Look both ways
Please take care when crossing Gower Street and Bloomsbury Street and remember to now...
look both ways for traffic and cyclists
There are a number of pedestrian crossings along the road which we would encourage you to use.
Today is the last day we will have stewards on site helping to remind you of the change.
Advice for cyclists
The road layout has changed so please
- take extra care
- take note of all signs
- watch for pedestrians and drivers who may not yet be used to two-way traffic
When using the new segregated cycle lanes on Gower Street and Bloomsbury Street please be aware of loading vehicles pulling in and out of the timed integrated loading bays.
Tottenham Court Road also has areas restricted to buses and cyclists only Monday – Saturday 8am -7pm.
TFL have quiet cycle routes listed on their website to explore these visit www.tfl.gov.uk/maps/cycle
Advice for motorists
The road layout has changed so please
- take extra care
- take note of all signs
- watch for pedestrians and cyclists who may not yet be used to two-way traffic
The new traffic restrictions in sections of Tottenham Court Road are now in place so please take extra care and time when moving through the area. You can view our travel maps to find the easiest way to make your journey.
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