Hi All,
Welcome to the fourth edition of the CCS Connect e-news. We hope you and your families remain well.
We’ve been putting loads of opportunities onto the CCS Facebook Page, hope you’ve seen them. Please follow us, share CCS posts with your networks and tag us into your posts.
Thanks to those of you who shared opportunities and information for inclusion in this e-news. More grants have been launched in the last week offering emergency funding, which we’ve listed in the funding section, many have short deadlines. Arts Alive and Pentabus Theatre would like to invite you to their first online Marches Creatives Rural Arts Salon on Wednesday 17th June. They are looking for anyone who would like to present a short (3-5 minute) insight into their lockdown creativity, a post-COVID project introduction, or to give a provocation – see below for more information.
Our first CCS Arts Cafe last week, ‘How to positively engage and inspire Looked After Children (LAC) and their carers’ went really well, thanks to those of you who were able to attend. Some feedback included - 'I will definitely take information forward into my practice and encourage more sports and arts in our curriculum' and 'A very good session, having been an art teacher in SEN I kept reflecting on memories of many young people who presented behaviours that you discussed/ thanks so much'. Were planning another Arts Cafe for July.
The Discover Shropshire & Telford Team have launched a visitor survey, inviting the public to tell them how Covid-19 is influencing their travel decisions. Past-visitors and those who are planning their first visit to Shropshire, are invited to take part in the survey https://bit.ly/ShropshireVisitorSurvey
The results of the survey will be used to inform a tourism sector recovery toolkit, which will be widely shared. A further survey will be released shortly just for Tourism Businesses; the results of this will help inform a countywide action plan which will be rolled out in a 4-phase approach.
Please continue to send us your digital and online opportunities and we will share them in this fortnightly e-news and via social media. See below for details of how to do this.
If you want to see previous editions of the CCS Connect e-news, they are available on the CCS website - https://www.cultureconsortiumshropshire.com/ccs-connect--news.html
Take Care
CCS Management Group
 If you would like CCS to share the online and digital opportunities you have available for children and young people and their families, please contact Alexa Pugh, email, alexa.pugh@shropshire.gov.uk
We’re looking for local workshops, performances, film, animation, virtual tours, exhibitions, talks, mentoring, articles, CPD and resources etc. Content needs to be accessible and age appropriate for children and young people and their families.
The deadline for inclusion of information in the next e-news is Thursday 18th June.
Please follow the government guidelines on COVID-19 when delivering activity. For updates, take a look at the NHS and Gov.UK webpages.
 Please tag us in events on Facebook and we will share them - https://www.facebook.com/cultureconsortiumshrops/
Twitter – Culture Consortium Shropshire @CultureShrop #spotlightshropscyp
Website – https://www.cultureconsortiumshropshire.com/
 Independent Dance Artist Support
DanceXchange are offering FREE advisory sessions to independent artists from the Midlands area, throughout June. Sessions can be booked with DanceXchange’s Artist Development team or an Independent |
ArtsAlive@home events
Programme of bi–monthly social streamings where you can follow a link to an online performance during a Thursday afternoon and watch a performance whilst others are also tuned in and viewing. Post show there will be an opportunity to interact with others that have watched the show either via zoom where you can meet the director or performers or post reviews on Facebook or feedback on Arts Alive’s website.
The next event will be on Thursday 18th June at 2.30 pm, where you can watch The Fairy’s Kiss performed by Scottish Ballet.
You will find the link to the performance on our website at: https://www.artsalive.co.uk/show.aspx?id=11188
After the show at 3.30pm there will be a live post show conversation with Beth Kingsley-Garner who stars in one of the lead roles of this production.
 i-D and ARTSTHREAD launch a global graduate showcase initiative
 i-D and ARTSTHREAD have launched a global graduate showcase initiative for the class of 2020. The competition is open to all art and design students graduating this year 2019-20 (undergraduate and postgraduate) in any related discipline. The Global Design Graduate Show 2020 is your chance to share your creative work alongside your peers from around the world and get it judged by industry leaders.
Many students have had to produce a very different final year project without access to studios and workshops, with different outcomes than planned. We want you to focus your creative portfolio submission more on the creative journey than the final outcome. It is your chance to curate your creative personality by mixing research with 2D/3D development, documenting all the different creative and technical development stages up to the final outcome. We’d love to hear your personal creative journey, whether by photo or film.
