In the community for the community
Better mental health care for Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington
January 2023 - happy New Year! |
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A look back - key highlights from 2022 |
Our ambitious programme to revolutionise mental health care is well underway and making great progress. We are continuing to transform how we work to help service users recover sooner and stay well for longer. This new approach is being carried out in consultation with service users, carers, local communities, health and care partners and others. By 2024, thousands more will receive care and ongoing support.
Since the start of the three year programme in 2021, colleagues and teams across BEH and C&I have been working collaboratively, to ensure projects and new initiatives are implemented well across the Partnership. Transformation within community mental health is moving steadily with each of the identified workstreams on track and achieving its main aims. Here we highlight some of those key achievements and successes as we take a brief look back at progress made in 2022.
- Wellbeing practitioners are now part of the mental health core teams for all service users to access. Wellbeing Practitioners provide holistic and personalised support to individuals, their families and carers, helping them take control of their wellbeing, live independently and improve health outcomes.
- Improved ‘front of access’ pathway (where our teams gather information and make decisions about which pathways to follow for different contacts and referrals) meaning a smoother and more co-ordinated access to services.
- Greater collaboration with Voluntary Care Sector (VCS) partners and colleagues, now with VCS workers available in the teams.
- We now have three Advanced Clinical Practitioners in place which has created closer collaboration and different ways of working between the Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and the Core Teams. Funding for these roles has come through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme.
- 18-25 pathway progression - we have taken on a specific Practice Development Lead whose role will be to ensure improvement processes are in place, focused on service user centred care. We now also provide a welcome pack to new service users explaining what they can expect from our service and including a wide range of information as well as contact information if they or their carers need to get in touch. We are also improving the way staff within the CAMHS service collaborate about each of the service users we support.
- The four existing teams in Haringey have now been reorganised into three Core Community Teams: East Core Community Team, the Central Core Community Team and the West Core Community Team. This aligns them with our GPs in the Primary Care Networks.
- New members of staff in each Core Team include Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) employees, and mental health specialists now working alongside GPs in their practices.
- All teams have fully moved into new locations and working well across the borough:
- The Central Core Team and Complex Emotional Needs Team have now moved into the Halliwick Centre at St Ann’s Hospital
- The West Core Team and East Core Team provide are now established and are providing services from the Lime Building at St Ann’s Hospital.
- Our Mental Health Practitioners are now embedded in GP Practices across Haringey.
Camden and Islington (C&I)
- Core teams went live in September meaning we now have complete coverage across C&I. Core teams are made up of a multidisciplinary team of consultant Psychiatrists, psychologists, population health nurses, peer workers alongside Voluntary Community Sector (VCS).
- Voluntary sector partners continue to work closely with us to deliver support including welfare rights, case management and working with our communities.
- Working closely with our system partners including GP’s, councils, voluntary sector to continue to develop and expand the new ways of working.
Feedback and thoughts throughout 2022
Knowing how we are doing across the programme is vital to make sure we’re getting it right and ensuring our service users, families, carers, staff and partners are involved every step of the way. Here are a few service user and staff case studies and quotes from last year showcasing how that collaborative approach is really starting to show results.
Haringey Voluntary & Community Staff keyworker - part of Core Community Team
“Following a referral we made arrangements so that we could communicate in the Service User's (SU) preferred language, speaking in Bengali which the SU said felt empowering. The keyworker learned that the source of anxiety and depression was due to a range of issues including the fact they had been denied Personal Independence Payments, they were not getting out much and they needed therapy to discuss concerns after surgery for mobility issues. Emotional and practical assistance was provided by helping with getting them on to the housing registry with Homes4Haringey. We also supported her claim for a blue badge and helped them to get a Freedom Pass. We also signposted her to Citizens Advice to obtain assistance and advice on which benefits to claim.”
Service users experience of new personalised care plans through Dialog+
Dialog+ is a new care planning approach, making it much easier for clinicians and patients to co-produce a personalised care and support plan and will replace the Care Programme Approach (CPA). Research shows DIALOG+ significantly improves quality of life and care experience.
"In my appointment, I talked about my challenging areas, I identified small actions to take before the next meeting… I agreed to contact a local recruitment agency who could help me update my CV and prepare for job interviews. This opened new doors.”
