school independently, rehearse the route a few times, together at first, and then following them at a safe distance. Have a contingency in case they miss the bus.
Shropshire’s Information Advise and Support Service (IASS) have produced a useful factsheet on Moving up to secondary school which is useful from parent carers of young people moving from primary to secondary school.
Children are usually deeply curious about the environments surrounding them and how things within them work, but this exploration can be very nerve wracking for parents and caregivers; especially those with children with additional needs who often find it difficult to understand risk, danger and personal safety. For many reasons, these children might also struggle to remember rules, understand social norms and control their emotional and behavioural reactions.
We have linked up with Occupational Therapists to provide information about how to encourage “positive risk taking” for your child within the home and managing those risks so that your child can access their home and activities within it, as much as possible.
Information on safety in the home can be found on the Occupational Therapists section of the SEND Local Offer and includes 3 documents
Shropshire’s All In Short Breaks programme offers opportunities for disabled children and young people to spend time away from their primary carers. This can benefit both the child and the carer.
The All In Programme is part of our Early Help service for children aged up to the age of 18 who live in Shropshire and have a disability that prevents them accessing universal services without additional support. The criteria for eligibility is set out in the Short Breaks Statement.
All In short breaks are available to families when universal services aren't able to meet the needs of their disabled child and provide a range of opportunities, such as football, swimming, horse riding, sensory sessions, creative arts, and music. You can find out more about All In by watching this short video.
If you think your child would benefit from attending All In Short Breaks you can complete an application form here.
HAF - The Holiday Activities and Food Programme allows children and young people aged 4 (in reception class) to 16, who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals (FSM) and for those who have been referred by a professional to access free holiday activity.
Shropshire Council is working with local schools, voluntary and community organisations, and childcare providers to run exciting programmes of activity over the Easter/Spring, summer and Christmas/Winter holidays.
Eligible children and young people are invited to take part in a range of free fun activities, happening at venues from across the county. There is something on offer for everyone, including; sports, arts, cooking, forest schools and other exciting opportunities. Free nutritious meals will be provided at each session, as well as information on nutrition to benefit the whole family.
For more information on the programme and to find out how to book onto activity visit the HAF website
The participation fund is a small fund, which is part of the All In Short Breaks offer. The fund can help make universal activities easier for children and young people with disabilities to use. This might be through:
- Buying specialist equipment for groups or clubs
- Paying for existing workers to do additional hours
- Training for staff and volunteers so they have better skills to support children and young people with disabilities
- Paying for a child with disabilities to take part in the activity
To find out more about the Participation Fund please visit the SEND Local Offer
The Disability Access Fund (DAF) grants additional funding to childcare providers to aid access to early years setting and help meet the needs of three and four year old children who receive the disability living allowance (DLA) and who are taking up some part of the free early years entitlement.
The DAF can be used to support providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings and/or helping with building staff capacity (be that for the child in question or for the benefit of children as a whole attending the setting).
To find out more about the Disability Access Fund please visit the SEND Local Offer.
The school holidays can be a mixed blessing for many families, juggling the day to day while also trying to keep children occupied can be a real challenge. The Family Information Service has a directory of things to do and places to go this summer to help. You can search the directory and using the filters on the left menu select the month you are looking for, to make planning your summer fun easier.
The Actio website also has lots of activities for All In members or Actio members. Their website is being updates all the time so be sure to keep checking out their offer.
Early Help is about children, young people and families getting the right help at the right time, to prevent issues that affect many families from getting worse. An Early Help Family Drop in offers parent carers the chance to talk to support services about concerns or issues which are impacting on family life.
There is now a drop in each Monday morning at The Centre, Oak Street, Oswestry. To find out more about how Early Help can support your family please visit the SEND Local Offer.
Did you know that Shropshire’ Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS) have produced some useful videos for parent carers on some key topics that many families face.
They also have over 30 factsheets covering topics such as education, SEND support, EHCPs, school communication and resolving concerns. You can access their library of information resources here.
Increases in the cost of food, fuel and utilities will affect most households across Shropshire this year. If you find yourself worried about money or you're struggling right now, you're not alone.