Awards will be given in a variety of categories including:
fashion textiles accessories fine art photography journalism visual communication
moving image film architecture ceramics jewellery glass craft
Open internationally to all art and design undergraduate or postgraduate students graduating in the Academic Year 2019-20 - i.e. September 2019 to July 2020.
See all the details online at:
DEADLINE: 31 July 2020
NextGen Awards Première Vision
NextGen Awards Première Vision is an unprecedented opportunity for final year Undergraduate or Postgraduate textile or fashion students to enjoy international visibility in the entire textile sector. Schools can nominate a maximum of 12 candidates.
Disciplines accepted are:
Prints - Knit - Weaving - Embellishment/Mix Media for either Fashion and/or Interiors.
To see all the details, visit our website: www.artsthread.com/competitions/nextgen-awards-premiere-vision/
DEADLINE: 17 July 2020
Voluntary Arts England West Midlands
The West Midlands Creatives facebook page set up last year has developed a loyal membership of creative individuals who post regularly from across the region, which has increased significantly during the current lockdown situation.
Great way of finding out about opportunities and connecting with other creatives working in the West Midlands.
At Home in the West Midlands – West Midlands Growth Company to re-purpose and update their ‘Make It WM’ website, to reflect the diverse range of cultural opportunities taking place during lockdown across the West Midlands region. Launching to the public from next week, ‘At Home in the West Midlands’ will serve as a central ‘What’s On’ hub for all public events, and exhibitions through which audiences can continue to participate in culture at home. https://www.makeitwm.com/

Let's Create Packs Distributed in the West Midlands – Arts Connect are part of a national initiative that will gift 25,000 vulnerable children and young people with a pack of art materials delivered to their homes. The packs will give them the means to be creative at home, and ensure that children from deprived communities do not miss out on the play, wellbeing, and educational benefits of creativity whilst away from school. Arts Connect has focused its delivery of ‘Let’s Create’ packs on children in care through its partnership with Virtual Schools in the region and for vulnerable children aged 2 to 5, as part of the Moonbeams early years programme. In the first phase, 400 ‘Let’s Create’ packs were sent to all children in care aged 4-16 years in Dudley. The second phase extends to children in care in Staffordshire, Herefordshire and Telford and selected Nurseries and Early Years settings in Birmingham and Warwickshire. A third phase is planned later in the summer with the aim of delivering packs to 4,500 children and young people overall. The ‘Let’s Create’ pack project is led by the network of the ten Bridge organisations in England working in partnership with Arts Council England with support from National Lottery funds, the Crafts Council and other funders. The delivery has been coordinated by the Bridges with their local partners and other philanthropic support. This distribution will act as the first phase of the wider programme roll out in the coming weeks. If you would be interested in supporting Let’s Create packs in the West Midlands please get in touch with Pepita Hanna: Pepita.Hanna@wlv.ac.uk.
 BBC Young Composer Competition 2020
A competition for 12-18 year olds across the UK who create their own original music. Winners participate in a tailored development programme working with a mentor composer on a project with the BBC Concert Orchestra to be performed + broadcast in a special young composers concert at the 2021 BBC Proms.
You may not think of yourself as a composer, but if you love to create your own original music, and are bursting with creativity, originality, and potential, then we're here to tell you that you are! We’re looking for musically-minded people aged 12-18 of all technical ability, backgrounds, and musical influences.
Entries will be judged in three categories:
Junior Category (age 12-14): for those aged between 12 and 14 at the closing date.
Junior Category (age 15-16): for those aged 15 and 16 at the closing date.
Senior Category (age 17-18): for those aged 17 and 18 at the closing date.
See all the details here:
DEADLINE: 20 July 2020
Future Talent
Young Musicians Development Programme
Future Talent supports instrumentalists and singers from any genre of music: classical, folk or rock and on any instrument from violin to voice and drums to beat-boxing. We offer sustained support for all successful applicants + their families and provide valuable mentoring, career + general music development advice as well as bespoke performance opportunities, and a financial award. Financial support is primarily given to musicians from families whose household income is less than £30,500 per annum. We offer 3 awards:
Worsley award For musicians aged up to 15. A financial award of £3,000 to be used over 3 years.