“Using DIALOG+ was brilliant, it helped me to identify, for the first time, the specific areas of my life where I was stuck and needed help. By breaking my challenges into manageable parts, I was able to identify actions and potential solutions. It has changed my life for the better”.
Enfield Older Adults Memory Clinic
“Many patients told us how difficult it was to get face-to-face appointments and had not had their follow-up ECG (Electrocardiogram). We were able to use the handheld device with patients in their car without them having to come into the clinic. It helped identify any issues and patients felt they were being cared for and listened to. It was also easy for them to use and less invasive.”
CMHT programme early events for the year
Enfield Borough winter wellbeing event – 19 January 2023, Green Towers, Edmonton
Following on from the success of our first Partnership-wide community event in September 2022, we are now holding more localised events, with the first one taking place in Enfield!
The event, which will be held at the Green Towers Community Centre, Edmonton, from 2-7pm on Thursday 19 January 2023, will be open to local people, stakeholders, partner organisations, service users, carers and their families.
It is an opportunity for people to meet face-to-face and ask questions, share knowledge and discuss what we are doing. It’s a chance to ensure we are participating in ongoing public consultation, providing evidence that we are listening to our communities by showing the progress made on key areas where they requested change. Staff and representatives from local partner organisations also have an opportunity to network as well as being on hand to hear any feedback from attendees – we can’t wait to see you there!
Barnet service users and carers celebration day – 20 January 2023, The Network, Hendon
The Barnet Service User and Carer Forum are inviting you to a celebration event!
The event, taking place from 2-4pm, will celebrate the success of the forum so far and will help us to think about how we can work better with our service users and carers in the future.
Join the community mental health teams for food, entertainment and creative workshops.
For further information, please email: jessica.lashko@nhs.net
Gary Passaway, BEH Managing Director had great pleasure joining a weekly social football programme in Tottenham. The programme is delivered by You vs You, (@youvsyoultd) a grass roots organisation that focuses on working with young people, those coming out of care and adults experiencing mental illness.
You vs You provides a positive approach to support the development of all young people. Their aim is to support people to have bright futures, enjoy fulfilling lives and realise their potential through positive relationships and exciting opportunities.
The social football programme started in March with financial support gained through an inequalities fund and is delivered in partnership with BEH, Mind in Haringey and The Bridge Renewal Trust. Anyone in the community can self-refer to join the programme, as well as those that are referred from community teams.
Read the full story here.
While we all wish for a positive year ahead, in reality, the effects of largescale global incidents are still impacting many. The price of energy, food and bills have continued to rise into the new year and some may still feel worried about finances and making ends meet. The five councils across the Partnership recently reviewed and relaunched programmes of support to help in a variety of ways. Local residents can find all the details on their local council websites below: |
Working alongside our BEH partner, Meridian Wellbeing based in Barnet, there’s a new programme just released for 2023, full of activities and sessions everyone can take part in. Below is just a taste of what’s new in the borough to start your new year with a ‘wellbeing’ bang! |
Stay Active & Connect – from Tuesday 10 January 2023
Each week a different activity will be available for all to enjoy. The first hour 11am to 12pm will include physical activity, followed by an hour 12pm to 1pm of light refreshments and an opportunity to socialise with others.
Time: 11am to 1pm
Venue: Meritage Centre
Registration for this activity is required. To register click here
Zero Waste Kitchen with Chef Vee – from Friday 13 January 2023
The organisation is delighted to be working with Chef Vee every week to deliver Zero Waste Kitchen. Chef Vee is a qualified chef with a big passion for good food and flavour, with minimum waste.
Time: 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Venue: Meritage Centre
Some of the areas covered each week include:
- Make a meal out of food you have at home and create your own recipe card
- Learn various new simple but rewarding recipes
- Learn how to batch cook, and save your energy utility bill by reheating a meal
If you are interested in signing up for Zero Waste Kitchen Sessions please click here.
Meridian Wellbeing produce a monthly newsletter – if you’d like to register to receive this, please email: donna.chan@meridianwellbeing.com.
