Please remember for all the latest on our services visit
Have your say on proposed boundary changes for the Borough
 The next stage of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) Review of Rushcliffe has launched and is seeking your views on the proposed changes to Rushcliffe Borough Council wards in the Borough.
Please view their report following the first stage of consultation which ran earlier this year.
In short it proposes:
- Council to stay at 44 councillors
- 21 new wards – four fewer than there are now
- More multi-member wards than currently
- Boundaries of most wards changing (three stay the same)
- Names of some wards changing
- Two town / parish councils affected (Bingham and Radcliffe)
To view an interactive map of the draft recommendations, visit the consultation area. You can view both the existing and proposed boundaries, search by area or postcode, and have your say. A non-interactive image of the proposed ward boundaries is also available.
The second stage of consultation asks for feedback on the proposals contained in the attached report in advance of the December 13 deadline. Final arrangements will be published on March 1, 2022.
Feedback on the proposals should be made directly to the LGBCE but if you have any questions about the process, then please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing
A reminder to everyone to keep testing this Autumn
 We're continuing to remind everyone to take a COVID-19 regular lateral flow test at home or at one of our Community Testing sites until further notice.
Remember if anyone has symptoms they should book a test.
A reminder anyone aged 16 or 17 can walk in for their COVID-19 vaccination at selected sites without needing to book an appointment. Locally to Rushcliffe the closest site is Queen’s Medical Centre.
Those eligible can also get a vaccine without an appointment and those who have had their first dose 56 days ago (eight weeks) can walk in for their second dose.
Locally the NHS are contacting those most at risk for COVID-19 booster vaccines to improve the protection from the first two doses. The NHS will contact individuals at the appropriate time on this.
For all enquiries on Vaccination appointments please visit Nottingham and Nottinghamshire’s CCG website.
For any questions, please email
Just days left to nominate your heroes for a Celebrating Rushcliffe Award!
 Residents and groups in the Borough have just days left to acknowledge their unsung community, sporting, business and health heroes in our community accolades, the Celebrating Rushcliffe Awards.
In conjunction with media partner West Bridgford Wire, it is celebrating the Borough’s wonderful volunteers, businesses, clubs, organisations, environmentalists, sports teams and athletes and the best of its health and wellbeing and food and drink sectors.
It will also be an opportunity to reflect on those that continue to play pivotal roles in the COVID-19 pandemic and how so many groups and individuals have played incredible parts in assisting Rushcliffe communities and local enterprise in times of need.
Nominations for the 10 awards close soon and can be made at until 11pm, next Monday October 18.
Winners will be announced and celebrated in a ceremony later this year.
The award categories are:
- Volunteer of the Year
- Business of the Year
- Young Person/Group of the Year
- Community Group of the Year
- Sportsperson of the Year
- Sports Team of the Year
- Food and Drink Establishment of the Year
- Health and Well-Being Award
- Environmental Group or Project of the Year
- The Pride of Rushcliffe Award
Free minor bike repair workshop in Bingham this Saturday
 Cyclists can get minor repairs on their bikes fixed for free courtesy of Dr Bike as part of a dedicated workshop in Bingham, this Saturday October 16.
Those wanting to receive the support can simply drop-in at The Buttercross on Market Street in the town at NG13 8AN from 8am to 2pm to receive advice and an assessment from qualified mechanics from the Dr Bike team.
We are hosting the session in conjunction with the provider as part of our wider bike safety work across the Borough.
For more information email
Find out the latest on new Rushcliffe Oaks crematorium
 Residents and businesses have another chance to view plans for Rushcliffe’s new crematorium, Rushcliffe Oaks.
Further information about the new facility and community space in Stragglethorpe near Cotgrave can now be found on its dedicated website or by picking up a leaflet from Cotgrave Hub, NG12 3UQ, during operating hours.
Many residents and stakeholders, including local funeral directors, attended our recent information event in September hosted by us to learn more about the project and share their thoughts.
We are seeking to be carbon neutral in our operations by 2030 and this is reflected at the heart of the design and thought process for the new facility.
An extensive landscape management plan has been developed for the project which focuses on retaining and enhancing boundary planting and a living roof on the single-storey building aims to reduce the visual impact from the surrounding area.
Rushcliffe Oaks development will focus on reflecting a connection back to nature and wildlife.
Through the use of innovative technologies and renewable energy sources, there are plans for a greener electric powered cremator rather than the more traditional use of gas, lowering CO2 emissions by up to 90 per cent and will be one of the first in the country to invest in this new technology.
Development is due to commence on site soon and it is anticipated it could open in Autumn 2022.
Rushcliffe Oaks will be operated and managed directly by us with potential opening hours of 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Bingham Arena and Enterprise Centre continues to take shape
 Bingham’s new greener and carbon efficient leisure centre and community centre continues to take shape on Chapel Lane in the town, set to be known as Bingham Arena and Enterprise Centre.
Partners Willmott Dixon as contractor and Henry Riley as external project managers are overseeing the £16m project with our project team here at RBC which is at the half way stage ahead of opening next year.
It’s with the support from key partners Parkwood Leisure, Bingham Town Council and funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.
The 5500sqm leisure centre development will be complemented by the adjacent offices comprising of premises for small to medium sized businesses over two floors that could create up to 90 jobs.
Set to open next year, it will aim to operate producing far lower levels of carbon in line with our Carbon Clever project in mind, setting an example for others to follow in investing in new infrastructure in the right way.