Robinson Award For musicians aged 15-17. A financial award of up to £1,000 for 1 year.
Bramall Award Available to one musician from Yorkshire and the North West of England, aged up to 17. A financial award of £2,000 each year, until the recipient turns 18.
See all the details online at: www.futuretalent.org/
DEADLINE: 30 June 2020
 Meadow Arts - The Artist's Studio – Alex Hartley (online tour)
Fri 19 June 2pm
On Meadow Arts website: www.meadowarts.org/meadow-projects/the-artists-studio
Have you ever wondered how artists create their work? Join Alex Hartley as he takes us on a tour, answers questions and discusses his work in the second of our series of virtual studio tours - The Artist's Studio.
Alex Hartley makes ambitious artworks that test our society’s notions of utopia, the relationship we have with the environment and how we occupy the world's wild places. Hartley’s artistic practice is wide-ranging, comprising sculptural photographic compositions, filmmaking, climbing, artist publications, room-sized architectural installations and site-specific works: it often involves him travelling to remote places. His work is exhibited extensively, both nationally and internationally. For Meadow Arts exhibition, In Ruins at Witley Court (English Heritage), Hartley created sculptures like ruined buildings, complete with plants and moss growing upon their ‘dilapidated’ surfaces.
About this event: www.meadowarts.org/events/the-artists-studio-alex-hartley
Raven Studios - Social Drawing at a Distance
Tuesdays 10-12
Meet up with others for drawing inspiration and encouragement.
Weekly meet up with others for a chat, some drawing or general artwork inspiration and encouragement, and the chance to share at the end. Takes place on Zoom – email Raven Studios Ravenstudios.shrewsbury@gmail.com for the link.
Free but donations can be made on the Raven Studios website .
www.ravenstudios.org - events page
Meadow Arts – Online Discover Arts Award
Meadow Arts is offering an opportunity for children to achieve a Discover Arts Award by taking part in online workshops and activities. The programme is being supported by Arts Connect and is a great way for children (and adults!) to take part in visual arts activity. Its suitable for those children from the ages of 5-9 and/or those who want an introduction to visual arts. Its free to take part and children will get an Discover Arts Award and a great certificate.
For more information please email Steve Wilson on steve@meadowarts.org
Qube - Get Creative: Online arts and crafts resources
To help everyone through these tricky times, we’ll be adding creative ideas, suitable for all ages and abilities, to our website that you can do in the safety and comfort of your own home. This webpage will continually be added to so keep checking back for updates. The resources on these pages can be downloaded and are free to use. Visit www.qube-oca.org.uk/getcreative or click the banner on our website homepage to see all the different craft ideas.
We want to see your creations! Send us pictures of anything you create using these resources and we’ll share them online.
Qube - ‘Elements’ Online Exhibition
An exploration into the fundamental elements of art by Joanne Dale and Stefanie Gundlach. Online exhibition by these two local artists.
Visit www.qube-oca.org.uk/elements to see all the work and read a review by exhibition coordinator Mike Ingle.
Qube - ‘Creativity in Isolation’ Exhibition
Creativity in Isolation is online community exhibition showing what people have been making during lockdown. Over 120 pieces have been made so far during these challenging times.
If you would like to add a piece to the exhibition send Qube a JPEG image of your work, your name and title of work to art@qube-oca.org.uk
This could be anything from a painting, drawing, poem or short story to a film, photograph, knitted socks or even cake! All forms of creativity are welcome from all ages and abilities.
Amy Dawson ITU Nurse by Tara Lewis (Creativity in Isolation Exhibition at Qube)
 Shropshire Libraries - Arts Award Discover and Explore moves Online
Now available in both Discover and Explore levels, Shropshire Libraries’ Arts Award has moved online. You will create online portfolios through a secure web platform to complete their qualification.
Taking part in Discover costs £5 and Explore £20. This covers the moderation (for Explore) and certificates.
To support the Arts Award qualification, Shropshire Libraries Arts Award team have put together a package highlighting relevant e-books, e-magazines and arts and cultural websites which will be emailed to you on registration.
