Childcare Provider Newsletter

Information header

Universal Credit and childcare

Are any of your parents receiving Universal Credit? Now that the benefit is being rolled out more widely you may have parents in receipt of Universal Credit who are claiming help towards their childcare costs as part of their benefit claim. 

Please see the below article with tips on how you can support them to receive timely payments by setting out your invoices in the way the Universal Credit department needs.

‘Universal Credit is a welfare payment that is intended to simplify working age benefits and to incentivise paid work.

In August 2018 the government published their guidance for parents who are eligible for Universal Credit and need help with their childcare costs.

Parents may be able to claim back up to 85% of their childcare costs. This amounts to a maximum of £646 for one child or £1108 for 2 or more children.

To support parents with managing their online Universal Credit accounts to claim for these costs, childcare providers should ensure that their invoices and receipts have clear information. Parents are able to upload these documents to their accounts to process childcare payments.

Our local Job Centres dealing with requests from parents to receive the ‘childcare’ allowance are asking that childcare providers give their parents sufficiently detailed invoices and receipts showing payment has been made, in order to process payments for the families.

Childcare providers need to ensure that on the documents given to parents that these include:

Full contact details 

Ofsted URN 

Name of child receiving the childcare

Childcare hours that are charged for 

Dates invoice raised/ payment received    

Details on the documents must not be altered.

If parents are not able to provide all the required information, their payment may be delayed which can make it difficult to pay their childcare bill.

Hampshire County Council are trying to make sure that parents and childcare providers know about the support that is available through Universal Credit and how to apply for it so that they do not miss out. 

Example Invoice Format – issue on headed paper to include telephone number, email address and Ofsted URN, and personally adapted to suit the setting’s requirements’.

Example Invoice Format from a childcare setting.

What to expect, when?

Action for children Logo

Action for Children have produced a guide to the EYFS for parents called ‘What to expect, when?’

You can view a copy here.

Don’t forget to nominate your Parent Champions!

Parent Champions Logo

The Family Information Service are looking for volunteer Parent Champions to talk to other parents in their community about the benefits of funded Early Education whether that be Two Year Old Funding, the Universal 15 hours for 3 and 4 year old's or the 30 hours.

If you have a parent at your setting, whom you think would make a great parent champion please share the details with them as detailed in our latest Family Focus Newsletter or, ask them to call the Family Information Service on 01724 296629 or email

Training Courses and Workshops header

Introduction to home-based childcare

The next Introduction to Home Based Childcare course will begin on 30 January 2019 and is for anyone looking to work as a childminder, a childminding assistant or staff in a nursery or pre-school looking to further their knowledge in providing Early Years education and childcare.

Please see the poster below for more information.

Introduction to Home Based Childcare Poster - January 30 2019 session

Good practice workshop at Little Acorns


Good practice workshop at Little Acorns

The Enabling Environment: Supporting Children’s Communication, Language and Literacy Development  

This workshop focuses upon developing an enabling, stimulating and engaging environment in supporting children’s communication, language and literacy Development

The Key aims of this workshop are to be able to:

  • Explore communication friendly spaces and how these areas impact children’s communication, language and literacy development
  • Consider how to promote and develop a language rich environment
  • Consider how to set up provision areas to support children’s communication, language and literacy (CLL) development
  • Explore practical activities, experiences, resources for children in supporting their CLL development
  • Explain what a ‘Communication Trolley’ is and how this is used within the setting
  • Consider the importance of parent partnership and how this is supported and developed through practical ideas and suggestions
  • Consider the use of additional funding such as Early Year Pupil Premium in supporting children’s CLL development

The Good Practice Workshop will be held 6 February 2019 at 6.15pm to 7.30pm at Little Acorns Pre-school. This workshop is FREE! Please book onto this via the services for education website.


Preventing infections in schools, nurseries and childcare settings

Tuesday 26 February 2019, 9am to 1pm at The Learning Development Centre, Enderby Road, Scunthorpe DN17 2JL.

For further information or to book a place please contact Angela Underwood at

animated children fighting off germs by wearing masks, using swords and shields.
Preventing infections in schools, nurseries and childcare setting topics list

Paediatric First Aid

Paediatric First Aid Training Course - 2 Day Course

February 13 and 14 9.30am – 4pm

This 2 DAY course focuses on emergency scenarios that face those looking after young children and infants, including day nurseries, private nursery schools, pre-schools, before and after school clubs for children in the early years age group, childminders and carers of children at home.

This course meets the Ofsted Early Years and Childcare Register requirements.

Who is this course for?

This course is for people working with young children and those working towards an Early Years educator qualification.

What you will learn?

You will;

Understand the role and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider. Be able to assess an emergency situation safely.

Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child:

  • who is unresponsive and breathing normally, including child and infant resuscitation 
  • who is unresponsive and not breathing normally
  • who has a foreign body airway obstruction
  • with external bleeding
  • with injuries to bones, joints and muscles.

Understand how to administer emergency first aid to an infant and a child with a chronic medical condition or sudden illness:

  • sickle cell crisis
  • diabetic emergencies
  • asthma attack
  • allergic reaction
  • meningitis
  • febrile convulsions.

Understand how to administer first aid to an infant and a child:

  • who is experiencing the effects of extreme heat and cold
  • who has sustained an electric shock
  • with burns or scalds
  • who has been poisoned
  • who has been bitten or stung
  • with minor injuries, including cuts, grazes, bumps and bruises, small splinters and nose bleeds
  • with conditions affecting the eyes, ears and nose
  • with head and spinal injuries
  • with anaphylaxis
  • who is suffering from shock?

Understand how to complete records relating to illnesses, injuries and emergencies.

Course duration

Two days.

Assessment and certification

Practical skills are assessed by continuous observation by the trainer and there is a written assessment paper to check understanding.

Fees VANL Members £100    Non Members £110

For booking and enquiries email at  or visit the website

Want to deliver this course at your place? We are happy to do this get in touch to speak about it.

Voluntary Action North Lincolnshire

4-6 Robert Street Scunthorpe, DN15 6NG United Kingdom