Planning for growth on the Hoo Peninsula

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Planning for growth on the Hoo Peninsula

Medway Council has recently secured £170m of funding to deliver strategic transport and environmental projects on the Hoo Peninsula through the Housing Infrastructure Fund. This enables further development in this area that could help to meet Medway’s growth needs over the next 20 years. This potential growth could also be an important part of our development strategy for the new Medway Local Plan.

The council’s Planning and Regeneration teams are working on a development framework to guide how growth could come forward. This proposes a rural town based around Hoo St Werburgh and potential expansion of other villages. The work seeks to set a vision and key principles for managing change. The document will help as evidence for the Local Plan.

We have published a brochure introducing the proposals, which sets out the scale, ambitions and principles for potential growth on the Hoo Peninsula.

We are now consulting on this brochure, so that we can gather and consider views from local communities and key stakeholders before we publish the draft local plan for formal representations later this year.

Details of the consultation, including further information and how to submit your feedback are available on our website. The consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 17 April 2020.

For any queries, please contact the Planning Policy team:


Telephone: 01634 331629

Planning Policy  l  Planning Service  l  Medway Council

Gun Wharf  l  Dock Road  l  Chatham  l  ME4 4TR

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