RCAN back our stance on low noise fireworks
 Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire (RCAN) welcomed our Cabinet's decision back in March to discontinue the use of loud fireworks at our events.
It was decided all future events will look to replace our celebrations with quieter alternatives to protect pets and residents with disabilities from the potential noise pollution they can cause.
With Bonfire night on the horizon, RCAN share our views now is a good time to remind and encourage residents in your parish and any external event operators you may be contracting for local displays, to consider a similar approach.
Those affected by loud fireworks can include people with sensory processing disorders, hearing conditions, post-traumatic stress disorder and with respiratory conditions such as asthma. In addition, loud fireworks affect pets, farm animals and wildlife.
We would also advise getting in touch with any local hospitality businesses or community spaces who often utilise fireworks at different times of the year. Whether it’s New Year’s Eve, weddings or religious celebrations, we would encourage businesses to let residents know if they are planning a display.
As an alternative, quieter fireworks are available from reputable sellers that focus more on colour and visual effects than sound, meaning they are less likely to trigger shock and anxiety.
You could also consider holding a light night and encourage residents to decorate their town or parish with lanterns to keep at home, bringing light into the darker days of autumn.
Whatever your community choose to do, we hope you have fun and here’s a little reminder from the website on timings of displays.
You must not set off fireworks between 11pm and 7am, except for:
Bonfire Night, when the cut off is midnight.
New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year, when the cut off is 1am.
Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire is passionate about bringing communities together if you want to find our how they can help your Local council then get in touch. Email or visit their website at RCAN – Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire
Find out more on Parish Council support for village halls
 Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire (RCAN) regularly works with both village halls and local councils and often comes across local parish and town authorities that wear both hats, as sole trustees of their village hall.
The venues are one of the major forms of community facilities in rural areas, providing a meeting place at low cost for a wide variety of local organisations and promoting community activities in general.
For this reason, the relationship between village halls and their local council is important as local councils play a key role in representing and meeting the needs of local people. The past couple of years have shown just how valuable and essential this relationship is.
With precept planning on the agenda, local councils can work with halls to ease the financial burden of running or improving premises, whether through maintenance or to support the community’s wellbeing by stimulating new community activities. There are several ways that you can help:
- Helping the governance of the hall by appointing a parish councillor onto the management committee, who can set a good example to others by participating actively at committee meetings and encouraging others to do so, offering practical assistance and reporting back to the council.
- Regularly providing funding for hall maintenance from the precept so that the management committee plan more effectively for both regular and intermittent expenditure.
- Providing capital funding towards repairs or extensions through loans and grants.
- Using the hall for committee or public meetings and recognising the need to pay a full rent.
- Helping to identify local needs through village appraisals or parish plans.
- Helping to develop new activities by arranging joint meetings or providing small pump priming grants to those who want to take ideas forward.
Whether or not local councils help financially, village hall management committees can find it impossible to carry on running the village hall. Rather than wind up the venue, management committees usually ask the local council to take over the management. A local council has power to do this, but it is under no obligation to do so.
If you would like to find out in more detail, the ways in which your local council can address the above issues. Please get in touch with Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire.
As ACRE Network members they have access to a wide range of information that can help. For more information email or visit RCAN – Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire
Beware of COVID pass fraud
 Over recent months there has been a significant increase in scams relating to the COVID Pass to steal money, financial details and personal information from members of the public.
Scammers are sending imitation text messages and emails as well as making fake phone calls posing as members of the NHS to offer fake vaccine certificates for sale online and through social media.
Remember that the NHS App is free. The NHS COVID Pass is free. The NHS will never ask for payment or any financial details.
Afghanistan Resettlement Programme
 We are working collaboratively with Government Office and other key partners to assist newly arriving Afghanistan citizens who qualify for assistance under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy.
We are working closely with key partners, including Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing and using existing networks via Nottingham City Council and Notts Refuge Forum to provide information and support to ensure successful integration into the community.
For those wishing to offer accommodation, follow the information on the government’s web pages.
Anyone can make donations such as clothing toys etc via Care4Calais, The Refuge Council and the British Red Cross who are appealing for donations and supporting many newly arrived families from Afghanistan. More locally, Host Nottingham are accepting donations for asylum seekers or refugees which may include assistance for Afghanistan citizens.
The list of donations being sought is:
Women's items:
- Tops
- Leggings
- Hoodies / warm tops
- Sportswear
(All sizes 6-18 nothing larger)
Men's Items:
- T shirts
- Jeans
- Joggers
- Jackets
- Trainers (sizes 8,9,10 and half sizes)
- Sportswear
(Medium and Large)
Underwear and socks for men and women (brand new in packets)
(Men’s pants Medium and Large - Women’s size 10 – 16)
Toiletries for men and women (unopened)
Shower gels, deodorants and body sprays
Extra items
Phones - unlocked, wiped and working and rucksacks and wheeled suitcases.
For more information and to arrange delivery, please email or call 07735 551 362 or 07986 012 013.
 Since 1924 Rural Community Action has supported communities across rural Nottinghamshire. They provide expertise and advice on:
Community planning | Transport and Access Support | Consultation and engaging the community | Health and Wellbeing | Economic Regeneration and funding |Regional Rural Policy
RCAN is committed to Raising the Rural Voice!
If you think you would benefit from RCAN’s membership scheme. Get in touch. Annual membership is just £95 + VAT.
For more information and an application form email or call 0115 6975800 or visit their website.