How are we doing?
We would love to hear your views on how well you think we are communicating with you and what you think of the finished areas on Tottenham Court Road.
We've created a short 10 question survey on our website on what you think about the project so far. The deadline for feedback is the 31st March 2019.
Tree removal in Princes Circus
As part of the works to Princes Circus we are removing two trees in the area. These are the two large trees which are within the gated park at Princes Circus outside the Shaftesbury Theatre.
Notices have been affixed to the trees and the removals are scheduled for the 27th January. A road closure will be in place during the removals, with a short diversion route.
We are planting new trees across the project area including nine mature trees in St Giles.
 Bus stop suspension and cycle lane closure
We have currently suspended one bus stop – bus stop C on the western side of Tottenham Court Road. We have a temporary bus stop in place outside Planet Organic (pictured) which is approximately 90m north of the original site.
The following buses use this location – 14, 24, 29, 134, N5, N20 and N29.
The cycle lane from Tottenham Court Road into Howland Street is also closed while we undertake work in this location.