Final chance to call for a Fair Deal

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Final chance to call for a Fair Deal

Fair Deal for Nottinghamshire

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The Fair Deal for Nottinghamshire campaign petition closes on 31 March. It can be signed at

The petition is calling on the Prime Minister to rethink the huge cuts in funding for local Council services and review the policy of making the largest cuts in areas where deprivation is highest.

Only five County Councils in the whole country will see a bigger reduction in ‘spending power’ than Nottinghamshire County Council in the latest round of cuts to council funding, despite Nottinghamshire having some of the areas of highest deprivation in the country.

Despite already cutting more than £100m from its budgets and shedding 3,000 jobs since 2010, the Council's main source of Government funding, the Revenue Support Grant is being cut by a further 21% over the next two years.

This is equivalent to a £63 cut per resident in Nottinghamshire, double that of more affluent areas in the south of England such as Buckinghamshire (£29.84 cut per person) and Surrey (£32.74 cut per person).

Sign the petition online before 31 March -

The Fair Deal for Nottinghamshire petition will be handed in at 10 Downing Street by Councillor Alan Rhodes, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council this Spring. More than 3,000 people have signed the position so far - either online or paper petitions.

Nottinghamshire County Council approved more than £80m in cuts and 750 job losses at its budget meeting on 27 February this year. In total, the Council must save £154m from its budget by 2017.

Sign the petition online before 31 March -

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