This is the seventh edition of our weekly update, which provides updates on actions being taken to address odour issues at Withyhedge Landfill in Pembrokeshire.
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In response to increased odour complaints this week, our officers have visited Withyhedge Landfill to gather further information in relation to the gas management system, which collects and treats landfill gas. Any fugitive emissions of landfill gas can cause off-site odours. Our report following the audit of the gas management system carried out in May is almost complete. Findings from further inspections this week will be collated alongside the findings of the audit and will inform our on-going discussions with the landfill operator about current and future gas management. We will be holding another meeting with the Directors of RML next week.
We have seen an increase in reports of strong odours being experienced this week, particularly at night.
On Wednesday 12 June, our officers carried out odour assessments between midnight and 5am, and detected strong landfill gas odour. They also gathered air quality data using the mobile Jerome monitoring equipment. The data has been supplied to Public Health Wales.
Landfill gas emissions will increase during colder weather and still wind conditions, such as those experienced on Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning. With less dispersion, the potential for odour to be detected is greater. These factors could have contributed to the stronger odours experienced at that time.
The times and locations of odour assessments are driven by reports we receive from the public. We urge people to continue reporting odours as soon as they experience them.
No new wastes have been observed being accepted for disposal during our compliance visits to the landfill since 15 May. Operator RML is continuing with their voluntary cease on waste entering the site while they undertake other measures to bring the odour problem under control. |
“Public Health Wales are close to finalising our current health risk assessment, based on air quality monitoring data provided by Geotechnology Ltd, under contract from RML. We hope to be in the position to share our findings with the community in the next week.
“In the meantime, our public health advice remains that residents should keep doors and windows closed when the smells are present, and to seek medical advice if they feel unwell.”
If you smell a strong odour you believe to be coming from Withyhedge Landfill, please report it to us at the time you experience it.
Odour reports continue to help us build a picture of when and where any odours are prevalent in the community. They also help us assess the impacts of the remedial action taken by the operator, and inform our response.