Go Ultra Low Nottingham June Newsletter

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Welcome to your June Go Ultra Low Nottingham Newsletter

National Clean Air Day Logo

National Clean Air Day in Nottingham

The UK’s first-ever National Clean Air Day is a chance for the whole country to come together and improve air quality through collective action. Nottingham is taking part along with six other cities in National Clean Air Day - Birmingham, Derby, Greater Manchester, Southampton and Leeds along with various boroughs of London.

National Clean Air Day focuses on raising air pollution awareness and how it can impact health including impacts on children.

Nottingham will be holding various events across the city on the day and will host the Nottingham City Council National Clean Air Day workplace event at Loxley House.

All staff are welcome to come and join us in the Loxley House Atrium between 11am - 2pm on the 15th June to find out what you can do to take action on air quality in Nottingham and pledge your support for the day.

Other events taking place in Nottingham are:

National Clean Air Day at INTU Victoria Centre 10am -3pm

INTU Victoria Centre Nottingham will host a community event in conjunction with Global Action Plan (organisers of National Clean Air Day) and Nottingham Forest Youth Academy. Nottingham Forest Youth Academy will provide a fun day of football activities in the south of the centre, with a football shoot-out activity providing engagement and awareness of clean air day and the contributing factors of poor air quality in the city of Nottingham.

Healthcare event at the Queens Medical Centre

The Queens Medical Centre will be hosting an event for healthcare staff and members of the public.

Leave your car at home” - National Clean Air Day events at various Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust locations

Health trusts will be encouraging staff to leave their car at home, and giving employees incentives to use electric vehicles instead of conventional fuel vehicles.

National Clean Air Day at Dunkirk Primary School

A leading primary school in Nottingham will host fun activities based around lifestyle and behaviours to promote awareness and knowledge of poor air quality impacts and how to contribute to clean air in a school setting and environment.

For more information on National Clean Air Day please visit:


Nottingham Skyline Image

Air Quality Plan For Nottingham

A draft publication regarding the Governments approach to Air Quality was published on the 5th May 2017. The consultation runs through to the 15th June 2017.

Nottingham City Council along with the other four areas originally mandated as Air Quality areas in 2015, remain on the list. Additional local authority areas have been named based on revised national modelling assumptions.

A total of 75 areas (including Broxtowe and Ashfield) are listed as exceeding air quality limits in 2017. Out of these areas, 42 areas including Nottingham, have been highlighted as still being beyond limits by 2020.

The City Council have been investing in integrated transport (trams, buses, walking and cycling improvements as well as smart ticketing) which are all necessary components to reducing air quality. Through the Go Ultra Low Nottingham programme and the Clean Air Zone projects, tackling fleet vehicle emissions will help deliver compliance.

For more information on air quality visit: http://goultralownottingham.org.uk/latestnews/air-quality-need-improve/ 

Dynamo Electric Taxi

Low Emission Taxi's: the future's electric!

On Tuesday 6th June 2017 The Dynamo Motor Company (located in Coventry) were in Nottingham offering local taxi drivers an opportunity to view their new all electric, side wheel chair accessible 5 seater taxi.

The event took place at Nottingham's Victoria Embankment with a viewing of the new Dynamo zero emission Nissan Leaf taxi in its full glory. The Dynamo taxi is supported by the UK Nissan Dealer Network with fuel savings of up to 80% along with exceptional acceleration and performance, giving a smooth and silent performance.

Go Ultra Low Nottingham had the opportunity to view the Dynamo Taxi and believe that drivers can make a difference in choosing an electric vehicle to improve emissions in the city.

The specifications of the new model give a range of 100+ miles, rapid charge in 30 minutes or less and home charging in 4 hours or less. Test drives are available through Dynamo directly and can be booked through their website.

Nottingham Council House Image

Transport Practitioners Meeting

Nottingham is proud to host the Annual Transport Practitioners Meeting for the second year in a row! The meeting is the place for all transport planners, highway engineers and urban transport designers to meet over the course of the two days, enabling lively debates and the dissemination of the latest thinking across the profession.

This event will be taking place at the Nottingham Conference Centre on June 28th and June 29th. Nottingham City Council will be exhibiting at the conference and presenting on the Go Ultra Low Nottingham and Clean Air Zone plans. 

For more information or booking please visit the website.