But don’t wait to get help. Shropshire Council and many support organisations are seeing rises in the number of people seeking help, and as winter approaches you may see more delays in getting responses.
The good news is that there's help available. This website was created in partnership with trusted community organisations to help you find the help you need, whether it's to get through a short-term crisis or to find more long-term support.
For many families, the school summer holidays can mean an increase in food bills. Those families who receive free school meals can access food and activities through the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. There are also foodbanks throughout Shropshire who offer non-judgmental support for families who might be struggling. You can find out more about foodbanks and where to find them on the Shropshire Larder website
Picnic and Play event Telford Town Park – Wednesday 27th July 11am-1pm
Meet up and let the children explore and play together in the Town Park, bring a picnic if you wish, chat with members of the AWM team and (hopefully) enjoy some sunshine! To find out more visit the Autism West Midlands website
Historic Chirk Castle – Thursday 11th August 11am-1pm
The chance for Shropshire families to enjoy the idyllic surroundings of this National Trust property for free (parking charges apply). Beautiful relaxing gardens, explore the history of the castle, meet other families and the AWM team. To find out more visit the Autism West Midlands website
Get active at Attingham – Tuesday 23rd August 10am-12pm
Attingham Park has some great places for families to play, build dens, enjoy nature and spend time outdoors together. Bring a picnic too if you wish. To find out more visit the Autism West Midlands website
All In Short Breaks events for Teens (12-17 yrs up to 18th birthday)
Whether someone relishes trips out and about or prefers the familiarity of centre-based activities we have something to appeal to them throughout July and August – book as many sessions as you want, all young people must be registered with All In. Find out more about each day below…
Youth club based in Shrewsbury Monday 25th July Games/crafts/making pizza/yoga taster session
Youth club based in Shrewsbury Monday 1st August Games/film/baking/silk painting
Hawkstone Park Follies Wednesday 10th August Out and about – a great day exploring and burning off some energy!
Youth club based in Shrewsbury Monday 15th August Drama workshop/tie-dye t shirts/film/games
Whixall Marina with Shropshire Wildlife Trust Wednesday 24th August bug and beastie hunting/pond-dipping/3D sculpture building
Blists Hill Victorian Town (Telford) Wednesday 31st August – always a popular trip, step back in time with AWM!
WEEKLY Zoom Advice slots – every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
For those would like some face-to-face contact we are offering this virtually via video appointments. Zoom works well on mobile phones. To book a 45 min advice appointment with a specialist autism advisor please book via our shop.
Advice and support
We also offer advice and support over the phone and via email. Parents/carers and professionals can contact our small team directly to arrange an appointment please call:
Mon, Wed, Fri - Wendy Cowton 07900784186
Weds, Thu, Fri - Emma Hegenbarth 07881109480
Tue, Wed, Thu - Dawn Lewis 07706309382
Email shropshire@autismwestmidlands.org.uk
Helpline 0121 450 7575
An Integrated Care System for Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin has become a statutory body on 1 July 2022. Integrated care is about giving people the support they need, joined up across local councils, the NHS, and other partners including social care providers, the voluntary and community sector and charities.
When the NHS was set up in the 1940s its aim was to treat symptoms. But it has come a long way since then, supporting people to live healthier lives. This change is continuing along that journey and aims to bring social care and health even more aligned.
Our health is affected by many things – housing, unemployment, education, poverty, and lifestyle choices. These are things we can address through a partnership between the NHS, local government and the voluntary sector.
To find out more about Integrated Care Systems please visit the SEND Local Offer
The team at My Aspirations, a day service for young people and adults in Shrewsbury is planning a new service which will focus on supporting outdoor vocational and social skills and has identified a suitable site near Condover, just south of Shrewsbury. They are keen to hear from families about what this service such look like and the need for this type of opportunity and have created a short survey for you to share your thoughts. Please return the completed survey’s to Olivia.ritchie@care-excellence.co.uk
You can keep up to date with information about SEND related issued through the Local Offer website or by following the Local Offer on Facebook or Twitter.
Visit the SEND Local Offer.
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