New map available
A new map showing how you can travel on Tottenham Court Road from Easter until next spring is now available on our website.
All traffic will be able to continue to use both Tottenham Court Road northbound and Gower Street southbound with no restriction during this time.
The new southbound lane on Tottenham Court Road will be buses and cyclists only 24 hours a day until the completion of the project in spring 2020.
Loading bay and taxi rank access
All loading bays and taxi ranks on the southbound lane of Tottenham Court Road will be accessible. Vehicles using these should turn from the northbound lane. All vehicles leaving the loading or taxi bays will need to exit north.
Don't forget buses will be changing
All buses which currently serve Gower Street and Bloomsbury Street will change to Tottenham Court Road over Easter. All bus stops on Gower Street / Bloomsbury Street will then be closed.