Childcare Provider Newsletter

Childcare Provider Newsletter Header - Halloween Style

Welcome to this month’s edition of the childcare provider newsletter from North Lincolnshire Council’s Early Years and Family Information Service teams in which we bring you the latest information and advice for all those working in the Early Years and childcare sector.

Please share with all your staff and childminding assistants.

Green, orange and black information header

Definition of EAL and Recording Procedures

Tree with flags from different countries

Could all providers please be aware that when recording on documentation whether a child has English as an additional language the following definitions and explanations need to be taken into account.
Documentation includes all assessments (including 2-year check, also stating ethnicity), registration forms, and PAF forms.

EAL - The Department of Education definition

A pupil’s first language is defined as any language other than English that a child was exposed to during early development and continues to be exposed to in the home or community. If a child was exposed to more than one language (which may include English) during early development, a language other than English should be recorded, irrespective of the child’s proficiency in English.

EAL - The Ofsted definition

English as an additional language (EAL) refers to learners whose first language is not English.

Therefore please consider the following instances;

  • Children who have lived in the UK for a long time and may appear to be fluent, but who also speak another language at home.
  • Children who have been born in the UK, but for whom the home language is not English (e.g. Bengali children who are born in the UK, but arrive at school with very little English due to having spoken only Bengali at home and within the community)
  • Children who have a parent who speaks a language other than English at home and the child communicates with in that language (i.e. bi-lingual children)
  • Children arriving from other countries and whose first language is not English
  • Children who have British citizenship can still be EAL.

If parents write on their child’s admission form that the child speaks English as a first language, when it is clear that one or both of these parents is a speaker of another language, the child is very likely in fact to be EAL, and it will be necessary to check this.

Guide to using the Early Years Website

Guide to using the Early Years Website step 1Guide to using the Early Years Website step 2Guide to using the Early Years Website step 3Guide to using the Early Years Website step 4

Early Years Conference invitation

From the feedback gained and work we have been engaged in with over 100 Early Years Settings across Greater Lincolnshire during the past year, Bishop Grosseteste would like to offer you the opportunity to attend our Early Years Conference - details are below:

Early Years conference 2018
'Business and Beyond'
Saturday 24th November 2018
Bishop Grosseteste University (Longdales Rd, Lincoln LN1 3DY)
9.30am - 3.00pm

This Early Years conference held at Bishop Grosseteste University promises to be an inspirational, and highly practical event. It will provide excellent opportunities to hear from those professionals within Business and the Early Years sector.

It will also give you an opportunity to update your own professional knowledge by attending the various workshops on offer. As always, there will be plenty of ideas you can take back and implement in your setting almost straight away.

Conference aims
- To provide networking and collaboration opportunities
- To provide practical advice, ideas and support for delegates to take away from the conference
- To share current educational thinking and examples of effective practice
- Meet new suppliers and build your support network
- Tea, coffee and networking lunch

Programme for the day (but may be subject to change)
9.30am - Registration
9.55am - Conference welcome
10am - Keynote speaker - Dr Pat Beckley ' Philosophy into Practice' Contemporary Issues in Early Years
10.30am - Workshop 1 - 'Know your Business'
11.20am - Workshop 2 - 'Marketing your Future'
12.15pm - Lunch and exhibition viewing
1pm - Workshop 3 - 'Outdoor learning with forestry techniques'
1.50pm - Workshop 4 - 'Behavioural Management' - 'Confident Parents, Confident Children'
2.45pm - Conference summary
3pm - Conference ends

Target Audience

Senior and middle leaders of Early Years Education.

How can I book?
We only have 100 places available and will be booked on a first come first basis, so to make sure you have a place please email with the following details:

Tel No
Special Dietary Needs

Graduates/EYT Network

Wednesday 14 November 2018, 6.30-8pm, North Lindsey College

1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Training/Sharing Good Practice

3. Relevant CPD

4. Discussion – Challenges/Concerns

5. Feedback on CPD

6. Future topics

7. Any other business

8. Date & Time of Next Meeting: TBC

Training Courses and Workshops Header

Introduction to Home Based Childcare

The next Introduction to Home Based Childcare Course (IHBC) for childminders starts on Wednesday 30 January 2019. However, nurseries and pre-schools have often found the course to be a useful training opportunity for new members of their team.

Your staff are able to infill into the following IHBC sessions.

If you would like further information or to book a staff member on to a session then please contact:

01724 296650

Details of the date and times of the IHBC course topics - EYFS, Safeguarding and Play
Details of the dates and times of courses on the IHBC - Play and Learning and Observation, Assessment and Planning
Details of the dates and times of courses on the IHBC - Managing children's behaviour and SEND