Contact www.ArtsAward@shropshire.gov.uk to register
Ellesmere Sculpture Initiative - 'Children Displaced by Conflict' Project
Dame Stephanie Shirley is a truly remarkable woman, an entrepreneur, billionaire, feminist, philanthropist and campaigner. She was also a 5 year old child refugee who, with her 9 year old sister Renate, escaped from Nazi Europe in 1939 on one of the kindertransport trains which rescued 10,000 unaccompanied children.
The text in this link - http://www.ellesmeresculpture.co.uk/dame-stephanie-shirleys-speech is an excerpt from a moving account of her experience as a child refugee that she was due to give at the 'Children Displaced by Conflict' Seminar in Ellesmere, Shropshire, on April 1st 2020. Ellesmere is close to Oswestry where she received her secondary education, so this was to be a significant return for Dame Stephanie invoking childhood memories.
The Seminar, which was unfortunately cancelled because of Coronavirus, was part of a project celebrating the work of another remarkable woman, Eglantyne Jebb who was born in Ellesmere and who set up Save the Children Fund in 1919. Ellesmere Sculpture Initiative organised the Seminar as part of their 'Children Displaced by Conflict' project and are presenting this excerpt from Dame Stephanie's talk as a contribution to Refugee Week, 15th to 21st June, 2020.
Little Lovelyland Library Story Time, Every Monday at 6.30pm
Join one of your Lovelyland friends and snuggle down for a bedtime story with some of your favourite books from the #lovelylandlibrary
The Lovelyland Library is hosting online story time every Monday at 6.30pm. You can access the stories via this link www.lovelyland.co.uk/events each story will stay up for 1 week so feel free to access it whenever is convienient for you.
If you are new to the Lovelyland Library don't forget to join our facebook page for more information.
www.lovelyland.co.uk/events and #lovelylandlibrary #lovelyland
 Arts Alive and Pentabus Theatre would like to invite Marches Creatives to their first online Rural Arts Salon
Wednesday 17 June 2020, 3-5pm
It's tough enough working in a rural area without being in lockdown! As artists/ organisations living and working in a rural context, we lack the opportunities of our urban counterparts to connect, to share ideas, plans and dreams.
The Rural Arts Salon is a chance to meet arts professionals working across Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Mid-Wales. To listen to others ideas, and to share your own.
Anyone who would like to present a short (3-5 minute) insight into your lockdown creativity, a post-COVID project introduction, or to give a provocation, please get in touch!
This Rural Arts Salon will be delivered online via Zoom. Please RSVP so that we can send you all the details you need to join this online gathering.
RSVP to info@pentabus.co.uk
Announcing the first High Sheriff Awards – message from Mrs Dean Harris:
I’m delighted to announce that we have launched the High Sheriff’s Awards for 2020/2021 and nominations are now open. These are designed to recognise individuals, charities and community groups from across Shropshire who have gone above and beyond to help others — not just in times of COVID. I’m searching for unsung heroes who deserve to be celebrated, so please spread the word.
The deadline is 31st January 2021 so there’s plenty of time to get nominating!
Please visit https://www.highsheriffofshropshire.co.uk/ for more details and to download the nomination form.
Understanding Trauma
Shropshire has free and unlimited access to the online ‘Understanding Trauma’ course until March 2021 (usually £45 each learner) – for all professionals with a work based postcode in Shropshire or Telford and Wrekin.
This is a 13 module course which could take up to 3.75 hours to complete, however it is not necessary to complete it in one sitting. https://solihullapproachparenting.com/online-trauma/
For any queries please contact the Solihull Approach Technical Support, available Mon-Fri 9-5, solihull.approach@heartofengland.nhs.uk or 0121 296 4448
 Free training on subtitling for arts and culture – StageTEXT has launched free videos to teach people working in arts and culture how to subtitle their own work. The training will "talk you through the huge audience who use subtitles, and most importantly, show you step-by-step how to start producing subtitles on YouTube's free platform."
Free 'Greening Arts Practice' guide – The guide, by Chrysalis Arts Development, is for freelancers and organisations who want to develop more environmentally responsible practice and brings together learning from over a decade of work, as well as case studies from a diverse range of artists. www.chrysalisarts.com/greening-arts-practice/
New national disability arts initiative launched #WeShallNotBeRemoved – An emergency response led by disabled people for disabled people working across the UK’s creative industries, with the aim of advocating, campaigning and supporting D/deaf, neurodiverse and disabled creative practitioners and organisations through and after Covid-19.
