Business Newsletter

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Business NK - COVID19

The Restart Grant is now closed for new applications

As of 23:59 on 30 June 2021 the Restart Grant closed for new applications and final payments are due to be made by 31 July 2021. With final figures yet to be confirmed due to ongoing applications going through our validation process, so far North Kesteven District Council has supported 584 businesses to the value of £4,311,376 through this scheme.

With regards to the extended 4 week period of restrictions, the Government have not issued Local Authorities with any additional funding to cover this period and NKDC have delivered 100% of our current discretionary Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) fund as of 31 May 2021. We have applied for our third and final top up and will look to announce future schemes in due course and will update businesses through our website and ongoing e-newsletter.

Coronavirus Job Retention scheme

From 1 July 2021, the level of grant will be reduced and employers will be asked to contribute towards the cost of furloughed employees’ wages.

To be eligible for the grant you must continue to pay your furloughed employees 80% of their wages, up to a cap of £2,500 per month for the time they spend on furlough. More information can be found here.

Business Lincolnshire Live

Business Lincolnshire Live (#BBLive) is a new series of live-streamed shows filled with ways you can boost your businesses. The series will cover a range of topics, from grant funding, business support and learning resources, for the different sectors operating within the Lincolnshire economy. For more information click here.

Peer Networks

Peer Networks is a national peer-to-peer networking programme for SME leaders that want to grow and develop their organisation for future success. Delivered locally by The Business Lincolnshire Growth Hub, they create diverse cohort groups of individuals to collaboratively work through common business issues.

Through interactive action learning, they enable you to discuss your own challenges, gain and reflect on valuable feedback and implement practical solutions to overcome them. The expert facilitators give you the flexibility to create a trusted support network that works for you, helping you to build and strengthen your business and improve its overall performance. Click here to find out more.

Free support for North Kesteven businesses

The Council offers the service of a Business Support Adviser, Phil Means. Phil can assist businesses and provide bespoke advice and support.

If you are in business and feel you could benefit from free business advice please contact him. Either call Phil on 07920 472671 or email

Are you on social media?

If so, join our Business NK group here or follow us on twitter. We share information, support and advice on each platform.

Events for the week ahead

06/07/2021 10:00-11:30 Integrating Facebook into your Business

06/07/2021 10:30-14:30 Setting Up A Website On A Budget

08/07/2021 08:30-10:00 Unlocking Finance for Your Start Up

08/07/2021 09:00-11:00 Knowing Your Stuff - Business Guide For New Food Businesses

13/07/2021 09:00-13:00  Smartphone Filmmaking: Create engaging video for business, PR and social media