London Careers show live at Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium
The recruitment team supporting our programme were invited to attend this special local event, which was packed with a variety of stands and exhibitors, over two floors. The stand, designed and fully branded as part of the wider ‘Someone Like Me’ campaign, attracted a non-stop line of interested applicants, for roles in our community transformation teams in Barnet, Enfield and Haringey. On the day more than 30 applications were received, covering a range of roles including administration, mental health support workers, administration managers, peer support workers and graduate psychologists.
Can you help with Bank shifts?
BEH Bank
Do you or someone you know want to work on Bank? There are a number of benefits and the recruitment team are always looking for additional support to cover absences or annual leave or even for short-term projects. Some of the key areas requiring a little extra support are administration, nursing, occupational therapy, and psychology. If you or someone you know would like to apply to work extra shifts via our BEHMHT Bank service, then get in touch with marie.oneill4@nhs.net for more details.
C&I Bank Working alongside NHS Professionals (NHSP), C&I Bank gives you the power to decide when, how, and where you want to work; supporting your lifestyle and making you feel part of the team and community. As a member, you’ll have fantastic benefits including competitive weekly pay rates, management of shifts on the go with access to the ‘My Bank’ shift portal, 24/7 support throughout the year and the chance to work across multiple locations. Find out more on the NHSP website or email michael.brock@nhsprofessionals.nhs.uk directly.
Online recruitment webinar for Occupational Therapists
An online webinar proved to be a success as a recruitment drive for OTs. The promotion was aimed at increasing the applications for these hard-to-fill roles. The Allied Health team has created and implemented an exciting new rotation for experienced OTs. Interested candidates now have the opportunity to choose from five service lines, with each rotation lasting eight months and applicants being able to choose three areas to work in for one full rotation. With five vacancies available, the webinar attracted 18 OTs which then led to four interviews. There is still one final place on the programme – if you would like more details or are interested in applying, please email marie.oneill4@nhs.net.
Let's Talk Carers is a new monthly support group bringing together an active network of Islington carers, along with local organisations that can provide support. It will provide Islington residents looking after a friend, partner or relative with:
- Access to a support network of fellow carers
- Information & guidance: carers financial support, cost of living support, employment, disability & mental health support
- Wellbeing support, an opportunity to get a break & try something fun!
Find out more in this information flyer. And if you need support from the Islington Carers Hub, run by Age UK Islington, please contact 020 7281 6018 / 020 7281 3319 or email: info@islingtoncarershub.org.
Each month, this new feature will shine a brief but bright spotlight on a colleague from the community transformation programme. You’ll get to find out about their role, their vision for the programme and perhaps a few fun, unknown facts about them too!
Name: Emelie Green
Title: Project Manager
Department/area/division: PMO
How long have you worked at the trust? A little over two months.
Tell us a bit about your role: I am a Project Manager for the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme. The projects I lead on are Community Mental Health Rehab and DIALOG+. The Community Mental Health Rehab teams work with patients to support their journey to recovery, including helping them to identify needs and strengths and setting achievable goals. DIALOG+ is the care planning approach adopted at BEH at the start of last year. We are continuing to roll out this new way of working across the trust as part of the London-wide initiative. I also provide support to the Community Transformation Programme Board.
What do you love about your job? The variation, I love working on different projects and when I start to see a project really take shape and progress. I also love getting to know different people. Both of the projects are fast paced and bringing real benefits to both staff and patients from what I have been involved in so far. I’m looking forward to seeing first hand, how these projects develop over the coming months and being part of initiatives and new systems making a positive impact on people’s lives.
What is not so good? It would really help a new starter like myself if all staff had email signatures, it’s hard trying to remember everyone’s roles and where they are based and that is crucial for project documentation.
If you could sit round the dinner table with your favourite celeb, who would it be and why? That’s easy…..Kevin Bacon! Because my favourite film is Footloose but I love any film that he is in.
What’s the best piece of advice you would tell your 13 year old self? To not dwell on things, tomorrow is a new day.
Where’s your favourite place to holiday and why? I’ve not actually been yet but I’m sure it will be Thailand, my husband and I are going in March on our honeymoon for 16 days. I’m so excited!
If you’d like to know more about Dialog+ or Community Mental Health Rehab at BEH, email Emelie directly: emelie.green@nhs.net.
Published by
Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, St Ann's Hospital, St Ann's Road, N15 3TH
Email: beh-tr.communications@nhs.net