AMA Culture Hive – Guidance: Online working and online Safeguarding – www.culturehive.co.uk/resources/guidance-online-working-and-online-safeguarding/
Join the What Next? Steering Group – It has been driving critical work in navigating Covid and beyond for the arts and cultural sector. It is looking for up to eight new members for its Steering Group. Freelancers will be eligible for a stipend for this work. www.culturehealthandwellbeing.org.uk/news/general-news/join-what-next-steering-group
Coventry City of Culture Trust has partnered with Unlimited to celebrate disabled artists, connecting up arts sector organisations and individuals based in Coventry and the Arts Council England’s Midlands Area. Unlimited Connects Coventry – Monday 15th June – 2 to 4pm – Will be an afternoon of provocations, discussions and encounters, in a relaxed online environment. The event will consist of a panel discussion, chaired by Unlimited Senior Producer Jo Verrent, and will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions about topics raised in the session in break-out sessions. This event has BSL interpreters and captioning. www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/unlimited-connects-coventry-tickets-105810151010
Culture Bridge North East’s – Is pleased to announce that our annual cultural education conference, Imagine If, is going digital for 2020. We are seeking proposals for sessions to be delivered online during w/b Monday 2 November, under our Imagine If banner. This year's theme is "Imagine if… creative arts and cultural experiences gave children and young people the ability to share, understand and emerge from their experiences of the COVID-19 crisis". We welcome proposals for keynote speeches, workshop sessions, or small informal conversations, from contributors across the country. Please see the attached document for more details on the conference and on how to submit a proposal. Deadline for submissions is 9am on 22 June.
 National Lottery Community Fund – We have launched a £200m fund aimed primarily at small to medium organisations in England. The fund is part of the Government’s £750m financial support package for charities and social enterprises announced by Government on April 8. We'll distribute the Government funding alongside National Lottery funding, to support organisations to continue to deliver services to people and communities affected by COVID-19. www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/covid-19/learn-about-applying-for-emergency-funding-in-england
The Severn Trent Community Fund is reopening on 1st June – The programme will distribute grants of £2,000 - £250,000 for local initiatives that meet the following aims:
- People - Projects that facilitate healthier lifestyles and skills development
- Place - Projects that help create better places to live in and use
- Environment - Projects that facilitate a healthier natural environment, greater access to that environment or support the preservation of water
£5 million Loneliness Covid-19 Grant Fund – The government has launched a £5 million Loneliness Covid-19 Grant Fund to tackle loneliness during the coronavirus outbreak and period of social distancing. As part of this plan, national organisations working to tackle loneliness and build social connections are invited to apply for a share of the funding (grants between £0.5m and £1m), which the government is investing to help them to continue and adapt their critical work. www.gov.uk/government/publications/5-million-loneliness-covid-19-grant-fund
Doing Things Differently is newly introduced funding by Heart of England Community Foundation – Grants of between £3,000 and £20,000 are available to enable organisations to change the way they deliver their work to continue to meet the developing needs of their communities during Covid-19. This could include moving services to provide them digitally or redeploying staff to meet the changing needs of the community. www.heartofenglandcf.co.uk/doing-things-differently/
PHF/Comic Relief funding for developing digital solutions – The £230,000 Explore programme will offer charities a 12-week "learning journey to ... explore how digital technology could transform the ways they work. The programme includes grants of £5,000 for individual organisations, or £7,500 for collaborations."
Resourcing Racial Justice Fund – Providing financial support to organisations, community and grassroots groups that are working to redress the impact of COVID-19 and beyond on those who identify as POC. Deadline: 15th June 2020 http://resourcingracialjustice.org/
Virtual Network Funding – Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy works to empower cultural professionals from across the sector by supporting them to develop their practice and to find creative, entrepreneurial new approaches to fundraising. We believe that collaboration is powerful and that sharing ideas, building knowledge and developing new skills is key to the long-term resilience of our sector. https://artsfundraising.org.uk/networks-funding?mc_cid=d1f202a51c&mc_eid=0e22237a5d#?utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
Rising mental health issues in young people – The Royal Society for Public Health and Beetfreaks have both pointed to a rise in mental health concerns amongst young people during covid, based on surveys of 5,000 adults and 1,500 young people respectively. www.culturehealthandwellbeing.org.uk/news/general-news/rising-mental-health-issues-young-people
Creative England Announces New Funds for Screen Businesses
Creative England has confirmed the launch of two of its ‘Creative Enterprise’ business support offers.
The New Ideas Fund and Business Planning Support grants are now open to creative screen businesses operating in the English regions (outside of London), providing expertise and training to futureproof the next generation of moving image companies.
Following an initial phase in 2019, the New Ideas Fund has returned this year to provide small grants for creative entrepreneurs and companies working in moving image for storytelling. The scheme now offers increased grants of between £1,000 and £25,000 to support the development of new and innovative ideas that have the potential to impact an entrepreneurial journey and grow a business.
Through the Business Planning Support programme, Creative England will pay up to £5,000 to subsidise the cost of working with an expert to support companies with their business planning and strategy.
For both schemes, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, with no set deadlines.
 MAIA Group – Has announced two Open Calls bursaries of £300 for Midlands-based artists to think, reflect, plan or develop, and grants of £500 for UK artists responding to the theme of 'joy'. http://www.maiagroup.co/blog/keep-keeping-fund-amp-maia-commissions Deadline: Sat 30th May 2020, 12pm
Grain Photography Hub – Open Call Commissions – various opportunities. Deadlines 10th & 15th June https://grainphotographyhub.co.uk/portfolio-type/open-call-2020-commissions-bursaries/
R&D Bursaries for individual artists and small arts and culture organisations in the West Midlands – Arts Connect has repurposed its funding in order to invest in the cultural sector to innovate in their practice and in particular their digital work with children and young people aged 0-25yrs. Our plan is to deliver a range of interventions that will support individual artists and smaller arts and cultural organisations to use the next 6 – 12 months for research and development work including training. A key priority is that Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs) will benefit from the outcomes of the research and development work undertaken by arts and cultural sector learning and engagement professionals in the West Midlands. Successful applicants will be supported in connecting and working with their LCEP which we hope will support further growth and opportunity in your local area for children and young people. The R&D bursary should enable you to look at new ways of developing your artistic/ creative practice in relation to your work with children and young people. This could be through developing audiences, engagement or participation. We are particularly interested in ideas which link into a digital field or digital practice. For the funding criteria and how to apply please find the full details can be found on our website: www.artsconnect.co.uk/commission-thrive-research-development-fund. Application deadline: 5pm on Monday 12th June 2020
Pilot Project Call for New Online Media Offer for Young Europeans – This pilot project aims to engage with young Europeans by creating curated online spaces that gather thought-provoking content around themes and topics that are discussed at EU level. These spaces should allow them to compare perspectives from across Europe and empower them to discuss and discover how their interests link to interests of youngsters in other countries, and to relevant EU initiatives. Proposals should foresee selection and production of new content, to inform and engage young audiences across Europe in an open and constructive debate about recent and future life in Europe. Proposals must be submitted by 22 July 2020 (Midnight CET/CEST). www.grantfinder.co.uk/archive/pilot-project-call-for-new-online-media-offer-for-young-europeans/
Please forward this e-newsletter to interested parties. Apologies for any cross posting. If you have been sent this e-news by a colleague and would like to sign up to become a member of CCS and receive the e-news direct please email alexa.pugh@shropshire.gov.uk
Please note: this information has been forwarded to you because we think it may be of interest. We make every effort to ensure that any information that is forwarded is appropriate, however CCS (Culture Consortium Shropshire) can accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions contained in this e-news. Forwarding the creative sector opportunities does not represent any endorsement of projects or initiatives by CCS and readers should take their own steps where necessary to check the reliability of any organisations or projects featured.
If you are interested in any of the opportunities or events we ask that you get in touch with the relevant named persons, using the contact details within the text.
Get in touch
To find out more information about CCS, please contact: Alexa Pugh, member of CCS and Arts Development Officer, Shropshire Council. email: alexa.pugh@shropshire.gov.uk
Funded by